big dry son-in-law

Chapter 787: This book is so damn good!

Chapter 787: This book is so damn good!

"Lao Ji, long time no see!"

Qin Mo stepped forward and held his hand, "Yes, your academic achievements have been remarkable during the days I left the capital!"

Ji Zhisheng had goosebumps all over his body, "Don't touch me anymore!"

But with Qin Mo's handshake and praise, most of the anger that had just arisen was extinguished.

"Old Ji, I want to ask you something, and you have to tell me the truth!"


"Um, do you know about Xinxue?" Qin Mo pointed to the bookshelf, "I just looked for it and couldn't find any books about Xinxue."

The fire that Ji Zhisheng had just suppressed rose again, "Qin Mo, you are not a son of man!"

"What's wrong with me?" Qin Mo was also angry, "The first thing I did when I returned to Beijing was to see you. I didn't go to see anyone else. You said that I had no conscience and that I was not a son of a man.

Does your conscience not hurt? "

He poked Ji Zhisheng's heart, almost stopping Ji Zhisheng's heartbeat.

Ji Zhisheng almost lost his breath, took two steps back, and rubbed his heart calmly, "You, you clearly came here to show off. Our Ji family has taught and educated people honestly as you wished. Are you going to humiliate me so much by opening a literacy class?"

Qin Mo frowned, "When did I show off? I just came here to ask you about your newly learned things. Are you so angry?"

"He did it on purpose, he must have done it on purpose!"

Ji Zhisheng scolded his mother in his heart. What did he say last year?

He told himself to work hard, saying that he would push himself up and create a saint.

Then, he put aside his old face, took money, and used his excellent business skills to pick up female dolls one after another.

He persuaded one clan elite after another to compile a set of more popular and easy-to-understand enlightenment books.

He works diligently every day, like an ox, working hard.

But what did Qin Mo do to him?
He quietly developed a new study, which became very popular. It had a spark that could start a prairie fire.

The profound truths in the book are sobering.

His Five Classics justice is nothing in the face of new learning!
Now, he actually asked himself if there were any new books on the bookshelf.

It felt like I was going home. When I opened the door, I saw my wife serving Qin Mo. Qin Mo looked unhappy and said that her wife was not serving her well!

Which man can stand it?
"Have you forgotten what you said last year?" Ji Zhisheng clenched his fists and asked with red eyes: "You have never taken me seriously, right?
Everything you said was just to deceive me, right? "

Qin Mo couldn't figure it out, "You are sick, and it makes me feel like you have an affair. It's so hard to talk!"

Although he didn't know what "giving strength" meant, Ji Zhisheng understood that it was definitely not a good word!
"Go away and disappear from my eyes. You treacherous and treacherous villain. I don't want to talk to you!"

"Remember, Lao Ji, you must not learn new things, but also use your own strength to resist new things, you know?" Qin Mo said seriously.

"Are you sick?" Ji Zhisheng felt that he was humiliating herself.

“You have to remember that knowledge is never dominated by one family. Only knowledge with a hundred flowers blooming can make knowledge grow rapidly.

Look at thousands of years ago, during the Warring States Period, your ancestors traveled around the world. Although they failed to succeed in other theories at first, didn't they succeed later on?

Only by being competitive can you be motivated. You are still young, so don’t go down the wrong path! "

Ji Zhisheng frowned, "You came over here and told me about this?"

"What if that's not the case? The more you learn, the better you become, and the clearer your reasoning becomes. Do you feel that in your area, it is already contrary to the original theory of your ancestors?" Qin Mo asked in return.

"Nonsense, what's going on?"

"Huh? Think about it carefully before you speak!"

"That, that's to adapt to the times!" Ji Zhisheng lacked confidence. He knew very well that the knowledge of his ancestors had changed beyond recognition now.

In order to gain the trust and importance of the emperors of the past dynasties, the Ji family theory has long been revised and revised by the ancestors of the past dynasties. "Do you still remember the path I showed you? As long as you follow that path, you will definitely see the Tongtian Avenue!"

Qin Mo was still very satisfied with Ji Zhisheng. It would be really annoying if even he started to learn something new.

It's all the fault of those two bastards for messing around.

What is doctrine?
Speaking at a young age, teach and educate people so that they know etiquette and meaning.

Speaking more broadly, educating the world can be applied to governing the world.

It's not that Confucianism is bad, but that the emperors borrowed Confucianism to put layers of shackles on people.

Thousands of years ago, sages said that there should be revenge for hatred and kindness for kindness.

Later, it turned into repaying evil with kindness.

What if it's a revenge that destroys the family?

Do you also repay kindness with kindness?

It’s time for the giant Buddha of White Horse Temple to abdicate in favor of a worthy person.

Ideological castration is the most terrifying thing.

Qin Mo will never allow this.

"Are you so kind?" Ji Zhisheng frowned.

"You look down on people, don't you?" Qin Mo said: "I still have great respect for you, the saint of the Ji family. Now that the people are civilized and people can accept all kinds of new trends in culture, you might as well make up for the shortcomings of your Ji family's knowledge.

You, the saint of the Ji family, are the role model for all generations.

But there are 72 disciples, [-] students, but not a single woman. If you can truly teach without distinction and open up a new path, how can you not be a saint? "

Qin Mo left, but Ji Zhisheng was stunned.

Accepting female students is already the first of its kind for the Ji family.

He followed this path.

But now, I am already confused.

Because he didn't know how to continue.

Now Qin Mo's words made him wake up.

Tracing back to the roots, making up for the shortcomings of the Ji family's knowledge, making the Ji family's knowledge more impeccable.

"I understand, this bitch really so kind?"

Ji Zhisheng's eyes were extremely complicated, "I understand, he came here to order me, and he also asked me to boycott the new learning. He clearly wanted me to help promote the new learning."

New learning is currently only popular in the capital and Lingnan.

If he, the head of the Ji family, takes the lead in resisting, isn't he helping Qin Mo promote new learning in disguise?

"What a scheming bitch!" Ji Zhisheng felt very uncomfortable, but on second thought, Qin Mo pointed out a way for him, which made him ashamed again.

After living a long life, I was given guidance by a young man.

"That's all, whether it's a way to stimulate generals or let me promote the new learning, I'll do what you want!" Ji Zhisheng sighed, the Ji family's theory really needs an opponent, and the new learning is obviously a qualified opponent. .

He walked to the bookshelf and sorted out Qin Mo's messed up books.

He took out the key, opened the cabinet below, and took out Qin's new school.

I opened a book at random, and it was filled with notes.

"But this book is so damn well written!"

(End of this chapter)

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