big dry son-in-law

Chapter 772: Capture them all alive!

Chapter 772: Capture them all alive!

Ji Xiaogui stood at the foot of the city, holding a loudspeaker in his hand, "Lord Sanada, surrender, the Daqian Heavenly Soldiers have arrived, any struggle is in vain.

Stop making fearless sacrifices. The King of Daqian came to the Japanese island country to eradicate the traitors.

He was filial and immoral, claiming to be emperor and dragging the Japanese island country into the quagmire.

Princess Yukiko Suga, please report to His Majesty the Emperor Daqian to bring order out of chaos.

Ji'er really prepared a consort and asked Ying to be the general who put down the rebellion.

Wakasa, Tanba, Tango, Echizen and other countries surrendered to the king one after another.

Takeda protects, Hatano protects, and the heads of the Ono family all surrender and worship under the princess.

King Daegan will not invade the Japanese island country, but will let the princess ascend to the throne and become a new generation of Japanese kings. "

This sound spread into Shansuo City, causing the expressions of those present to change.

Especially the elder brother from the ancient times was even more embarrassed.

If Sugako really comes to power, then who is he?
Isn’t it possible that there will never be a chance to come up in this life?
So why is he working so hard to negotiate?
Sengmin and Gao Xiangxuanli looked at the ancient elder brother, saying that even if Xiaode died, the Japanese king would not have his turn.

The one I want to be loyal to is Sugako.

Both of them felt lucky that they didn't defect.

Nakatomi Kamazu gritted his teeth and said, "This good lord, Kotsuki, is a man who has forgotten his ancestors!"

But no matter how fierce he scolded.

These soldiers were demoralized.

All of them were crestfallen and speechless.

He ran to cheer him up, but no one paid him any attention.

"The Dagan people are too scary, we are no match!"

"We, the Japanese island country, are originally a vassal state of Daqian. Why do we want to proclaim ourselves emperor?"

"Yes, it was us who was wrong in the first place. Since it was a mistake, why should we increase casualties?"

Someone in the crowd complained, and then everyone's dissatisfaction erupted.

Coupled with Yoshikotsuki's words, their inner defenses were broken.

Even their princess felt that the emperor was wrong. It was the princess who asked Da Gan to send troops, so why are they still struggling?
Wouldn't it be better to just follow Da Gan?

"Open the city gate and let them in. We won't fight!"

"Yes, open the city gate. Their weapons are too terrifying. I don't want to be blown into a ball of rotten flesh!"

There were stumps of limbs and broken arms on the city walls, and blood was flowing down the steps.

They didn't dare to go any further.

"Your Highness, stop fighting. Since the Dagan people have no intention of occupying us, surrender. Don't make any more fearless sacrifices."

They knew very well that they would only die, and these princes and ministers would not die.

"Shut up!" Sanada Fuji roared.

At this moment, Yoshikotsuki shouted again: "Surrender, Master Dagan will never kill those who surrender indiscriminately.

Open the city gate and let Master Wang in! "

At this moment, the man guarding the bridge couldn't stand it anymore, "I don't want to die, I want to live. Why fight a battle that can't be won!"

The city gate's mechanism was pressed, and the thick iron chains continued to rotate.

The wooden city gate creaked.

"Damn it, who put down the city gate?" Nakatomi Kamazu cursed, but it was too late.

There was a loud bang, and the chain was stretched as tight as possible.

After a burst of smoke, the soldiers dropped the knives in their hands on the ground. They separated a path and knelt on both sides.

The leading city gate guard shouted loudly: "We have surrendered, please come in, Lord Daqian!"

As soon as the words fell, thousands of people shouted in unison: "Please come in, Master Daqian, we surrender!"

Li Shengli outside the city was dumbfounded.

Why, after two hundred rounds of artillery fire, Yoshikotsuki shouted a few words from a loudspeaker, and they surrendered?
He was ready for a strong attack, but before he was ready, these people surrendered?
He suddenly became confused and said, "Little turtle, isn't this a fake surrender?"

Ji Xiaogui was actually a little uneasy, but the city gates were all opened, which was a great achievement.

The dining room is the throat of Namba Kyo. If you lay down the dining room, Namba Kyo can be taken down at any time.

With this credit, he can hold his head high in front of the chief manager.

"I'll take the people in right now!" Ji Xiaogui gritted his teeth, summoned a hundred soldiers from the naturalization camp, and ran into the city.

But what happened after entering the city made him dumbfounded.

He saw that Sanada Fuji, Sengmin, Gao Xiangxuanli and others were all tied up.

He glanced around and saw Nakatomi Kamazu and the elder brother Guren again.

He trembled all over, and then burst into ecstasy. Doctors, ministers, and crown princes, what kind of great achievement is this!

At this time, Asai Sanada, the deputy mayor of Shansho Castle, stepped forward and said, "Welcoming envoy, I have captured the rebellious ministers and traitors, please welcome us to take them in!"

"Asai, you are a sinner of the world!" Sanada Fuji never expected that the Asai family would stab him in the back at this critical moment.

"Master Daigan is here. Isn't it clear at a glance who is the sinner?" There are five main factions in Omi, among which the Rokkaku clan is the first, the Kyogoku clan is the second, followed by the Kuchiki clan, the Koga clan, the Asai clan, and finally the Kuchiki clan. Second.

The Dagan people came and the Japanese island country was facing a reshuffle. This was a good opportunity to dominate Omi country. How could he let it go.

"You" everyone glared at Asai Sanada.

Ji Xiaogui laughed and said: "Okay, Master Qianjing, if you abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side, I will definitely report your achievements to the chief steward and the princess. The chief steward will not be stingy with rewards!"

"Xie Jishi welcomes the envoy."

"My current surname is Ji, which is the ancient surname given to me by the chief steward. My name is Xiaogui, which means longevity and something I can rely on!"

With that said, Ji Xiaogui waved his hand, and the people behind him pushed these people out. He took Asai Sanada's hand, "Let's go, I will take you to see General Li!"

When Ji Xiaogui brought Brother Guren and the others over, Li Shengli was in a state of confusion. "Xiaogui, do you think this is the crown prince of your Japanese island country?"

"Yes, he is the eldest brother of the ancients, the crown prince conferred by the filial piety emperor!" Ji Xiaogui cupped his hands and said immediately: "This is Asai Sanada, the one who abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, lowered the city gate and caught these people!"

Li Shengli smiled from ear to ear. This was even worse than capturing the dining room.

However, he was still worried and glanced at Gao Yong.

Gao Yong said: "It's true, this is the crown prince who was canonized by the puppet emperor Xiaode."

"Okay, okay, you all have merit. The chief manager will definitely reward you!" Li Shengli put his heart back in his stomach and took these people into prison. Li Shengli led a large group of people and entered the Shansuo City in a mighty manner.

After entering the city, it turned out that Qiu had done nothing wrong as Ji Xiaogui said.

Even these surrendering soldiers discovered that there were many Japanese soldiers in Da Gan's team.

Li Shengli waved his hand and directly included these people into the naturalization camp.

But there were more people, so it was classified as the second naturalization camp.

After these Japanese soldiers were collected, they immediately found their direction.

It has to be said that Ji Xiaogui is very eloquent, and Gao Yong has made a lot of promises to them. They all want to take out their hearts to prove how loyal they are to Da Gan!
(End of this chapter)

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