big dry son-in-law

Chapter 779 Big Dog and Little Dog!

Chapter 779 Big Dog and Little Dog!
My name is Brother Koto, the Crown Prince of Wajima Kingdom, and my uncle is Emperor Kotoku.

I thought I could sleep with my sister, but he actually killed her. I hate him to the core.

I just regretted that I didn't rebel against him sooner.

I was locked up in the dark bilge by the Daqian people. Those Daqian generals would pull us there and dance every day.

In order to survive, I had to dance my best dance.

I felt like a male trapper.

But Xiaode danced hard and funny in order to survive.

It makes Da Gan people laugh every time.

It took the fleet more than 20 days to reach Daqian, so we jumped all the way.

They also specially asked us to supervise our dance practice.

Later, the ship landed, and I saw a dark-skinned, tall and thick old man.

His surname is Cheng, and he is the general manager of the Bohai Bay Marching Army.

Xiaode was just a little slow in his jump, so he kicked him so far that he almost died.

I couldn't help laughing and flew out.

After that, I learned to be silent.

After another ten days, we arrived at the most beautiful place in the world, the capital.

I saw that majestic city, standing at the top of the east, with tall city walls, flat roads, and well-fed people.

Even the porter's complexion looks better than some of the minor nobles in Namba Kyo.

This is my first time here, and I feel ashamed.

I feel like a mean dog.

Why bother with such a great country?
When I walked into the palace, I realized how ridiculous Xiaode's ambition was. Su Yingao was right, ambition without strength is just a joke.

In the spacious Tai Chi Palace, Xiao De knelt down and begged for mercy, crying with snot and tears, and confessed his mistake to the great emperor.

He said: "Your Majesty, Emperor Daqian, please spare Weichen's life because he was confused for a moment!"

The way he crawls is really funny.

But soon, I couldn't laugh anymore, because I also knelt on the ground, my head was pounding and I was dizzy.

Emperor Daqian was very angry. When he was angry, he almost made me pee.

Then we were deprived of all our identities, and all the women in the royal family were rewarded by Emperor Daqian to his ministers as slaves and maids.

The banquet has begun.

They were drinking heavily.

And the two of us were like clowns, dancing the dance we had practiced for a month and a half in the middle of the Tai Chi Palace.

Emperor Daqian also called envoys from other subject countries.

I saw fear and surrender in their eyes.

My heart aches.

More than an hour later, the banquet was over, and my feet hurt.

It's finally over.

Just when I thought we could leave, a group of eunuchs came and took us away and tied Xiaode and me to chairs.

The leader, the old eunuch, held a small spatula in his hand.

I could feel its edge in the dim room.

Xiaode cried and cursed.

The old eunuch said with a smile: "Go ahead and scold me. The harder you scold, the faster the knife will be. From now on, you will be with us."

We have been around all our lives, and we are really successful, and we actually accepted a king as our little brother.

I really have to thank the Prince Consort.

The rules in this palace are not as numerous as those in your Japanese island country.

You two, you should study hard and don't bring the bad habits of Japan to the palace.Otherwise, it will not be a small knife, but a big knife, and what will fall is not the little baby, but the big head! "

I didn't even have time to curse, and I passed out from the pain.

When I woke up again, I was in so much pain that I wanted to die several times. Especially when the wound had not yet healed, they used straw to clear it to prevent it from growing.

Every time it is convenient, for me, life is worse than death.

Xiaode was depressed for a while, but later he actually adapted to his identity.

And we also have a new identity in the palace.

His name is Big Dog, and my name is Little Dog.

I thought, forget it, still being alive is the biggest difficulty.

The weather in the capital is bone-chillingly cold.

But there is a fireplace where we live. It’s so warm. It’s better than my previous erotic palace.

Hell, I actually kind of enjoyed the warmth.

Within a month, I had forgotten my identity. Am I an ancient elder brother or a puppy?

Forget it, that doesn't matter anymore.

"Don't make trouble, be obedient!"

"Just make a fuss, just make a fuss!"

Li Jingya was so angry that she cried, "Since you came to Japan, you have been making excuses to live in Namba Palace every day. You are a liar, and you even said that little evil is true love.

They are all lies, you just like great evil! "

"No." Qin Mo said righteously: "I am doing this to better handle the government affairs. You also know that the Japanese island country is now part of Daqian. How can Sugako Sachiko, a female stream, handle so many things.

I must come! "

"Are you, the Holy King Regent, addicted? Are you afraid that if the news spreads to the capital, His Majesty will slap your head on you?" Li Jingya said angrily.

"I was forced, and you saw it. They all knelt down and begged me to be the regent, and I didn't want to." Qin Mo was not afraid. He came up to stabilize people's hearts.

A month ago, the entire Japanese island country was conquered.

During this period, another 9 people were killed.

Before and after, no less than 30 Japanese soldiers died in the battle.

All the elites of the Japanese island country were defeated.

In the past two months, no less than two thousand merchant ships came and took away hundreds of thousands of hard-working Japanese workers.

A large number of merchants are stationed in Japan.

Qin Mo also began to measure the land and count the population.

"You, you just don't like me, you just like great evil, I, Li Jingya, if I listen to you again, I will..."

Qin Mo pulled her over and said with a straight face, "Sugako Sachiko has reached the end of his evil ways. You still have room for development and unlimited possibilities.

Compared to Soga Sachiko, I prefer independent cultivation. How can that sense of accomplishment be matched by Soga Sachiko? "

After an education, Li Jingya became good.

Kneeling behind Qin Mo, he squeezed Qin Mo's shoulders, "Brother Xiao Mo, how is this strength?"

"not bad!"

Qin Mo responded coldly, "It's just what I owe. Be more direct next time. I'm very busy."

"Don't be angry, can I tell you the story of young Xiao Mo?" Li Jingya felt comfortable all over, her whole body was soft, her voice was lazy, and she had a different flavor when she told the story.

"That damn bastard actually wants to attack Li Xiaoya.

Li Xiaoya was just a little girl who had just grown hair. Whenever she had experienced something like this, she would have been so frightened that the branches of her flowers trembled and the pear blossoms were filled with rain. "

"Wait a minute, you remembered wrongly. You couldn't tremble at all at that time. I accept that the pear blossoms are raining with rain, and the trembling branches are not suitable for you. Don't use idioms randomly!" Qin Mo corrected.

"You haven't met Brother Xiao Mo yet!" Li Jingya blushed with embarrassment and continued: "Unexpectedly, Brother Xiao Mo descended to earth like a god from heaven and beat the monkey boy until he cried for father and mother.

Li Xiaoya stared blankly at Brother Xiaomo, feeling her heart surge."

(End of this chapter)

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