big dry son-in-law

Chapter 797: 1 Family members don’t say they owe

Chapter 797 A family doesn’t say it owes anything

Empress Gongsun frowned slightly, "What do you think happened to my uncle?"

Qin Mo grimaced, "Hey, my son-in-law didn't want to talk about this at first!"

Empress Gongsun quickly asked Feng Jin to drive away the servants.

Feng Jin also sensibly closed the palace door and stood guard at the door.

"Now that everyone has left, we can talk." Queen Gongsun felt very uneasy.

"Hey, it's actually not a big deal. Uncle Guo just has contacts with a few remnants of the previous dynasty!" Qin Mo said.

Queen Gongsun's heart skipped a beat, and her face suddenly turned ugly, "What did you say?!"

Is it a trivial matter to associate with remnants of the previous dynasty?
What exactly does Gongsun Wuji want to do?
Want to die?
"Mother, please don't worry, things haven't gotten out of control yet." Qin Mo saw that Queen Gongsun's expression was wrong and quickly gave her some relief.

"Jingyun, please tell me first, my mother is fine." Empress Gongsun knew that since Qin Mo was alone with her, it meant that there was still room for recovery.

"Before, Gongsun Min went to Japan with his son-in-law. On the way, he asked his son-in-law if he would reuse him. Although my uncle didn't like me, he bullied me many times.

But, he is an elder after all, so he can just tolerate it and let it go.

To put it bluntly, he is already old and still has a few years to live.

What's more, Gongsun Chong has also been assigned to Lingnan. The affairs between Gongsun Chong and me have nothing to do with Gongsun Min.

My son-in-law will definitely not put on his shoes because of this matter. "

Queen Gongsun nodded. She saw Gongsun Min's great achievements this time and was happy in her heart.

But Gongsun Min was just a staff officer accompanying the army. If Qin Mo wanted to suppress him, he would never step forward.

This shows how kind-hearted this kid Qin Mo really is.

She sent people to scold Gongsun Wuji more than once for what he did to Qin Mo.

Especially what happened with Gongsun Chong. If Qin Mo hadn't been filial to her mother, Gongsun Chong would have died eight hundred times earlier.

"My son-in-law really admires Gongsun Min, he is polite and military, and his thoughts are right, so he also regards him as his brother.

But one day, he came to me alone, and he knelt down and asked his son-in-law to save the Gongsun family! "

Qin Mo sighed, "I was stunned at the time. Seeing him crying, I had no choice but to pull him up. Only then did he tell me what my uncle had done wrong!"

If he talks about this matter carelessly, the effect will be greatly reduced, but if he talks about it as a family matter, the risk will be reduced by half, and Empress Gongsun will not be too anxious.

If he said that Liumen found out that his uncle was causing trouble, Empress Gongsun would definitely wonder if the emperor was investigating Gongsun's family.

Then if you go further, you will think of yourself.

The nephew's son-in-law checked with his uncle and said to put it mildly, he called it justice to kill the relatives, but people in the world have always helped relatives but not dealt with them, and they were rude and made trouble.

Even if you are wrong, your relatives and friends will say something good about you. In the eyes of the world, this person is a trustworthy person.

"Did Gongsun Mintong tell you?"

"Yes, if he hadn't begged me, I wouldn't have known about it!" Qin Mo said, "After I found out about it, I agreed without even thinking about it."

Queen Gongsun was very anxious, "What on earth did Gongsun Min say to you?"

The matter was almost laid out, and Qin Mo didn't keep it secret anymore. He told the truth about three points of falsehood and seven points of truth.

For example, if the emperor wants to hide the princess, he must not say anything about it.

"Speaking of the uncle, he was really obsessed with it. He couldn't mess with anyone, but he wanted to mess with the prince's concubine, and his father too. It would have been nice to kill Hou Gennian with a knife, but he was rescued.

Now my uncle is stuck in the quagmire and is in a dilemma! "

Qin Mo sighed and said: "Queen mother, don't worry, after I come back, I will have my confidants keep an eye on that side, and I will definitely not let my uncle do anything irreparable wrong.

There is still Gongsun Min supervising the family, and everything is still in time. "

Queen Gongsun was furious, "He's confused, even if he really kills Princess Yin, so what?

As long as his heart is upright, not only will His Majesty not kill him, but he will also trust him even more.

It wasn't like this when he was young! "

Qin Mo didn't answer. In the final analysis, Gongsun Wuji was still greedy.Or maybe, his heart has already changed.

Otherwise, how could he get involved with that piece of shit Hou Gennian.

Queen Gongsun was flustered, "Jingyun, are you sure His Majesty doesn't know?"

"Mother, I didn't tell him."

"Good boy, luckily you didn't say anything." Empress Gongsun breathed a sigh of relief. This son-in-law is so kind and thinks of everything for her.

Gongsun Min is also smart and knows how to find Qin Mo. If he comes directly to her, she really has no good solution.

Once things are exposed, she will most likely get in.

Qin Mo waded into this muddy water without even thinking. She was not wrong about the person.

With Qin Mo's presence, there is room for maneuver in matters. Even if the matter is exposed, it can still leave some incense for the Gongsun family.

"Feng Jin!"

Hearing the call, Feng Jin quickly opened the door and came in, "Mother, what are your orders?"

"Go, call your uncle to this palace!" Empress Gongsun is also a decisive person. Today, she will scold him to wake him up. If he doesn't wake up, then she will have no choice but to destroy the relationship out of justice.

"Queen, no!"

Qin Mo said quickly: "If you call him in now, you will alert him."

"What should we do?" Queen Gongsun asked.

"Now that the rebellious ministers and traitors have emerged, let's take the opportunity to dig a well!" Qin Mo said: "My son-in-law, I don't want my mother to be infamy, nor do I want my mother to be wronged.

When the rebellious ministers and traitors showed up, the son-in-law sent people to catch them all. The Gongsun family's merits outweighed their faults.

No longer disturbed by it. "

Qin Mo also felt a little guilty.

He killed Queen Gongsun's two sons in one fell swoop, and also deprived A Si of his inheritance. If he hadn't instituted new laws, A Si would have inherited the throne.

In addition, he married her daughter again.

Let's make up for this.

Queen Gongsun's downfall is not a good thing for him.

She has a big heart and can bear the title of eternity and eternity.

Queen Gongsun was stunned, and instantly understood what Qin Mo meant. As long as the rebellious ministers and traitors were captured, she could say anything.

Even if he bites back, Qin Mo can still exonerate Gongsun Wuji.

More merit than demerit.

If she suddenly called Gongsun Wuji into the palace, she would definitely scare the snake and cause more harm than gain.

"The queen mother is so anxious!" Empress Gongsun glanced at Feng Jin.

Feng Jin left sensibly and closed the door.

"Mother, it's okay, don't worry about it, it's a small matter!"

Qin Mo comforted.

"My mother owes you a lot." Queen Gongsun said sincerely.

"A family doesn't owe anything." Qin Mo said with a smile: "If we said we owed something, if my mother hadn't favored my son-in-law, my legs would have been broken long ago."

He said that when he bullied Li Yushu, Empress Gongsun not only did not deal with him, but also covered him up.

Later, he looked even higher and never thought he was a fool.

Empress Gongsun also responded, "Yes, the family does not owe anything. Mother, I just hope that the whole family will be safe."

(End of this chapter)

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