big dry son-in-law

Chapter 771 Peace talks?no way!

Chapter 771 Peace talks?no way!
At this time, inside the city of Shansuo.

The elder brother of the ancients has already arrived here with a peace negotiation team.

“The Dakan people are unstoppable, Wakasa, Echizen, Mino, Tanba, Tango, and the six kingdoms of Tajima have all fallen.

A blockade and suppression has been formed against Kinei.

Under the banner of Princess Sachiko Soga, they waged war against Japan and gained a firm moral foothold.

If we continue to fight, we will lose the hearts of the people. Although we are not opposed to proclaiming emperor, we do not support public proclaiming emperor.

Da Qian is too powerful, and Da Ying has existed as a vassal state for hundreds of years. To rashly proclaim emperor is undoubtedly rebellious! "

But Seng Min said: "I don't agree. If His Majesty hadn't proclaimed himself emperor, the prince could only be called prince. The difference of one word is a huge difference.

Anyone can question His Majesty, but as the Crown Prince, you cannot. If such words spread, they will be heard! "

The elder brother of the ancients smiled and didn't care at all. He had already gained momentum. If he wanted to, he could take people to Feiniao and divide the rule with Xiaode.

If it hadn't been for his strong support, how could Xiao De have ascended to the throne?

He just didn't want to add insult to injury and lose his righteousness at this time.

"Wrong is wrong, the people of Dagan don't care about this. They supported Sachiko, and the Emperor of Dagan also canonized her as the Queen of the Japanese Island Kingdom. From a legal perspective, we lost.

We don't have the upper hand in morality or law. I'm afraid that in the next step, even Guo Zuo will be taken over by others! "

The words of the ancient elder brother left both Sengmin and Gao Xiangxuanli speechless.

Zhongchen Lianzu, who came with the elder brother of the ancients, echoed: "The two doctors studied abroad as scholarly monks in the past, and they should know far better than us how terrible Daqian is.

Why is it that now, when Da Qian has conquered six kingdoms with overwhelming force, he can't see clearly?
To put it bluntly, if one day the country is gone, how can you two maintain your current character? "

Indeed, now the Dagan people have arrived at the doorstep, just like a dream.

If you continue to hold on to unrealistic illusions, you will inevitably be killed.

Now it is time to give in and let the Dagan people stop, so that the two countries can get back on good terms.

In ancient times, when the eldest brother became emperor, his virtue was definitely no worse than filial piety.

Seeing that the expressions of the two men were relaxed, the elder brother of the ancients said quickly: "You two are highly respected doctors of the country. They are well-informed. If you know that something cannot be done but insist on doing it, it is a way to die.

I hope you two can help a bunch of orphans and save Daying! "

The two of them looked at each other, but they were still a little unsure. If they could defeat Da Gan, there might be a chance of improvement.

Thinking of this, Seng Min said ambiguously: "His Royal Highness, you are serious. We all came to the dining room for the same purpose, which is to stop Da Qian and restore harmony between the two countries!"

"That's right, even if His Royal Highness doesn't say anything, we will do our best!"

The two of them sang together, which made the elder brother a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, Sanada Fuji ran in from the outside and said in a panic: "Your Highness, it's not good, a large number of people are here to besiege the dining room!"

The elder brother's face changed drastically and he stood up hurriedly, "How many people are here?"

"There are no less than three thousand, and they have already set up a formation outside the city!" Sanada Fuji also felt helpless, "How did Guardian Sasaki do it? Didn't His Majesty already order Iga Ise to assist? How come the Dakan people dare to come? This way?"

Nakatomi Kamatashi took a deep breath and said, "It seems that something happened over Hikone, otherwise it would be impossible for the Dakan people to bring a large group of troops to attack Shansho Castle."

A thought flashed through Sengmin's mind, "Doesn't that mean that Omi Kingdom is about to fall?"

Thinking of this, he felt numb.

Once Omi falls, Dakan's army can directly take Namba Kyo.

A group of people hurried up to the city gate, and the ancient elder brother asked someone to shout, "General Daqian below, please stop, our Japanese island country has no intention of becoming an enemy of Daqian."

We are willing to negotiate on any terms, please stop! "

Li Shengli, who was about to order someone to fire, heard this and said, "What the hell?"
peace talks?

Talking about peace is nothing!Cheng Sanbao and Dou Yiai visited several countries in a row, so he drank some soup but didn't get a bite of meat.

After finally leading the team out, he opened his mouth to talk about peace talks?

Ji Xiaogui frowned and said, "General, do you want to hear what they say?"

"No, it's just a fool's errand. What if it's their plan? I guess they're stalling for time. Don't pay attention to them!" Li Shengli analyzed it and said, "Come on, fire!"

Bang bang bang!
The shelling resounded through the night sky.

The ancient elder brother in the city was frightened by the loud noise.

"Your Highness, please retreat quickly. The Dagan people have no intention of peace talks!" Zhongchen Kamazushi pulled the eldest brother of the ancients and left.

Shells fell into the city and set many houses on fire.

But the dining room is a water city, and the most indispensable thing is water.

Sanada Fuji was also helpless, "No matter how we fight, Dagan people won't even come close, they can attack us from a distance."

"If they stay behind closed doors, I don't believe they can cross the moat!"

There are [-] elite soldiers in Shansuo City, and relying on the strength of the city wall, they will definitely be able to defend it.

"Quickly, let people punt and leave, and go to Namba Capital to report the news!"

Nakatomi Kamazu said.

"By the way, we need to send someone to guard the back gate in the north of the city. Be careful of Dagan people sneaking up from behind!" Sanada Fuji said, patting his head.

"I don't think there are many of these people. If they are a large force, they must be over [-].

There must be people in Daran City. Sasaki Outline combined with Iga and Ise has 2 people.

There was no way he could be defeated so quickly. " said the elder brother of the ancients.

Hearing this, everyone felt a little relieved.

But what followed was frustration.

It was obviously their home ground, but it was embarrassing to say that they were attacked at night.

In the final analysis, they were too afraid of the Dagan people, and coupled with the legal principles of becoming emperor, they were untenable morally.

In fact, they are also betting that Daqian will not be serious.

In addition, the Daqian people were doing business and setting up Honglu Pavilion, which made them forgetful for a while. Even Xiaode was a little complacent.

But the result?

But he gave them a head-on blow.

Like a thief who stole a chicken, he was caught by the owner as soon as he plucked the feathers.

Several people were restless in the city, and the sound of explosions made them anxious.

"Report, the Daganren's thunder cannons are too terrifying. There's no way anyone can stand on top of the city!"

"Report, the Dagan people have put the ladder against the city wall and are preparing to attack the city by force!"

All the news that came was bad news, and there was no good news.

"Report, His Royal Highness, Yoshikotsuki has shown up. He has surrendered to Dakan and is currently trying to persuade him to surrender outside!"

"Report, Your Highness, the Dagan people have stopped attacking!"

Cuisine Kotsuki!

The elder brother of the ancients punched the document, "This traitor and lackey has defected to Daqian. If he hadn't provided cover for the people in Daqian Honglu Hall, and with these protons in hand, the Guhe peace talks were almost certain, how could he be so uncomfortable!"

Compared to Da Gan people, they are more cruel to these idiots!
(End of this chapter)

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