big dry son-in-law

Chapter 786 The vest was exploded!

Chapter 786 The vest was exploded!
Qin Mo flipped through the book, and the meaning of each name was clearly marked.

When he saw the words after the title, Qin Mo realized it later.

The old man was afraid that he wouldn't be able to see his children grow up, so he named the children in advance.

He put the book close to his body, went to the Li Zheng Hall to see Empress Gongsun, and then left the palace.

Arriving at the sixth gate, Xu Que hurriedly greeted him, "Captain!"

"How are you these days?"

"Everything is fine. The Six Gates have spread all over the world, and Lingnan has also established a firm foothold." Xu Que talked about the development of the Six Gates, focusing on Li Jiange, "That kid made a big splash in Lingnan, directly He recruited all the local rangers and established six gates under the eyes of the Feng family.

There are two other people who are also quite fierce, one is named Bai Buyi and the other is named Yuan Dazhen.

These two people are from Nanhe, and their families are also officials. They originally came to the capital to be officials, but later went to the Southern District College to work as teachers.

Didn't you make a plan to study in the countryside before? These two people were very active and became the first batch of Lingnan dispatched teachers. "

A native of Nanhe, from a family of officials, two brothers.

One is named Bai and the other is named Yuan!
Bai Juyi?
Yuan Zhen?

Come on, these two brothers are out too?
He went to the same place as the pirated version of Li Bai.

"Why are they so fierce?" Qin Mo asked.

"The two of them, Bai Buyi and Yuan Dazhen, have collected more than [-] students in Lingnan, and they take these students with them every day to spread new knowledge!"

I'll go, so hanging?

"Wait a minute, what is Xinxue?" Qin Mo didn't quite understand. He had been away from Daqian for too long and many things were out of touch.

"The new study is your doctrine." Xu Que looked at Qin Mo with some admiration, "These two brothers compiled your poems, speeches, and policies for governing the country into a book, and made a new study. Now in the capital Many students are learning new things.

Oh, they also pushed you to be the founding leader of the new school. Without complete statistics, the new school has between [-] and [-] members! "

The founder of God’s mother.

Why, does he still want to use an embroidery needle to embroider?

Shout a few more words, the sun rises in the east, am I the only one who is undefeated?
"Also, nowadays these storytellers and opera singers enshrine you as their ancestor, and the genre of novelists in the capital is also ushering in a new life.

You and Mr. Bai Xiaosheng are both new masters in the industry! "

Damn it, he hasn't been in the capital for eight or nine months, why are there so many weird things coming out?

He rubbed his head and said, "There's a new book I've learned. Let me take a look!"

"Just wait, I have a whole set on my bookshelf!"

Immediately afterwards, I saw Xu Que coming over with a large pile of books, "Captain, they are all here."

Qin Momeng was confused, "Are these all newly learned books?"

"Yes, that's right!" Xu Chuanmao nodded.

Qin Mo picked up a book of Qin Mo's poems and was dumbfounded.

It contains all his poems over the past three years.

"No, who is this sad poet?" Qin Mo said.

"Oh, this is what the two gentlemen have verified and verified. Governor, is this Chou poet your pseudonym? Why did you use the pseudonym Li Qingzhao?" Xu Que's eyes were filled with gossip, "Is it like what people say? Rumor has it that you are using this Li Qingzhao for the Zhao family?"

Qin Mo fell silent.

Looking through the collection of poems, there are also annotations made by Xu Que, very carefully.

It's obvious that he put a lot of effort into studying it.

He vaguely remembered that he just wanted to show off and not stand out.
Putting down the collection of poems, Qin Mo picked up another book of Qin Mo's remarks, "To carry forward the unique knowledge of the saints and create peace for all things."

Then, there are the commentaries on Qin Mo's remarks.

It also contains New Learning Justice and Qin Mo's Daily Life Record.

How outrageous!
This stack of more than a dozen books is really a class of its own.The new arithmetic of Southern District College and the study of things to achieve knowledge are all in it.

Qin Mo clenched his fists.


You bastard, who let these two idiots expose his vest?

How can he pretend to be beeping happily in the future?
Xu Que was secretly scanning the area with the corner of his eye, and when he saw Qin Mo trembling all over, he felt happy, "The governor is the governor, even if he is happy inside, he still has a serious look on his face.

He is indistinguishable from emotion to anger, and he is worthy of being a governor.

It's a pity that his trembling hands still exposed his heart! "

"Let me ask you, who provided the information for this daily record?" Qin Mohuo was not good at it. These key words were really what he said.

Xu Que hurriedly said: "Captain, it was these two gentlemen who found the humble position. In order to carry forward the knowledge of the governor, the humble position spent more than a month and interviewed thousands of people to ensure the correctness of the remarks before allowing the two gentlemen to polish and compile it into a book. .”

"You, you, you actually stabbed me in the back."

"Captain, this is what you should do in your humble position. You can't afford the praise of the governor!" Xu Que quickly interrupted Qin Mo and said righteously: "To tell the truth from this humble position, the knowledge of the governor is indeed great, otherwise the new learning will not be the same. Maybe it became popular in such a short time.

Why were these two gentlemen able to create a situation in Lingnan?
It is precisely because of this new learning.

The book says that some people died as heavy as a feather, as heavy as a mountain.

It is this fearless spirit of sacrificing one's life for righteousness that is moving. "

Qin Mo was fooled by the flattery.

He couldn't even curse.

Those people used rumors to attack him, but he didn't care.

These people are the real backstabbing killers!

Qin Mo took a deep breath, "How many copies of this book have been sold?"

“About [-] to [-] units, and even if one unit sells for more than ten taels, the demand exceeds supply.

Some time ago, I received a letter from Lingnan, asking us to send out another [-] sets. It is still being printed, and it will probably be ready soon! "Xu Que said.

Forget it, destroy it!

The leader is the leader, the master is the master!
Qin Mo was hit hard.

He just wants to be a happy man, why is it so difficult?
Suddenly, he thought of something and hurried to South District College.

Thanks to Ji Zhisheng's efforts, the ratio of male to female students in Southern District College has reached [-]%.

Now, the school has nearly [-] students.

Very nice.

Ji Zhisheng patrolled the school with his hands behind his back and a ruler in his hand, listening to Lang Lang's reading and feeling very good.

He had never dared to think of so many students before.

He suddenly understood that in fact, if you don't fight, you will fight. So what if you fight for power and power? When these students are out of his hands, will they lose the label of the Ji family?
Having peaches and plums all over the world is the Ji family's greatest asset.

At this moment, a dean of the Ji family ran over and said, "Master."

"Didn't I tell you to ask me to sacrifice wine here!" Ji Zhisheng frowned, scolded, and then asked: "What's going on in such a panic?"

"Qin Mo has come to school and is looking for you!"

"Well, he still has the nerve to come to school!"

Ji Zhisheng was so angry when he thought of Qin Mo that he almost broke the ruler in his hand. He rushed to the wine-offering office angrily and saw Qin Mo standing in front of his bookshelf, flipping through it.

At that time, he was furious, "Qin Mo, you are such a heartless thing, but you still have the nerve to come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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