big dry son-in-law

Chapter 774 I don’t want to be the king of a subjugated country!

Chapter 774 I don’t want to be the king of a subjugated country!
"Quick, quick, attack the city!"

Qin Mo led his army to Namba Capital.

On the city wall, the lights are brightly lit.

He stopped a hundred feet away from the city gate.

There is a stone cannon on Namba Kyoto, which can be thrown from a distance of [-] to [-] feet. If you get too close, you will be killed.

Hundreds of mountain cannons lined up.

Before they could fire the cannon, the gates of Namba were opened wide and five thousand cavalry rushed out.

These five thousand cavalry are almost all the elite cavalry of the five Kinai provinces.

A large number of soldiers holding shields also rushed out.

"Mo Dao soldiers, get ready!"

"Archers get ready!"

"Bombardiers at the ready!"

"Thunder Army, prepare, fire!"

This is not the first time Qin Mo has fought. He has killed as many as eighty Japanese dogs in his hands.

This kind of scene is still far different from the scene of Nanfan riding out of the city.


One hundred thunder cannons adjust their angles and implement three-stage coverage to ensure the lethal coverage area.

The Mo Dao soldiers were ready, and the swords in their hands were already hungry.

The cavalry was very fast and rushed over in twenty seconds.

Although many cavalry were killed and the team was in chaos, more than a thousand people still rushed over.

They are completely filling the muzzle with human lives.

"Archer, let go!"

Whoosh whoosh!
Two thousand archers, plus the archers from the naturalization camp, there are 7000 people.

Arrows shot out all over the sky.

The same is the three-stage attack method.

Thunder cannons and arrows formed an airtight killing net, killing the incoming cavalry and shield soldiers in a mess.

"Bombardier, let go!"

A thousand bombardiers stepped forward and threw the grenades ten feet away with all their strength.

Boom boom boom!
The remaining cavalry were blown up and turned upside down.

Bodies were lying on the ground, and Qin Mo didn't even know they had the courage to take the initiative.

The Japanese island nation held back more than 2 cavalrymen, and five or six thousand were wiped out along the way. Adding this together, the average Japanese cavalry force of the Japanese island nation may have been lost here.

He had read a lot of information in his previous life. During the Tokugawa Shogunate era, there were only 3000 or [-] cavalrymen. In that world, the population of Japan was [-] million.

Currently, the Japanese island country only has 500 million people, a gap of several times, and cannot afford too many cavalry.

Mo Daobing didn't even have much chance to take action, so he watched the cavalry being wiped out before his eyes.

"Press in slowly!"

Qin Mo ordered and slowly advanced the distance.

The crushing of hot weapons against cold weapons is so cruel.

Su Yingao knew that Namba Capital had no future, so he immediately ordered the soldiers of the naturalization camp to charge and attack the city!
More than ten thousand soldiers from the naturalization camp rushed over.

Qin Mo called Dou Yiai, "Xiao Dou, take some people and explosive packs to blow up the city gate. Bring more. We don't have enough mountain artillery ammunition.

The walls of Namba Kyoto are too high and too deep to be blown open by mountain cannons.

The only solution is to blow open the city gate. "

Dou Yiai nodded, and he would do whatever Qin Mo said without any compromise.

He called a hundred soldiers, followed the soldiers from the naturalization camp, and rushed over.

With the cover of thunder cannons, it was also fierce on the city wall, with countless casualties.

Xiaode sent tens of thousands of young men to the city wall and asked them to serve as cannon fodder, roll logs, throw stones, and pour gold juice under the city.

The stone cannon ejected dozens of stones of different sizes, hitting the rushing soldiers of the naturalization camp.

"Quickly, close the city gate!" Suga Xiazi said angrily.

The heavy door was closed, and the remaining Japanese soldiers outside the door had no way to retreat and could only fight with them.

In order to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, Qin Mo asked the soldiers in the naturalization camp to pull off the sleeves of their right arms, so as not to stand too chaotically and kill or injure their own people without distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy.

The two sides collided, and blood immediately flowed into a river.

Namba Kyo-mae has almost become a meat grinding ground.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, the cavalry failed to charge out. The weapons of the Dakanren were too strong and they couldn't attack them at all!" Abenemaro's voice changed. "Why close the city gate and continue to let them in? Pile people on top!" Xiao De said angrily.

"Your Majesty, it's useless. Once a collapse occurs, there will be nothing left to do!" Soga Ishikawa Maro's mouth was filled with bitterness.

He knew that Da Gan was strong, but he didn't expect him to be so strong.

It didn't take more than two quarters of an hour to defeat more than [-] people.

There are more than 5000 cavalry inside!
"Report, the Dagan people have already attacked the city!"

"Report, Dagan people are climbing the city wall!"

"Report, Your Majesty, the city wall is broken, and Daqian's cavalry has rushed into the city!"

One after another bad news came in, and the whole of Namba was in chaos.

Especially the last message made Xiao De spit out a mouthful of blood, "Hurry up and hold on!"


The sound of explosion became clearer and clearer.

Abenamaro said: "Your Majesty, run away quickly!"

"Escape? Where can I escape? There is no way out!" Xiaode smiled miserably, "I don't want to be the king of a subjugated country!"

Qin Mo jumped on his horse and entered Namba Capital.

After Dou Yiai blew open the city gate, everything settled.

The pressure of the past few days was all released at this moment.

"Invade Namba Kyo and capture the old dog Takatoku alive. Don't let anyone from the royal family go!"

Qin Mo was galloping in the streets of Namba Kyo.

That kind of thing will never happen again.

Just think of it as a gift from yourself to them!

The day is getting brighter.

The Namba Kyo rebellion also gradually subsided.

Of the [-]-strong army, more than [-] were killed, and the remaining people no longer had the courage to even lift their swords.

They were kneeling on the ground, their eyes vacant.

They experienced the most terrifying night of their lives.

Killing follows them.

But the ones who killed them the most were not the Dagan people, but their own people.

They have no sleeves on their right arms, so the Dagan people call them Guihua Camp.

And they named the naturalization camp the Sleeveless Army!

If there was any slight movement, what was waiting for them was the butcher's knife.

The heads of the people who were killed were rolling.

They were arrogant and called them false emperors and evil soldiers.

They saw all the ministers surrendering to the Dagan people.

In order to show loyalty, they nod and bend with their tails. If they had tails, they would be so fast that they would not be able to see their shadows.

Namba Palace is broken.

All the royal family were caught.

The Abe clan was wiped out, and the Soga clan remained. After all, it was Soga Sachiko's mother clan.

Soga Ishikawa Maro knelt on the ground, her body trembling uncontrollably.

The Daegan soldiers, who numbered less than 1, and led more than [-] Japanese soldiers, captured Namba Kyo.

What a travesty.

Xiaode wanted to commit suicide last night, but he didn't succeed, mainly because he was afraid of pain.

The knife scratched a little skin on his neck and blood oozed out, so he gave up the idea of ​​committing suicide.

All the concubines ran away, leaving only some loyal warriors. The warriors also died in order to protect him.

Until the young general opened the door and lifted him off the throne like a chicken.

He said: "I am the emperor of Da Ying. How dare you be so rude? If you can, kill me and see if Emperor Da Qian will punish you!"

He knew his fate very well, and he would probably be sent to Daqian to apologize to the Emperor of Daqian.

But what greeted him was a slap that sent him spinning around!
"The Emperor of Great Ying? I am still your grandfather, am I proud?"

Qin Mo kicked him away and said to Li Shengli: "Tie him up, don't kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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