big dry son-in-law

Chapter 778 Don't Rob Me!

Chapter 778 Don't Rob Me!

"Your Majesty, I believe that we should accept it. Only in this way can we intimidate the surrounding countries. Being blindly tolerant will only make them think that they can be bullied."

Li Daoyuan came out, "Inuko said in his family letter that Queen Soga Sachiko felt deeply grateful for the Daqian, and repeatedly requested Jingyun to incorporate the Japanese island country into the Daqian.

He even invited many ministers to join the Namba Palace meeting many times, but Jingyun refused many times, but they were eager to return.

In desperation, Jingyun agreed to hand over the letter of credence written by the Japanese Queen to return to Qian.

Rather than what Cui Zhongshu said, it was the strategy of the Japanese people. "

Liu Chenghu also said: "The minister's son also said in his home letter that the Japanese island country was in poverty and poverty. The Queen of Japan knew that the country was small and the people were weak, and it was difficult to return. That's why she wanted to incorporate the Japanese island country into Daqian.

Moreover, thousands of years ago, the Japanese island country was originally founded by King Xu and his boys who traveled across the ocean. This time, it can be regarded as acknowledging their ancestors.

Don't let the hearts of the people of the Japanese island country know their ancestors and return to their clan. "

These words are well-founded and difficult to refute.

Moreover, more and more civil servants and military generals came out to scold Cui Youren, especially Yuchi Nobuxiong, who scolded him the most unpleasantly, "You bitch, it's not your children who went to sea with you. They were in danger in the sea, and they finally got to Japan." The island nation won this battle.

You talk crookedly at home and just want to deprive the children of their achievements. You are nothing. I will throw you into the Japanese island country and you will not survive for two days.

Damn it, I get angry just looking at you. If anyone dares to beep again, I will beat him to death! "

Everyone in Tai Chi Palace scolded him.

I didn’t even think about it, but the people who went there this time were all boys from various families.

Who the hell is willing to let go of such a big achievement?

When they get old, they have to think about the younger generation, right?
Anyone with a discerning eye can see that His Majesty is training a new generation.

To go against the majority of people is to incur public anger.

Cui Youren looked at Gongsun Wuji and kept winking.

Gongsun Wuji pretended not to see it at all. He put his hands in his sleeves to keep warm. He looked at the sky speechlessly as the old god was there.

"Hey, you are harming the country!" Cui Youren slapped his thigh angrily, "Let's look at it, if we take over the Japanese island country this time, Daqian will lose justice from now on!"

Li Shilong didn't even bother to look at him, "Jingyun said that the Japanese island country should be divided into six to ten kingdoms, and people should be selected from among the royal family members or hereditary nobles to go and suppress the vassal.

I won’t assign it. Who wants to go there? "

Tai Chi Palace became quiet again.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, suppressing the vassal?
That is the Japanese island country, separated by thousands of miles of ocean.

Even if you go to Annan, it's better than going there, right?

But the Japanese island country has a land of thousands of miles, and if divided into hundreds of miles, it is a real vassal territory.

"May I ask Your Majesty, how to control the feudal vassal?" Li Daoyuan came out and asked: "Should we control it in turns, or as a family forever?"

"Take turns to control the vassal, one term every five years." Li Shilong said: "Before Jingyun went on the expedition, he sent people to Huating to go to sea and arrive at Hizen, Saikaido, the Japanese island country. The fastest round trip is twenty days.

Therefore, the Japanese island country is not too far from Daqian. Even going to Lingnan coastal areas and other places by land will take longer than this.

There are nearly [-] ships in the Bohai Bay and Jiaodong Peninsula. If the Japanese island country returns, nearly [-] merchant ships may land on the islands every month.

Moreover, the Japanese island country is rich in gold, silver, and brass. Jingyun said that it can steadily produce millions of taels of silver and hundreds of thousands of gold taels every year, and the annual output of brass is one million. "

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

Whether it's gold, silver, or brass, it's all money.

"Your Majesty, Brave is in the Japanese island country. Let him stand by there, so as not to condemn people there again. It will take another month or two to go back and forth. How troublesome." Li Cungong said quickly, and sent him over. That must be I can only drink soup.Li Yongyong is right over there. Who knows which piece of meat is fat?

In five years, if you earn one million taels a year, you will get 500 million taels, and after returning from Japan, you will definitely be reused.

He no longer has to worry about Li Yongyong's future.

"Your Majesty, my two sons are celebrating their victory and are willing to go to the Japanese island country to share your Majesty's worries!" Li Daoyuan also did his duty. The eldest son Shengli is the eldest son and will definitely come back to inherit the family business.

The second son goes out to collect money and becomes the vassal king. When he comes back, he will be reused. It’s beautiful to think about it!
"Your Majesty, my third son, Gongsun Rui, is willing to go to the Japanese island country to share your Majesty's worries!" Gongsun Wuji paid his respects.

"Mr. Zhao Guo, you" Cui Youren frowned. He didn't understand what medicine Gongsun Wuji was selling in his gourd.

Gongsun Wuji made a gesture to tell him not to worry. Cui Youren suppressed the doubts in his heart and left the court for a while to see what he had to say.

"Your Majesty, my second oldest son, Yuchi, is arrogantly willing to go to suppress the feudal vassal!" Yuchi Xinxiong shouted: "No one can rob me. Let my children do this kind of hard work!"

Everyone gnashed their teeth after hearing this, and they really damn well accepted the name of 'arrogance'.

Seeing that each of them was more excited than the other, Li Shilong said: "Let's do this. They all write memorials and I will choose.

As promised, going there is not only about collecting money, but also about people's livelihood. From now on, it will be the capital of Daqian.

That is to govern the people and do it well. "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Li Shilong was in a good mood, "Don't leave today, have a meal with me in the palace."

Soon, everyone started to eat. Li Shilong specially sent people to the Beijing Opera House to call Little Peony over. Everyone listened and sang and danced, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Since the completion of the Opera House, Li Shilong didn't like to watch the singing and dancing in the palace.

He is still Lu Ziye from the Opera House, he likes it.

When Qin Mo comes back, he will send a group of people over to train him.

Otherwise, when guests come in the future, it would be too shameful to go outside the palace to invite them.

At this time, Cui Youren was sitting next to Gongsun Wuji, "What did you mean just now?"

"Old Cui, don't be impatient, listen to my explanation!" Gongsun Wuji said: "If we don't fight with them, we won't have to fight in the future.

Think about it, it is a foregone conclusion that the Japanese island country will return to its original territory and expand its territory thousands of miles away. Which emperor can bear this temptation?

What's more, Qin Mo made a show and asked the Queen of the Japanese Island Kingdom to ask her to return. What is this?
This is a manifestation of the Holy King's power and the surrender of all nations. What will the historians write in the future? "

Cui Youren was stunned for a moment, and then said: "In the winter of the ninth year of Longjing, the Daqian Heavenly Soldiers came to the Japanese Island Kingdom. The Japanese Queen took a picture of it and asked the Holy King to accept the Japanese Island Kingdom. The Holy King resisted several times, and the Japanese Queen cried and begged.

The Holy King had no choice but to agree to the petition. So far, Daqian has expanded thousands of miles and spread all over the world! "

"It's good that you understand, so I have to fight!" Gongsun Wuji looked like he had no choice but to fight.

"I understand. In this case, the vassal government will definitely need many officials. I will find a way to get more people there!" Cui Youren said.

Gongsun Wuji nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, finally being fooled.

The reason why he wanted Gongsun Rui to go to the Japanese island country was not just because of money or power.

He also wanted to leave a way out for the Gongsun family, and even leave an incense.

He looked at Li Shilong in the Main Hall and took a sip of the burning knife, his eyes full of ridicule!

(End of this chapter)

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