big dry son-in-law

Chapter 767 The big turtle

Chapter 767 The big turtle

Gao Biao told the general story, focusing on Yoshikotsuki's loyal actions.

If you talk about how you instigated them to rebel, anyone who hears it will feel uncomfortable.

After hearing this, Qin Mo was secretly glad that fortunately last year he let Gao Ren leave with the white phosphorus grenade.

Otherwise, this time, we will be served in one pot.

But even so, his ability to instigate rebellion against Yoshikotsuki was incredible. He gave a thumbs up and said, "Awesome!"

Dou Yiai also patted Gao Biao's shoulder, "Okay, burning Namba Capital and evacuating the Honglu Hall people is amazing!"

Others also looked at Gao Biao with admiration.

Gao Biao said with a look of shame on his face: "This is all the Chief Manager's precautions. He asked us to carry white phosphorus grenades as envoys, otherwise we would not be able to escape at all.

And Brother Jishi turned from darkness to light. Those three brothers who took the lead gave us hope of life. They are the real heroes. "

Jishi Kotsuki on the side looked at Qin Mo and felt a little uneasy in his heart. Although he was far away in Japan, Qin Mo's reputation had already spread throughout Japan along with Su Yingao.

When the first large fleet came, there was a story about Qin Mo leading the Thunder Army and defeating the Southern Fan in three battles.

It is said that Daqian also has an army that can fly in the sky.

It sounds like a fantasy.

But he knew better that Qin Mo treated the Japanese people very badly.

"Eat first, you guys will stay in Daran City for a while. I will take people to pick them up. The officials who killed me, Da Qian Honglu Hall, must be repaid with blood."

With that said, Qin Mo looked at Yoshikotsuki, "You are the greeting envoy in Wajima Kingdom, right?"

"Yes!" Yoshikotsuki's heartbeat was inexplicable and he quickly handed over his hand.

"Don't be nervous, I admire you very much. Daqian will never treat any friend badly!" Qin Mo patted his shoulder, "In this way, you won't be called Jishi Xiaotsuki from now on. You are a Japanese and Japanese. Called Ji Xiaogui.

Kyrgyzstan is also one of the surnames in Dagan. Tsukitoshi turtle is a symbol of auspiciousness in Dagan. Baxia also looks like a turtle and can carry the weight of mountains.

I hope you can be a great turtle! "

Gishi and Kotsuki were very excited. Guitar knows that it is one of Dakan’s ancient surnames.

The meaning of the little turtle is also very good.

He quickly knelt down and said, "Little Turtle, thank you, Chief Manager!"

Qin Mo nodded, "The Japanese warriors who came with you should also be incorporated into the camp, and they will be called the naturalization camp.

I allow you to wear dry clothes, speak dry words, and perform dry salutes.

After the battle is over, I allow you to go to Daqian! "

Gao Biao also breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Qin Mo would disagree.

"Thank you, Chief Manager!" Ji Xiaogui couldn't help but kowtow. It was done, and he won the bet this time.

From now on, he will be a distinguished Dagan man.

No more dwarfs.

Qin Mo saw that he was so excited, but he felt disdain in his heart. Wouldn't it be nice to let Ergouzi bite the dog?

Use Japanese to rule Japanese, and Japanese island countries will always have to send people to govern them in the future.

These naturalized pioneers are the best knives.

They were ruthless, even more ruthless than Daqian soldiers.

"General manager, please let our naturalization camp accompany you when you attack the dining hall this time!" Ji Xiaogui knew very well that if he wanted to completely gain a foothold and be reused, he must make meritorious deeds.

"You are very promising!" Qin Mo casually pulled out Dou Yiai's knife and threw it to Ji Xiaogui, "Hey, I'll reward you!"

Dou Yiai was stunned, "General Manager, this is mine."

Ji Xiaogui hurriedly took the knife. As if he had found a treasure, he put the knife on his head and said excitedly: "Little turtle will live up to the great manager's love!"

After eating and drinking, Ji Xiaogui said: "General Manager, to attack the dining hall, you don't have to enter through the main entrance. The dining hall is connected to Pipa Lake. The most time-saving and labor-saving way is to take a boat from Pipa Lake to the east of Dalan City.

Shansho Castle is a water city that draws water from Lake Biwa. A surprise attack from behind will definitely capture Lake Biwa in one fell swoop!

Moreover, Takatoku had already ordered to mobilize troops from Ise and Kii to Omi to join Sasaki Tsuno.The Kinai Five Guards guard Namba Kyo, with a force of at least [-].

The best way is to seize the dining hall and annihilate the reinforcements of Sasaki Tsuna and others. Otherwise, once the troops are sent to Namba Kyo, they may be in danger of cutting off their retreat! "

Qin Mo quickly asked someone to bring the map. After Ji Xiaogui's analysis, it turned out that this was indeed the case.

If the elite of Jinjiang Kingdom cannot be eliminated, thousands of them will be dragged into the quagmire.

Now that there is a war on three sides, the combat power is very tight, otherwise he would not allow the people in the fleet to fight together.

"Little Turtle, you are good. This plan is very good. Let me give you a credit first!" Qin Mo thought for a while, "Shengli, you take 1000 people and fifty thunder cannons and take Little Turtle to the dining room.

Find those hiding Korokan officials and invade Zensho Castle. I will lead an army across Lake Biwa and take Hikone Castle directly! "

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

"Little turtle, does Daran have a boat?"


Qin Mo quickly sent people to the lake, and sure enough he found one or two hundred small boats on the lake.

With these boats, getting to Hikone Castle is quick.

Qin Mo brought fifty mountain artillery pieces, four thousand elites, and one thousand Japanese troops.

Ma Xiao was in charge of Dara, and Li Shengli took Ji Xiaogui to Shansuo City.

In terms of level, the dining room is one level higher than Dara City. After all, it is the throat city of Namba.

Li Shengli mainly focused on intruding and confusing them. If he could defeat them, he would hit them. If he couldn't defeat them, he would delay them.

However, there were not enough ships in Daran, so Qin Mo could only order rafts to be built on site.

They are all water masters, experts in playing with water. Once in the water, it feels like going home.

The ship is fast.

It takes more than two hours to walk overland from Daran to the dining room.

It takes about the same time to take the waterway from Daran.

Soon, the land of Inugami County was in sight, and the mountain artillery had been set up.

Close to the shore, there is no one defending it.

The landing site was relatively remote and secluded. This was also the route contributed by the surrendered soldiers of the Japanese island country.

Qin Mo ordered that the troops of the Japanese island country should go ashore first, so that if there are any traps, they can also avoid lightning.

If you encounter Japanese soldiers.

Qin Mo didn't even need to say anything, these naturalized soldiers from the Japanese island country started ruthlessly.

"Hey, these people are pretty ruthless!"

Qin Mo didn't show any mercy. He visited the memorial hall and suffered from insomnia for several nights when he came out.

Forgiving them is the Buddha's business, not his Qin Mo's business!

At this time, it was almost dusk.

Sasaki Tsune was also very anxious. He received a letter from Namba Kyo, and His Majesty the Emperor ordered that Genmitsu Kiyoshi and Yamauchi Shoto Sutoshi lead 1 people to support.

Taking into account the time, it's time to arrive.

But I waited left and right, but couldn't wait for anyone.

Before that, he had also received requests for help from Echizen and Mino. The Dagan people killed [-] elites of the two countries in one battle and were afraid that they had already invaded the country of Mino.

Omi is bordering Mino.

At this moment, another samurai came to report, "Report, House Supervisor, the remnants of the Mino Kingdom have fled to Asai County. According to the letter, the guardian of the Mino Kingdom, Toki Yorisada, has died in the battle!"
The Echizen Kingdom was guarded, Asakura Keike was captured alive, and the Mino Kingdom has fallen under the iron heel of Okan! "

"Kusou (damn it), why can't you stop these losers!"

Sasaki's scalp was numb. Counting today, it was only the second day!

Even six thousand pigs would take a long time to kill, right?
(End of this chapter)

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