big dry son-in-law

Chapter 781 Great luck!

Chapter 781 Great luck!
Li Shilong felt too sad.

I stopped talking then.

Qin Xiangru and Chai Shao didn't dare to say anything, but Qin Xiangru still said: "Your Majesty, Brother Feng can forget it, but Huo Lin'er, isn't it great?"

Baby names are usually nicknames, which are easy to make a living on.

Li Yuanqi’s performance is also great.

"Besides, I still don't know who is the second child and who is the third child. Neither the boys nor the girls know." Chai Shao added.

"It doesn't matter, I still have a name here! Needless to say, they must all be in charge!" Li Yuan said: "Wu Gan'er, what do you think?!"

Wu Jian is the elegant name for buffalo. Chai Shao finally understood that the name was based on the geomantic omen, water, and fire.

Ox also means Ruzi Niu. At first glance, it seems that it was given to Chai Sitian's child.

"That's what I'll call you then. As for the name, I still have to wait until Jing Yun comes back to decide." Li Yuan glanced at a certain unscrupulous father-in-law. This guy wanted to take over the name of all the children.

Can you get him up?

That's not bad food.

Li Shilong felt tired, "Why hasn't the damn kid come back yet? Didn't he say he was coming back a few days ago? How long has it been?"

He has an unclear idea and wants to beat the child!
At this moment, the housekeeper hurried over to announce the good news, "Sir, I'm so happy. The Second Young Madam and the Third Madam both gave birth to a big fat boy! All four of them, mother and child, are safe!"

The housekeeper glanced at Li Shilong and the Supreme Emperor. He originally wanted to call them "Jun Wang", but temporarily changed his name to "Master".

He knew that Qin Xiangru kept a low profile.

Qin Xiangru put his hands on his hips and smiled from ear to ear. His laughter was as unrestrained as he wanted.

"Oh, my ancestors have blessed me, and my boys have gathered together!"

Chai Shao also breathed a sigh of relief. It was great. Her daughter finally came out of hell.

At this moment, his eyes were also red.

"Let's go and see my great-grandchildren!"

The little old man walked very fast, and Li Shilong was also happy, but he didn't dare to overtake him, so he followed Li Yuan behind.

The Qin family has finally fully blossomed.

When they came to the backyard, Queen Gongsun and Qin Xiuying came out holding two babies.

Li Yuan asked hurriedly: "Who is the second child?"

"Father, this is Yu Shusheng's second child!" Empress Gongsun was standing in the room outside the delivery room. There was a strong smell of alcohol in the room.

"Huo Lin'er, this is a gift from Emperor Taizu to you." Li Yuan looked at the little guy and took out a specially made jade Ruyi with the three words "Huo Lin'er" engraved on it. He had obviously prepared it very early. alright.

"Great-grandson, you must be as strong as a unicorn!"

Qilin is also auspicious. From a certain point of view, he hopes that this child will become a treasure like his father.

Although the two sisters were not divided into legal wives and equal wives, Li Yuan was older and subconsciously felt that Li Yushu was the legal wife.

He is also more concerned about Li Yushu's son.

"Grandpa's little grandson!"

Chai Shao rubbed his hands and looked at Qin Xiuying eagerly, "Um, mother-in-law, can you let me hug you?"

"Hold a ball!" Qin Xiangru saw that the second child was being pampered by so many people, and he didn't want to neglect the third child, so he squeezed over, "You have rough hands and feet, what if you hurt the child? Let me hold it!"

He rubbed his hands and said, "Little calf, give me a hug from grandpa!"

"I said, in-laws, you are so uninteresting. From now on, you can hold your children every day. Why don't you let me hold them?"

"Nonsense, haven't you heard that the child will kiss whoever is hugged first, can you be hugged first?" Qin Xiangru smiled proudly.

Qin Xiuying scolded: "Nonsense, then according to what you said, all the children hugged Wen Po first, then all the children will kiss Wen Po from now on?

In-laws, don't pay attention to him! "

He immediately gave the infant child to Chai Shao.Chai Shao was holding the child, his body stiff. He looked at the child, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, "Made in the same mold as my Sitian!"

"Nonsense, if you look at the nose and eyes, they are all replicas of my fool." Qin Xiangru tasted it.

"I said you two are over 100 years old together, how come you act like three-year-old children?" Qin Xiuying was speechless.

"Ouch, no, my hands are stiff. Meimei, come and hug the baby!"

"Dad, I'm holding your grandson in my arms!" Dou Mei's child is more than three months older than Brother Feng.

"Give me the baby!"

Qin Xiangru hugged the child quickly, feeling silly and happy, "The little calf is so handsome. He will be as handsome as your father in the future!"

Chai Shao curled his lips, could someone from the old Qin family be related to Jun?

At this time, Li Yuan came over and took out a calf carved from suet white jade from his sleeve, "A gift for the child!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Chai Shao said quickly.

Li Yuan looked at the child and couldn't help but gently hold his hand.

Although this child is not the daughter of the royal family, he is also Qin Mo's son. Under the love house, Li Yuan also takes a high look.

One is old and the other is young, more than 70 years apart.

The picture is extremely warm.

But this warm scene changed when Li Xuan brought the naughty child.

"Eldest nephew, your sixteenth uncle is here again!"

Li Xuan held a rattle made of iron sheets in his hand, and the sound of shaking it scared Brother Feng to tears.

"Sixteen, what are you doing?" Li Yulan had a headache when she saw this kid.

"Third sister, take it, this toy is good and long-lasting, you can play with it until it reaches its crown. Keep it for Brother Feng's children to use in the future!"

As he spoke, he approached the crowd and asked, "Where is my seventh sister's child?"

He scanned the crowd and saw the Maomao head in Queen Gongsun's hand. He quickly took out a smaller version of the ship and was about to walk over, but Li Lizhen grabbed his ear and said, "Stop it, it will scare the children." !”

"Ouch, Sixth Sister, let go, it hurts!"

Li Lizhen glanced at the iron ship and iron plane in his hands, "When you are an elder, you either give them good luck or a longevity lock. If you give them an iron ship or an iron plane, are you too stubborn?"

Li Xuan screamed in pain, which made Maomaotou cry in fear.

Li Shilong was unhappy. When he saw Li Xuan, he thought to himself that if Qin Mo didn't come back, he would take advantage of his own son.

For a while, chickens and dogs jumped in the yard.

Those who laughed, made noise, cried, teased, chased, and ran formed a vivid scene!

In the delivery room, Zhuzhu was talking about the Emperor, Your Majesty, and how much the Queen doted on her children.

Of course, the third child was not left behind either, and Zhuzhu also focused on the gift prepared by the Supreme Emperor.

Chai Sitian was relieved in her heart, but she was afraid that her son would not be liked.

When I learned that my father and my father-in-law almost fought to grab the child, I started laughing.

"You will definitely be very happy when your husband comes back, right?" Chai Sitian said tiredly.

"Not only is he happy, he is so beautiful!"

Li Yushu said with a smile: "He said that if you give birth to a son, you will be rewarded, and if you give birth to a daughter, you will raise it yourself."

"Ah, he doesn't like his daughter?" Chai Sitian was stunned.

"I'm lying to you. Of course he likes his daughter. Look at Shuangshuang, as long as he is at home, he will never leave her hand!"

Li Yushu teased Chai Sitian for a while, but couldn't hold back his tiredness and fell into a deep sleep!
Chai Sitian fell into deep thought. So, how many more daughters will she have?
(End of this chapter)

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