big dry son-in-law

Chapter 775 Father, do I condone it?

Chapter 775 Father, do I condone it?

Namba Kyoto is not hot in October.

After conquering Namba Kyo, Sachiko Soga took over Namba Palace.

The five Kinai roads, Sanin Road, Sanyo Road, Nankai Road, and Tokaido were all captured.

Most of Hokuriku Road has been captured. Higashiyama Road and Saikai Road are still resisting, but they are still grasshoppers in the autumn and can only jump around for a few days.

Qin Mo has taken over the government of the Japanese island country.

At this time, two and a half months have passed since Qin Mo went to sea.

In Namba Palace, Qin Mo woke up from the big bed.

After all, he still couldn't resist Soga Sachiko's great evil.

One thing to say is that Sugako Sugako, who is a little evil but a big man, is quite good at reforming his evil ways.

Especially when she was dressed as a female Japanese king, she was so charming.


Sugako Sugako felt Qin Mo get up, woke up quickly, and helped Qin Mo get dressed.

Now Qin Mo is the regent of the Wo Island Kingdom. He was unanimously recommended by the government and the public of the Wo Island Kingdom. His full name is the Regent Holy King.

And Sugako Sachiko is the Queen of Justice.

Emperor Takatoku was arrested. Although Soga Sachiko was angry, he could see the situation clearly.

At least her father won't die.

She also thought about revenge, but she was deeply afraid of this man.

There is no thought of revenge at all.

With one look, she knelt on the ground obediently, as docile as a cat.

She even enjoyed being dominated by Qin Mo.

Such complicated emotions tore apart Sugako's heart.

Gao Yao looked at Sugako coldly, squeezed her away calmly, and then helped Qin Mo get dressed.

Sugako was very angry. Although she was now the queen, this little eunuch still did not give her any face.

After getting dressed, Qin Mo walked around the Namba Palace, and all of Xiaotoku's concubines were divided up.

As for Xiaode Laogou, he had already sailed to Daqian with all the royal family members a few days ago, and the escort task was handed over to Li Shengli and Ma Xiao.

Also leaving together were tens of thousands of Japanese workers who actively assisted Daqian.

At that time, a large number of merchant ships will dock, and a large number of people will come to help the development of the Japanese island country.

During this period, about 20 Japanese elites were killed, completely disrupting the country's structure.

Qin Mo merged the sub-countries into states and counties.

He estimated that this revolution would last two to three months.

For those local rebellions, Qin Mo used Japanese to control Japanese, and then issued hundreds of decrees to distribute the land of the princes to the common people.

For a time, the people returned to their hearts and were grateful to Qin Mo.

In this era, no matter which country you are in, the obsession with land is very deep.

Then Qin Mo sent all the defeated soldiers to the mining area to mine.

The Japanese island country is rich in gold, silver and copper.

From now on, it will steadily provide Daqian with three to five million taels of silver and 500 taels of gold every year.

After breakfast, Dou Yiai came over with a brochure and said, "General manager, it's time to pay. Now it's big time!"

Qin Mo opened it and saw that in addition to the 1000 million taels of silver and 100 million taels of gold transported back to Daqian, there were also 600 million taels of silver, 230 million taels of gold, 80 jins of iron, and 100 million jins of copper.

No wonder Lao Qin is so rich.

Thinking about it, the Japanese island country has existed for thousands of years. This time, the Japanese island country has been plowed almost all over. These are actually relatively few.

"What are you doing with these?" Dou Yiai rubbed his hands.

"Keep 500 million taels, divide the rest and transport them back slowly." Qin Mo said with a smile: "How much did the caravan get?" Dou Yiai raised two fingers: "Two million taels, Zheng Fengnian can't close his mouth ”

"Well, he's quite measured." Qin Mo nodded. He promised the caravan [-]% of the benefits, but he didn't expect that he didn't even get [-]%.

This time the troops were used against the Japanese island country, and the accompanying merchant ship members made a lot of contributions.

They did a lot of the finishing work.

"Okay, I got it!"

Dou Yiai left quickly.

Daqian, in the Tai Chi Palace.

Chang'an in December finally received its first snow of the year.

Li Shilong also put on the down jacket specially provided by Qin's Clothing Village.

The fireplace was burning brightly, and even in the Tai Chi Palace, he couldn't stand the heat.

Gao Shilian was still by his side, and Qin Xiangru wrote a note, which won his heart.

As a result, Shadow Guard became the inner factory.

Two factories were set up, and there were also supervisors and internal supervisors.

Their responsibilities were clarified again, and the power of the internal factory was divided into three parts. After using it for a period of time, it was much easier to use than before.

Gao Shilian poured a glass of rice wine that was warm on the stove, "Your Majesty, the rice wine is ready!"

Li Shilong took a sip and felt it was bland, "Can't you get me some shabu knives?"

Gao Shilian said: "Your Majesty, the Prince Consort has only been away for three months. He said that you are not allowed to drink Shaodaozi for a year.

If you are really greedy, my servant will get you Qin beer! "

"It's boring. Qin Beer needs to be chilled in the summer." Li Shilong waved his hand, "Hey, you brat, you've already left the palace and you still have to take care of me!"

As he said that, he was a little worried again, "What are you saying about Jingyun's side? I'm really worried. Although Su Yun is here, that kid has a reckless personality. If something happens, he will be in trouble."

He felt a little regretful.

If I had known earlier, I would not have allowed Qin Mo to be the general manager of the march.

"Your Majesty, the Prince Consort usually laughs and laughs, but the key is that he is still very reliable." Gao Shilian said: "When has he ever disappointed Your Majesty?"

"That's right!" Li Shilong nodded, "I really miss this bastard a little bit. He's not around anymore. There's a lot less meaning inside and outside the palace."

"Your Majesty, just wait for the Prince Consort's triumphant return."

As soon as he finished speaking, an urgent message came from outside, "Report, urgent message from Bohai Bay, a great victory for the Japanese island country."

This voice came into the Tai Chi Palace from outside. Li Shilong didn't even drink anymore and stood up quickly. A scout hurried in from outside and knelt on the ground: "Your Majesty, urgent report from Bohai Bay. The Japanese Island Kingdom has won a great victory. 22 enemies have been killed." , capture the pseudo-emperor Xiaode alive, and capture alive all the pseudo-emperor’s clan members including the eldest brother of the ancients!”

After saying this, Li Shilong was overjoyed, "Quick, bring me the urgent report!"

Gao Shilian's face was also full of joy. Just as he finished speaking, the urgent report of the Japanese island nation's victory came.

He quickly handed the urgent report to the emperor, wanting to take a peek but not daring to do so.

Fortunately, Li Shilong was so happy that he read out the contents of the emergency report, "In mid-September, our army landed at Wakasa Port, captured Namba Kyo in three days, and captured Takatoku's old dog and a group of puppies alive."

After reading this, Li Shilong laughed and cursed, "You bastard, you are an old dog and a puppy, you are uneducated, and you still have this word, can't you write it carefully? Are you afraid that I will recognize these words?"

Gao Shilian smiled and said: "Your Majesty, in the past, Prince Consort always had people write for him, but this time he wrote it himself, which shows his intentions!"

Li Shilong was also speechless. Writing a memorial was like making a great achievement. He continued to read: "After capturing the old dog alive, it took ten days for [-]% of the land of the Japanese island country to fall, leaving only Dongshan Road and Xikai Road still resisting.

Father, don't worry. When the emergency report returns to the capital, the territory of Japan Island Kingdom will definitely be at peace.

The son-in-law promoted Sachiko Soga to the position of queen, and then lazily copied some of Okan's policies and implemented new policies in the Japanese island country.

This time, the entire LaoGou family will be returning with the fleet. Then Father can let Xiaode LaoGou dance in front of you.

do as promised.

Father, should I be concerned?
Oh, one more thing, when the time comes, remember to be a filial piety and become Wei’s younger brother! "

(End of this chapter)

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