big dry son-in-law

Chapter 768 Hikone Castle is destroyed

Chapter 768 Hikone Castle is destroyed
When he thought of Daqian's army, which was across a lake in Daran, only an hour or two's waterway away from him, he panicked.

He recruited everyone Omi could recruit, even the elderly, and he had people cut bamboos to use as weapons for them.

Not for anything else, as long as these people can delay for a moment or two at the critical moment.

"Report, Governor, reinforcements from Ise and Iga have arrived outside the city!"

This is probably the best news Sasaki has heard.

He quickly took people out of the city to greet him.

"Master of the Genmitsu family, Master of the Shuto family!" Sasaki Tsuna walked out quickly and hurriedly welcomed the two into the city.

"How is the battle going?" Yuan Guangqing asked after entering the city.

"Hey, Mino Country has fallen, and Echizen will probably fall soon!" Sasaki said bitterly, "The Ogan people landed at Wakasa Port and swept Wakasa that day.

The samurai sent to inquire said that all the young men in Wakasa were captured to serve Princess Sachiko Soga.

Princess Sachiko Soga and Ji Er really prepared a consort, and even raised the flag to ask the Emperor to go and admit his mistake to Emperor Dagan! "

Hearing this, both of them were stunned, "Daganren has such an insidious plan!"

Yamauchi Shoto Sutoshi said angrily: "She is a princess, how can she say such a thing?!"

"The Dagan people have grenades and light thunder cannons with a range of more than 100 feet. Let alone getting close, they were blown up as soon as they showed up!" Sasaki Yuzhi's voice was a little desperate, "No matter how tall the city wall is, They can't stand up to their weapons.

With overwhelming momentum, they cut off the communication between the north and south of the Japanese island country. "

"Head of the Sasaki family, don't destroy your own prestige and increase the ambition of others. No matter how powerful they are, they only have tens of thousands of people.

We in Great Britain have hundreds of thousands of elites.

No matter how powerful their weapons are, are there no limits? "Yuan Guangqing frowned and said: "They are just sneak attacks, relying on the power of weapons. As long as they are held back until the army gathers, they will definitely win.

After this battle, the world must see how powerful Da Ying is! "

Yamauchi Shoudou Sutoshinori said: "It's getting late now, the best way is to attack at night. This is our home field. Let's sneak to Daran City while the night is dark.

No matter how powerful their weapons are, they can only scatter them randomly when no one is in sight!
The Dagan people are not invincible. If they were really invincible, Gaoli would not have been able to exist for so long! "

"The head of the Shuto family is right." Genmitsu said: "We brought more than 1000 people this time, including the Ise navy and I, the ninjas of Iga!
As long as we can defeat them and capture their weapons, we can also imitate them! "

Each of them said something to each other, and gradually persuaded Sasaki's outline, "Okay, then we will attack at night, capture Daran City in one battle, and drive Dagan's army out of Omi Kingdom!"

As he said that, he picked up the wine glass and said, "Come, let me toast the two heads of the family!"

The three of them smiled at each other and were about to drink.

'Boom' with a loud bang.

The eardrums hurt from the vibration.

Sasaki Tsune hurriedly yelled: "Where did the noise come from?"

"Reporting to the Governor, a large number of soldiers appeared out of nowhere outside the city. They are attacking the city now. It seems that there are also some people from our Japanese island country."

blah blah blah!

The wine glass in Sasaki Tsuna's hand slipped, "How is this possible? What do those scouts do for food!"

They were really afraid that something might come their way. They made a plan to attack Da Ran at night. They didn't even drink wine when Da Gan's people came to fight.

"Quick, go up the city wall!"

Yuan Guangqing's scalp was also numb, and the continuous explosions outside were terrifying just to hear them.

The three of them hurried towards the main gate of Hikone Castle.

It was found that the top of the city was full of corpses, and many houses in the city were set on fire.

"Family Governor, the Dagan people are too fierce, they can't stop them at all!"

"It was dark and we couldn't see them. We could only shoot based on our feelings, but we couldn't hit them at all!"

"Some people rushed over. They spoke in the Japanese language and asked us to surrender. They seemed to be our soldiers from the Japanese nation. Should we fire arrows or not?"

"Shoot the arrow, what are you waiting for!" Sasaki Outline said angrily: "Those people must be Dagan people pretending to be here, and their purpose is to confuse us!"

"Yes, House Governor!" There are 1 people in Hikone Castle. With the help of Genmitsu and Yamauchi Shoto Sutoshi, there are more than 2 people at this time.

Torches were lit, lighting up the sky.

A hundred feet away, Qin Mo watched the rammed earth city wall being blown down bit by bit.

A group of people on the city wall will die.

This is the benefit of advanced weapons.

What they are least afraid of is siege warfare.

Even the Riyue Mountain Pass can't hold it, let alone this small earth city.

"Go, send people to lay mines and blow up the city gates!"

Dou Yiai led the advance troops, sandwiched among these Japanese soldiers, and took advantage of the chaos and ran towards the city gate.

Dou Yiai placed a package of explosives weighing more than seven or eight kilograms at the gate of the city, lit the fuse, and started racing like crazy.

Qin Mo said that the power of this explosive pack was at least ten times greater than when he conquered Sun Moon Mountain.

You have to run fast, otherwise you will be affected!

Dou Yi was about to run out of his lungs when he heard a shocking loud noise from behind.


Invisible air waves blew up the dust on the ground.

The earth is shaking.


"Stupid Kai Tai!"

This explosive charge directly knocked down the city wall, and the gate was also torn apart, making it difficult to form an obstacle.

Qin Mo drew out his sword: "My sons, we are right in front of you to kill the enemy and make great achievements. Charge!"

The infantry pressed in and saw a large number of Japanese soldiers emerging from the broken city gate.

The mountain artillery shelled them so hard that they didn't even have a chance to call for help.

"Quick, these thunder cannons have a long range, but they can't be used at close range. Rush over!" Yamauchi Shoto Sutoshi discovered the weakness of the mountain cannons and said angrily: "Kill a Dagan man and reward him with ten gold!"

Hearing this, the Japanese soldiers howled.

The cavalry charged, but Mo Daopui was already waiting for them.

Two thousand soldiers strung their bows and arrows.



Arrows pierced the sky, then fell, attacking them indiscriminately!
The killing net composed of mountain artillery and arrows harvested the lives of Japanese soldiers one by one.

"There are quite a few people there. It looks like reinforcements have arrived!" He knew all the population and troops stationed in the Japanese island country.

This is the benefit of intelligence. You can analyze it based on the intelligence and make the most beneficial adjustments in a timely manner.

"Press over slowly!"

Under the net of fire, the cavalry simply couldn't charge forward.

Qin Mo, with his army, was approaching bit by bit.

Within a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the city gate and the army rushed in.

They put away the thunder cannon, took out the grenades and white phosphorus grenades they carried, and threw them at them.

Hikone Castle is not that big, and its narrow streets are home to grenades and white phosphorus grenades.

Sasaki Yuzuru, who lost his courage after being beaten, said, "Run away, run away quickly, the Dagan people are not something we can resist!"

(End of this chapter)

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