big dry son-in-law

Chapter 796: The kind that is difficult to coax when you are angry!

Chapter 796: The kind that is difficult to coax when you are angry!
"Jingyun, come here!"

After Qin Mo replaced the remaining glass, Li Shilong called him.

Qin Mo stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the glass has been replaced. You won't have to worry about reading the memorials in the Ganlu Hall in the future.

Wei Chen still had to go to Li Zheng Palace and Da An Palace to help his mother and the old man replace the glass, so he resigned first! "

"Stop!" Li Shilong was very angry, "Are you allowed to leave?"

Qin Mo lowered his head, looked at his feet, and pursed his lips without saying a word.

This damn kid started again. He was stubborn last time and it took him a long time to change his tune.

"I'm not beating you because you smashed the window, but because you are ignorant and have a good wife at home, but you still want to go out and mess with women.

If you want a woman, just tell me. Don’t mention one, I will reward you with a hundred.

But why do you want to provoke Qinghe? "

Li Shilong said angrily: "It's true that there are no consorts who marry two princesses, but there are really no consorts who marry two princesses, plus two princesses, and the daughter of a duke, except for those who are from the royal family!"

If you are an emperor or a prince, it is natural to marry no matter how many people you marry.

Why Qin Mo?
That's not how you show your dignity.

"I understand!" Qin Mo said with cupped hands.

"Tell me, what do you understand?" Li Shilong said.

"I will go back and divorce my wife now. I will never make it difficult for Your Majesty!"

Li Shilong's blood pressure soared, "Is this how you understand it?"

"Isn't that what your Majesty means?"

The two sons-in-law were both angry and staring at each other.

"You really think I don't dare to do anything to you? Come here, catch him, and give him ten sticks first. If he doesn't admit his mistake, give him twenty sticks until he admits his mistake!"

Wang Gui glanced at him, and several strong eunuchs walked over.

At this time, Queen Gongsun came over in a hurry, "Wait a minute!"

She knew what was happening at the Li Zheng Hall, and hurriedly and slowly rushed to the Ganlu Hall.

As soon as the result came, Li Shilong was seen wanting to beat Qin Mo with a stick.

"Your Majesty, what's so big about going to war?" Queen Gongsun said while protecting Qin Mo behind her.

"This villain said he wanted to go back and divorce his wife!" Li Shilong said through gritted teeth.

"Jingyun, what did you say?" Queen Gongsun asked.

"Yes, His Majesty asked me to do this!" Qin Mo said.

Seeing that Qin Mo was addressed incorrectly, Queen Gongsun knew that Li Shilong must have done something that made Qin Mo particularly wronged.

The last time she changed her tune, she had to coax her for a long time.

"Your Majesty, you call me Father!" Empress Gongsun frowned and said, "If the family has something to say, why can't it be like this?"

"My son-in-law came here to give me a gift, but without saying a word, he whipped my son-in-law dozens of times. Mother, look!" Qin Mo rolled up his sleeves, and there were marks on them. "It hurts like hell!"

Empress Gongsun felt distressed and said, "Your Majesty, you should discipline your children as long as you discipline them. Why would you do such a hateful thing? Did Jingyun do something outrageous?"

"He is flirting with others and causing trouble every day. I can't discipline him anymore?"

"It's just a matter of Qinghe. Princess Qi agreed to it, so why are you doing this?" Queen Gongsun said: "Besides, before Jingyun went on the expedition, you personally said that if he could defeat the Japanese island country, he would be given another princess. of.

Jingyun not only won the battle, but also expanded his territory thousands of miles.

You are the emperor, the king of all ages. You cannot deny what you have said, right? "

Li Shilong was speechless.

Queen Gongsun said again: "Everyone in the court knows that the court has given less rewards to Jing Yun. Just because he has great merit and ability, he has been suppressed and refused to reward him again and again. Can you stop the people in the palace?" , can't stop the mouth of the world.

Even if they dare not say it with their mouths, they understand it in their hearts.

I'm a female prostitute who doesn't understand government affairs, let alone what it means to be superior to someone with great merit.

All I know is that Daqian is getting better and better, more and more pioneering and enterprising.

If you are afraid that the people below will make meritorious deeds, then simply don't reuse them.

It would be better to let him leave the court. Jing Yun didn't want to stay in the court anyway, and he never valued power.

I don’t understand, when did performing meritorious service become a sin?

If so, what else can a loyal minister do?
Isn’t the role of loyal ministers and capable ministers to urge the emperor to forge ahead? "

Qin Mo looked at Queen Gongsun blankly.

This is not the first time that Queen Gongsun has defended him, but this is definitely the strongest one!
Li Shilong, who was still fresh, had nothing to say.

"If a minister thinks of suppressing or even decapitating him after his merits are high, then can I think that the emperor has become content with the status quo and no longer wants to make progress?"

Empress Gongsun said solemnly: "I agree with you regarding Qinghe. Your Majesty can forget your words, but I cannot forget them, let alone let Your Majesty bear the infamy.

If the court cannot treat its heroes well, who will be able to work for the court in the future?
Is Your Majesty looking for a noble family, or are you someone who is ambitious?

If a generation dies on Tuesday, will His Majesty also be held responsible again? "

Li Shilong was silent for a long time. He already regretted hitting Qin Mo, but now he was awakened by the words of Empress Gongsun.

Qin Mo won the battle and never took credit for it. He personally made promises but never fulfilled them.

After what happened, Qin Mo came to the palace with heavy gifts just to make him happy.

Face and money are enough.

Thinking of this, he sighed and walked to Qin Mo, "Good son-in-law, I wrongly blamed you. I like your gift very much!
I agree to Qinghe's matter. You can marry her without getting married, but she can't get married! "

"Huh!" Qin Mo turned his head and didn't want to look at him. He said that he was angry and difficult to coax.

Li Shilong was a little helpless. Empress Gongsun gave him a look to tell him not to worry, and then said to Qin Mo: "Okay, go to the Lizheng Palace with the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother will have someone apply medicine on you!"

Arriving at the Li Zheng Hall, Queen Gongsun asked her maid to apply medicine to Qin Mo.

Empress Gongsun specially left Qin Mo to have a meal at the Lizheng Hall, "Your father was a bit cruel. Don't hold grudges. There are too many people who are envious of you and have petitioned to impeach you. He was up half the night last night!"

"Forget it, a son-in-law doesn't remember his father-in-law's faults!" After Qin Mo had eaten and drank, he had all the windows in the Lizheng Hall removed and replaced with glass.

Empress Gongsun was also surprised, "This is good, it's transparent and airtight, isn't it expensive?"

"My own property is not expensive!" Qin Mo smiled. He did not enter the palace purely for Li Jingya's affairs.

This matter is not a big deal to him.

"Mother, my son-in-law has something that I don't know whether to say or not."

"Is there anything else that needs to be said to my mother?"

Qin Mo was a little worried about Queen Gongsun's health, but if he told Li Shilong, there would be no room for maneuver.

The father and son of the Gongsun family did not live up to expectations, but fortunately Gongsun Min was okay.

If he didn't care about Empress Gongsun, Qin Mo would never care about this shit.

"Has your uncle come to visit your mother recently?"

Empress Gongsun shook her head slightly and sighed: "Since Chong'er was assigned, he has never been to my place.

Why, what you are talking about has something to do with uncle Guo? "

"Well, uncle Guo, he is currently on the road to crime!"

(End of this chapter)

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