big dry son-in-law

Chapter 780 Fighting for a name!

Chapter 780 Fighting for a name!

Li Jingya tells stories more freely than the third sister and the others, especially when they are alone.

An in-depth analysis of the story, especially Li Xiaoya’s inner monologue scene.

That's called immersive.

At this moment, Gao Yao pushed the door open and came in, "Master, Gongsun Min is here!"

Qin Mo patted Li Jingya and said, "I'm going to work first. I'll tell the story next time!"

Li Jingya was working hard when she was interrupted, somewhat reluctantly, "Brother Xiao Mo!"

Qin Mo shuddered. It's incredible. If this turns into a great evil, it will harm the country and the people ten times more than Suga Koko!
It’s the genes of the old Li family that are so good!

"General manager, this is the land register of the Japanese island country, as well as the total population!" Gongsun Min handed the register over. He had learned a lot after working under Qin Mo for so long.

These were things he had never learned before, and they were practical and easy to use.

Qin Mo opened the booklet and started reading.

The Japanese island country has 700 million acres of arable land and a population of 340 million.

If Qin Mo remembers correctly, the cultivated land area of ​​Japan Island Country in another world once exceeded 4000 million acres.

So we can continue to cultivate it.

The population was similar to what he thought. Counting the Japanese soldiers who died in the war and the Japanese workers who left, it should be more than 430 million people.

Large-scale famines rarely occur in the Japanese island country, and there are rarely peasant uprisings. Even if there is not enough arable land, people rarely starve to death.

Because it is surrounded by the sea and has many mountains, even if you are hungry and have nothing to eat, you can still fish in the sea and hunt in the mountains.

"Has the land been divided yet?"

"Yes, I have made plans for all the land left to be divided into countries. Each country will reserve no less than one million acres of land for its own use." Gongsun Min said: "The policy is being implemented very smoothly. The people of the Japanese island country are very happy. Be obedient and grateful, and every household is enshrining the chief steward's longevity tablet.

There are even many places where temples are built to the Grand Steward, who calls the Grand Steward the King of Gods. "

Qin Mo couldn't laugh or cry. Did he cover up Amaterasu?
"The Chinese New Year will be here in a few days, so hurry up. Brothers who haven't gotten married yet, hurry up. There are three for each person, no more.

You have to leave some for this side, otherwise you won't scold me to death when they come to suppress the feudal clan! "

"General Manager, what should I do if some people accept five or six?"

Qin Mo rubbed his head, "Forget it if you have already paid it. If you haven't paid it, you are not allowed to exceed this number and you are not allowed to force it."

Gongsun Min nodded. This is not a matter of force. The key is that these women from Japan are very crazy.

They are the ones who are going to grab the soldiers again.

To them, Daqian men are tall and mighty, and they are from heaven.

These days, they have been promoting the good work of Daqian. Who doesn’t yearn for the life of Daqian?

Even Zheng Fengnian took several noble daughters as concubines.

After Gongsun Min left, Qin Mo suddenly felt homesick.

In the blink of an eye, it has been almost three years since I came here.

Memories of the past are blurred.

And he also spent his first year in Japan.

In February of the tenth year of Longjing, the dragon raises its head!
Qin Mo finally ushered in the army of the Japanese island country.

Infantry + cavalry + navy + thunder army, an establishment of 3 people.

These 3 people were dispersed and organized into eight sub-countries.

The other group of 3 people stayed in Japan for two days and then set off for Murodan and Jihe.

Qin Mo handed over the work in hand and couldn't wait to set sail and leave.

In the Qin Mansion, it has been two months since Li Yulan gave birth to a fat boy for Qin Mo.

The little guy is very lively, and everyone in the Qin family likes him very much.

On the day of his birth, the treasure house of the Qin Mansion was almost filled to the brim with rewards from the palace.

The nickname given by the Supreme Emperor himself is Brother Feng!

Qin Mo is Yun, and he hopes that Qin's parents and grandchildren will become a great leader.But at this moment, everyone was very nervous.

Even Queen Gongsun came to the Qin Mansion.

"What kind of thing is this? How can anyone get together to have a baby?" Qin Xiangru squatted aside, feeling very nervous.

Li Yushu and Chai Sitian started to attack at the same time, and the Qin Mansion was suddenly in chaos.

No matter how powerful Zan Ying is, there is only one person. Fortunately, there are also female students led by Zan Ying, which makes people feel at ease.

"Go, don't cause trouble!" Qin Xiuying clenched her hands, extremely nervous, "O ancestors, please protect them!"

At this time, Chai Shao also hurried over and said, "My dear, how is my daughter?"

Chai Shao just came back a few days ago. Something happened in the northwest, and it was useless for him to stay there, so he came back.

Seeing so many people in the courtyard, he was stunned for a moment, then quickly went to meet Empress Gongsun.

Empress Gongsun forced a smile and said, "No need to be polite!"

"In-laws, here!"

Qin Xiangru waved to Chai Shao, and the two of them squatted aside, frowning, "Hey, it's been half an hour, why haven't you come out yet?

You won't be like my idiot, right? "

When Mrs. Xu gave birth to Qin Mo, it was also difficult to give birth.

Qin Xiangru almost died of panic.

"Bah, it will definitely go smoothly!"

Chai Shao's expression changed, and he felt very worried when he looked at the delivery room that Qin Mo had built early.

The hysterical cries of pain from the two mothers were heart-wrenching.

"Madams, hold your strength and don't shout too loud, it's easy to lose your strength!"

When Zan Ying delivered the baby, he had eight hundred instead of one thousand.

But it was the first time to deliver two babies at the same time.

"Quickly, feed the two ladies ginseng soup. If it doesn't work, prepare for a caesarean section!"

The two children were too big, and Li Yushu and Chai Sitian had small frames, making it difficult for them to have a normal delivery.

Outside, Li Shilong and Li Yuan are here.

The posture is even greater than that of Li Yulan giving birth.

After all, she was the eldest daughter. When Li Shilong learned that Li Yushu had launched the campaign, he didn't even read the memorial.

He hurried to Qin Mansion.

"Why haven't you healed yet?" Li Shilong felt extremely uncomfortable when he heard Li Yushu's painful cry.

"Hey, it's really worrying!" Li Yuan also paced anxiously.

Empress Gongsun also became angry when she heard their shouting, "Your Majesty, Father, Prince Qin, and Duke Chai, please get out and stop causing trouble here!"

"Isn't it okay if I don't make any noise?"

"No, all men get out!"

Queen Gongsun pushed Li Shilong out and walked out.

Xiaojiu pushed Li Yuan, "Grandpa Huang, please go, don't cause trouble here!"

Several people had no choice but to go to the main hall to drink tea.

The group of people began to discuss the name of the child.

"Let the second child be called Aman!" Li Shilong stroked his beard, "The first name is Qin Man!"

"What Aman, the eldest brother is called Feng Ge'er, and the second brother is called Huo Lin'er." Li Yuan hummed: "I've got all the names of these children, no one can compete with me, when the time comes When Jingyun comes back, let him choose!"

"Father, please be reasonable!" Li Shilong said helplessly, "Boss, you are here. Second brother, you have to let me have a good time, right?"

Li Yuan didn't bother to pay attention to him, "Look at the children you named, none of them have become talented. Why should you name them? Isn't it misleading the children?"

(End of this chapter)

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