big dry son-in-law

Chapter 785: What a protective color!

Chapter 785: What a protective color!
Qin Xiangru's nose was so angry that he said, "I am already old, why can't I enjoy two years of happiness?"

"That won't work. I have to chew on the old. If I don't chew on the old, I won't be able to survive this day!" Qin Mo said seriously: "Dad, you have to be more diligent and try your best to let me chew on the old for two more years."

"Mr. Gao, do you mind if I beat your son?" Qin Xiangru asked.

"I don't mind!" Gao Shilian was used to it. He came to Qin's house ten times and beat his son nine times.

Which noble man in this capital doesn’t beat his son?
It's like comparing each other, one beats them harder than the other.

"Would you like to try it twice? It's very enjoyable!"

"That's all, I'll leave first. Remember to tell Jingyun!" Gao Shilian waved his hand and left.He, Lao Qin, is willing to fight, but Lao Gao is reluctant to do so.

After Qin Xiangru beat Qin Mo, he told Gao Shilian what he said, "What do you think?"

Qin Mo leaned back in the rocking chair, "When did the rumor spread?"

"It's been a long time!" Qin Xiangru said.

"Oh, don't worry about it. They are just jealous and want to mess with my mentality. Are they worthy?"

Qin Mo has already prepared a way out, so he is not afraid!
Let him rise and fall.

"I'm too lazy to care about you, I'm going to see my eldest grandson!" Qin Xiangru snorted and walked away.

In his heart, the eldest grandson is the first priority now.

In the afternoon, Qin Mo was called into Da'an Palace, "Old man, why are you calling me here in such a hurry!"

"Come on, Jingyun, come over and take a look!"

Qin Mo just came back yesterday, and Li Yuan didn't disturb their family reunion.

Knowing that he likes to sleep in, I specially asked someone to find him in the afternoon.

"Old man, what's so good about me is that I have two noses, a mouth, and three legs!"

Li Yuan took his hand and looked him up and down, "Well, he has matured and become more dignified. It would be better if he had more beard!"

"No, old man, my father is here, so I don't want to grow a beard!" In fact, Qin Mo is too lazy to take care of it. After he gets his crown, he will have to grow a beard, even if it is stubble.

If you don't talk well, you can't do things well, that's what I mean!
Li Yuan knew that he was filial, so he didn't say much, "Come and see the gift I have prepared for you!"

He led Qin Mo to the desk, "See if you like it!"

"What is this?"

"Open the book and read the story I wrote for you!"

Qin Mo picked up the book and read it, and was stunned, "Da Qian's silly son-in-law?"

"Yes, the protagonist of this book is you. During the time you were at sea, I wrote four hundred chapters!" Li Yuan turned to the latest chapter: The silly son-in-law returned to the court, and the whole capital was full of joy!
Qin Mo was confused. The title of this book sounded like a curse.

Wei Zhong brought the rocking chair, "Captain Prince Consort, sit down!"

Then someone brought Qin Mo's favorite snacks and made him a pot of tea.

Li Yuan also looked forward to it, "Let's see if you like it!"

Qin Mo came to his senses and turned to the first page, Chapter 1: The Great Zhou Dynasty lost its deer, and the whole world chased it away!

He took a closer look and found that there was a shadow of Zhou Qian's Romance in it.

The story follows Zhou Qian's Romance, which tells the story of Qin Xiangru and his wife's loyalty and courage.

He also wrote in detail what happened before and after Qin Mo was born.

For example, why Mrs. Xu had a difficult delivery, and why Qin Mo was so weak and sick when he was a child.

Among them, the focus is on Qin Xiangru, who held Qin Mo's family to beg for hundreds of rice in order to save Qin Mo's life.

"Old man, are these all true?" Qin Mo traveled through time, but did not inherit the memory of his predecessor. Many things were hearsay, and he has not heard everything yet.


Li Yuan nodded, "At that time, your father went to beg Yuan Tiangang, and Yuan Tiangang asked your father to beg for Baijiami. You were too young, and your father was afraid that you wouldn't be able to feed him, so to show his integrity, he held you in his arms, one by one. They begged for rice, and one family knelt down to ask for rice, which amounted to ten thousand families.

Using thousands of rice to cook porridge and relying on the porridge to make it gooey, I have raised you up. "

Qin Mo felt uncomfortable.Lao Qin was a very proud person and would do anything for him.

It is written in the book that once, he took brother Cheng Dabao to fight with a boy from Yuchi's family, and was attacked by a surprise attack later and knocked him unconscious. His father went to Yuchi's house with a knife and beat Yuchi Nobuxiong until he lay in bed for three days.

No wonder Nobuo Yuchi gritted his teeth every time he saw him.

It turns out that the root is here.

After reading a few chapters, he closed the page and said, "Old man, I like this gift very much. It's not bad. My writing skills are getting longer!"

However, the title of this book is too silly, right? "

"No, I think this title can highlight your characteristics."

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, forget it, just be a stupid son-in-law.

I used to pretend to be stupid to save my life, but after I discovered the benefits of pretending to be stupid, I got used to it.

Han is a protective color, not true nature.

It's a good thing that the old man took the initiative to endorse him.

When hundreds of people think so, what is false becomes true.

Silly, there’s nothing wrong with that!

"But, old man, your story is too realistic, isn't it? My father's side."

"Don't worry, there is still some Chunqiu brushwork in it. I know it better than you!" Li Shilong was also very happy. He was finally recognized by Qin Mo, and he was full of energy. "If you have nothing to do, you go first, I am going to create!"

"I'm back, how can I write?"

"I plan to write a separate book about your attack on Nanfan and Japan, and let the people in the opera house put it into a play.

The White Snake and Butterfly Lovers you did before were very good after rehearsal.

The venue was packed. "

Qin Mo chuckled and said a little embarrassedly: "Old man, you have to make me more handsome and make me look handsome, you know?"

"I got it." Li Yuan rolled up his sleeves and took a pamphlet, "Now, this is the name for your child.

There are baby names, famous names, and names after the crown.

There are also hundreds of girls’ names. I read through the Four Books and Five Classics, and my eyes were filled with confusion! "

Qin Mo took the pamphlet and felt warm in his heart.

There is no need for the old man to come up with hundreds of names. He only needs to name Li Yulan and Li Yushu's children.

It's all because of Aiwujiwu.

Looking at the entire Daqian, how many people can the Supreme Emperor fight to name?
"Thanks, old man!"

Qin Mo hugged him.

Li Yuan stiffened, he was the most traditional person, he had never been like this even if he was kissing a junior.

He patted Qin Mo on the back and said, "Go back first and have a good rest. The reward your father gave your family is a bit modest, but it is definitely more than that.

He is also afraid that if he awards too many rewards at once, he will be criticized! "

"Oh, I see!"

Qin Mo said: "I will send someone to bring specialties from Wozhou later. Remember to take a look."

"Yeah!" Li Yuan stroked his beard.

"Old Wei, you have a share too!" Qin Mo said.

Wei Zhong said with a smile: "The old slave has thanked the Prince Consort first!"

Qin Mo waved his hands and walked out happily.

"Jingyun, we finished talking about the Legend of Shushan and the Romance of the Gods yesterday. You hurry up and come up with some new stories. If that doesn't work, I'll start with Dagan's stupid son-in-law!"

(End of this chapter)

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