big dry son-in-law

Chapter 769 What a coincidence, you are here too!

Chapter 769 What a coincidence, you are here too!

The eyes of Minamoto Mitsukiyo and Yamauchi Shodo Sutoshi were dull.

Hikone Castle was captured before even a stick of incense was available.

This is the first city in Omi.

"Family Governor, I can't stop you anymore, Da Gan people are too scary!"

"They are devils and they have the devil's weapons. They are not something we can resist!"

The grenade exploded in the dense crowd, killing an unknown number of people.

The most terrifying thing is the white phosphorus grenade. Sometimes one grenade can burn to death 30 or [-] people, which is particularly terrifying.

"Come on, rush on!"

No matter how Yuan Guangqing shouted, or even took out a knife and killed a person who was leading the escape, it was difficult to contain the collapse.

Yamauchi Shoto Sutoshi said: "Escape quickly, it will be too late if you don't escape."

They also used rockets, but they were easily blocked by the Dagan's shields.

Their rockets couldn't even penetrate the Daganren's armor, so how could they hit them?
The equipment is too different!

The Dakan people broke into Hikone Castle with zero casualties, as if someone was inside the castle to support them.

Yamauchi Shoto Sutoshi was confused. Is this the strength of Dakanren?
The army was defeated like a mountain.

More than [-] people were trembling under Daqian's blade.

"Quick, don't let anyone run away!" Qin Mo urged loudly. The fire had already lit up the sky of Hikone City, and all the enemies were under their noses.

They stepped on the bodies of the dying Japanese soldiers and trampled them to death without any need for finishing blows.

Dou Yiai led his men and ran to the rear city gate first, cutting off their escape route.

"Baga, you want to escape. Have you asked grandpa?" Dou Yiai looked at these bereaved dogs and sneered. He took out a special grenade in his hand. This was a large grenade that he specially asked the Thunder Army gunner to make. Just one pound.

He is very strong and can throw very far.

Light one and throw it into the crowd.

"Get out!"

Saw the explosive charges falling.

They were almost scared out of their wits.

However, there were too many people, and they ran around like crazy. They couldn't squeeze through at all, and they just pushed people to the ground.

Hundreds of grenades fell into the crowd.

Suddenly, the world was quiet.

Especially the special large grenade Dou Yiai threw, which exploded and caused limbs to fly everywhere.

"I feel good!" Dou Yiai exhaled.

"Surrender quickly. We are the subordinates of Princess Yukiko Soga. Xiaode does not respect Emperor Dagan. The princess specifically requested Emperor Dagan to send troops here to bring order to the chaos.

Surrender without killing, don't make unnecessary sacrifices, put down your swords and lie down on the ground."

Hundreds of Japanese island nations surrendered their troops and spoke loudly in Japanese.

Hearing this, many people put down their knives and lay on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, others followed suit, lying on the ground and not daring to move.

Dagan people really don’t throw away grenades.

"Get up, get up quickly, those are all lies from Da Gan!" Yuan Guangqing said angrily.

Sudō Sutoshi Yamauchi even drew his sword and slashed repeatedly, "There are no people in our country who live lying down, only ghosts who died in battle!"

"House Governor, we want to live!"

"The Dagan people are not something we can resist. Look back, we are the only ones left!"

Someone was kneeling on the ground and begging.

Sudō Sutoshi Yamauchi suddenly turned around and found that the ground was covered with broken limbs and bodies burned by fire.

The stench was disgusting.

Looking at my own people again, this short street is full of people.

There are only about 6000 people alive.They didn't even have time to escape before they were blocked by Da Gan people.

"Surrender!" Sasaki Outline was not a revolutionary to begin with. He and Su Yingao were good friends, and he had a natural fear of Daqian.

He dropped the knife and fell to the ground.

Genmitsu Kiyoshi and Yamauchi Shoto Sutoshi looked at each other, extremely helpless.

They were so afraid of the Dagan people that they couldn't even lift their knives.



The sound of countless knives falling to the ground was heard.

They lie on the ground.

Especially those ninjas, who had just risen in Iga, were almost wiped out by Da Gan's army.

"General Manager, they surrendered!"

Qin Mo said: "Don't be careless, let them climb to the open space, where is Su Yingao, let him recognize the person!"

"General manager, the minister is here!" Su Yingao hurriedly ran from behind.

"Didn't you say that Guardian Omi is your friend? I'll give you a small credit for persuading him to surrender!"

"Yes, Chief Manager!"

Su Yingao quickly stepped forward and walked into the Japanese soldiers.

This battle extinguished all his confidence in Japan.

Such a big attack is not something that the Japanese island country can resist.

"Brother Sasaki, I am Su Yingao, where are you?"

Su Yingao shouted loudly.

Sasaki Yusei was slumping at the moment. Hearing Su Yingao's words, he was also stunned. When he looked up, he saw a familiar person coming and shouted quickly: "Brother Ono, here!"

Su Yingao is from the Ono family, and Xiaoye is his surname. Only very good friends will call him that.

"Brother Sasaki!" Su Yingao was overjoyed and walked over quickly, "Great, I thought you died in the battle!"

After helping Sasaki Tsubasa up, Sasaki Tsubasa asked: "Brother Ono, have you surrendered?"

Su Yingao said bitterly, "We can't resist the great army. You don't know that Echizen, Mino, and Tamba have all been captured."

"It's too fast, and I don't even have the qualifications to resist!" Sasaki Tsuna watched helplessly as the city wall collapsed in front of him. He would remember that scene forever.

"They plan to support Princess Yukiko Soga to come up, which means they have no plans to capture the Japanese island country. The Dakan people just want to save face.

Stop making unnecessary sacrifices. Su Yin said in a high-pressure voice: "Many people have surrendered. The conservatives will definitely take the opportunity to criticize His Majesty the Emperor. The defeat is certain."

Sasaki Tsuno nodded, "I listen to you!"

"Let's go, throw away all the weapons on your body, and I'll take you to see the chief marching officer of Daqian!" Su Yingao pulled him away and started to leave.

Sasaki said: "Wait a minute, Brother Ono, there are also the heads of the Genmitsu Kiyo family and the Yamauchi Shoto Sutoshi family!"

Su Yingao was stunned and looked in the direction of Sasaki's finger.

Aren't those two people lying on the ground the guardians of Iga and Ise?

Several people looked at each other, terribly embarrassed.

"You two, what a coincidence, you are here too!" Su Yingao was a little embarrassed. Looking at it this way, the elites of Iga and Ise are also here. The elite soldiers of these two countries are among the best in the country.

Yuan Guangqing even cursed her.

What a coincidence!
But after cursing in his heart, he still laughed and said: "Send the envoy, long time no see!"

"I haven't seen you for a while!"

Su Yingao smiled awkwardly, "Well, why don't you come with me to see the chief manager?"

What else could the two of them say, since they were both defeated like this, they still got a slap in the face.

He quickly got up, cupped his hands and said, "Please send an envoy to take care of me!"

(End of this chapter)

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