big dry son-in-law

Chapter 766 Finally meeting Master Wang

Chapter 766 Finally meeting Master Wang
"Please give me your instructions, Chief Manager!" Su Yingao didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​struggling.

When Nan Fan started trouble, Qin Mo shouldered the heavy pressure on his own. What was the result?
San Zhan pushed Nan Fan to the ground and rubbed him.

They made the heavy thunder cannon more portable and can be fired anywhere.

Apart from Namba Kyo, there are no tall castles in the Japanese island country.

Even if there were, it would be difficult to resist the bombing.

How could he allow others to sleep soundly beside the couch? He knew that Emperor Daqian would not tolerate such a thing.

"I also brought Sugako Sugako back. He is not well-behaved and likes to cause trouble. I plan to support Sugako Sachiko to become the female Japanese king. What do you think?" Qin Mo asked.

After Su Yingao was untied, he knelt on the ground and said, "Princess Sugako is the most noble eldest princess in Dahua. If she can come here, she will definitely bring peace to the two countries!"
This is also what all the subjects of the Japanese island country expect. "

"Then do you have any good ideas?" Qin Mo asked again.

"The Ono family is willing to work hard for the general manager!" Su Yingao said.

"Okay, then you can go with Takeda Gouyu."

Su Yingao is still quite prestigious in the Japanese island country. Such a person's defection will be a heavy blow to Xiaode.

Not long after Su Yingao was defeated, three thousand reinforcements arrived, and they also brought the latest situation of other armies!

Qin Mo looked at the urgent report and kept nodding, "Okay, Xiao Dou and the others have done a good job. After capturing Danbo, there is no need to worry about Queen Danbo.

Sanbo and the others also did very well. They almost wiped out all the elites of Echizen Country and Mino Country, and it was easy to win these two countries. "

He circulated the emergency report to others, and everyone was excited.

There's nothing more exciting than winning a game.

"They are so powerful, we can't fall behind. Leave 500 people to garrison, and the others will prepare their equipment. We must capture the dining hall today!"


Everyone agreed one after another, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

At this moment, the scout came to report, "Report, General Manager, there is a group of cavalry coming from the front, no less than 500 people!"
We are coming in three miles! "

Qin Mo frowned, "Coming from the direction of Shansuo City?"

"Yes, coming from that way." said the scout.

"Why are there only a few hundred people? What's the use of this little cavalry?" Li Shengli said in surprise: "Advanced troops? They shouldn't be."

"No matter how many there are, if we occupy Daran City, there is no way we can defeat it with just a few hundred people.

Get your mountain guns ready and ready to bombard! "

There are at least [-] landmines planted at the gate of Daran City. If they dare to come, they will never come back!

Qin Mo went up to the city wall and looked ahead with a telescope.

Not long after, dust billowed not far away, and a group of cavalry galloped through the dust.

Ma Xiao quickly gestured, and everyone became alert.

At this time, Li Shengli said: "General Manager, do you think this pair of cavalry looks familiar?"

"Does it look familiar?" Qin Mo asked.

"They seem to be wearing our official uniforms!"

"I know, this must be the plan of the Japanese people!" Dou Yiai gritted his teeth and said: "The people from Honglukan are in Namba Kyo, how can they still fly out.

It must have been people from Japan who took off their clothes to confuse us! "

"Sheng Li, don't let them fire yet!" Qin Mo said: "Take out our flag and see what happens to them!"

"Hurry, there is Daran Cheng ahead. Let's speed up. After passing Daran City, we will not be far from Wakasa Country!" Yoshikotsuki said.

Gao Biao was extremely tired. Even the scouts who had been traveling all year round could not bear this level of forced march.

He looked towards Dali City and saw the soldiers on the top of the city. He quickly shouted, "Quick, let's go to the edge. Dali City is full of defenders!"

He was nervous.

At this time, the call of an official from the Honglu Pavilion came from behind, "Deputy envoy, look quickly, is the flag flying at the top of Da Ran City the military flag of our Da Gan?" Everyone stared at it, and they were overjoyed at the moment, "That's right. It’s the military flag of our Daqian army, and it’s the flag of the Thunder Army!”

The Thunder Army is different from other teams in Daqian. It is a new unit. Most people cannot recognize the flag of the Thunder Army.

But they recognized it.

"Deputy envoy, it's Master Wang!"

Many people's eyes were red. They rebelled against Yoshi Kotsuki, left Namba Kyo at night, and fled for more than 100 miles. They endured too much pressure and fear.

Seeing this familiar military flag, they burst into tears.

"Don't be careless!"

Gao Biao is still very vigilant. Although he doesn't want to think about things in the worst possible way, he must be responsible for everyone.

If you run into the enemy's trap, you're doomed.

"Quickly, take out the flag of Honglu Pavilion!" Gao Biao said quickly.

Most of the things in the Honglu Hall were burned, but the Honglu Hall flag and the Daqian dragon flag, which symbolized Daqian, were kept close to them.

Gao Biao opened the flag, and the bright flag was extremely eye-catching.

"It's the flag of Honglu Hall!" At this time, Li Shengli on the city wall was overjoyed. "There is also the flag of Daqianlong. The general manager is indeed from our Daqian Honglu Hall!"

"Quick, wave the flag!" Qin Mo still did not relax his vigilance.

Until this group of cavalry stopped in front of the city gate and shouted to them, "Which team are you on?
I am Gao Biao, the deputy envoy of Daqian stationed in the Japanese island country. Please tell me my name quickly! ! ! "

"Gao Biao?" Qin Mo took out his telescope and took a closer look. He was really Gao Ren's clan brother.

He was overjoyed and quickly asked Dou Yiai to speak.

Dou Yiai had a loud voice, almost shouting: "I am Dou Yiai, this is the vanguard force, and the leader is the marching general manager, Qin Mo!"

Hearing this, everyone below burst into tears.

"General Manager, it's me, Gao Biao, Gao Ren's clan brother!"

Gao Biao got off his horse excitedly, and everyone else also dismounted and walked towards Dran City.

Yoshikotsuki also breathed a sigh of relief, great, finally found Master Dagan.

Moreover, it is also the headquarters of the general manager.

"Quickly, open the city gate and welcome them in!"

Qin Mo hurriedly went down the city wall, and Gao Biao led the team into the city. When he saw Qin Mo, he immediately knelt down on one knee. He wanted to be cool, but when he saw Qin Mo, he couldn't hold back his tears. "Gao Biao, see the chief manager." !”

When he went to sea, it was the sea that Qin Mo sent them to.

Now, it was Qin Mo who came to pick them up.

"Quick, get up!"

Qin Mo quickly helped him up.

However, other people in the Honglu Pavilion also bowed down and said, "See the Chief Steward!"

"Brothers, get up quickly!"

Qin Mo couldn't help him, so he had to say: "It's okay. Now that we are here, everyone is safe!"

"We are safe!"

Hundreds of men cried like children when they heard this.

Everyone who saw it felt sour for a while.

This shows what kind of experiences they have experienced along the way.

"Quick, Shengli, go prepare something to eat!" Qin Mo took Gao Biao's hand, "Tell me, how did you escape from Namba Kyoto!"

(End of this chapter)

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