big dry son-in-law

Chapter 910 The wind is gentle and the waves are gentle!

Chapter 910 The wind is gentle and the waves are gentle!
That night, the two of them slept in the small cabin. Qin Mo woke up at dawn.

While no one was getting up, we rowed quietly to the shore.

Li Lizhen was so tired that she couldn't even open her eyes now.

"Liu'er, it's time to go ashore!"

"Brother-in-law, I'm so sleepy!" Li Lizhen said.

"Everyone will get up soon after dawn." Qin Mo reminded.

Li Lizhen was so excited that she quickly stood up. After getting dressed, she stepped ashore lightly and heavily.

Qin Mo's steps were also very weak.

There's nothing I can do about it. I've been on the sea for a long time. No, it's because the sea is too rough and it can easily make people get seasick!
The patrolling soldiers were still selectively blind when they saw the two men.

When they reached the fork in the road, Li Lizhen lowered her voice and said with some reluctance: "Well, I'll go back first!"

"Go on, go back and catch up on your sleep. I'll make dragon and phoenix black chicken soup for you later!" Qin Mo said.


Li Lizhen nodded obediently and returned to the room, where Xiaojiu fell asleep with her arms stretched out.

She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, then lay down and fell asleep.

It was almost noon when I woke up.

When she woke up, she was confused and quickly called her grandma over, "It's so late, why didn't you call me?"

"Princess, I called, but I didn't wake you up. Later, the Emperor said that you might not be acclimatized and asked you to rest more!" Mammy replied, and then said: "Oh, by the way, do you need to rinse?"

Li Lizhen smelled of alcohol now, her hair was messy, and she was carrying a piece of red-dyed cloth in her arms. It was definitely not possible to go out like this, "Well, put on the water, I want to take a shower!"

While taking a bath, looking at the shameful mark, Li Lizhen couldn't help but think of everything that happened last night.

Last night, the night was bright with few stars, the wind was gentle, and the waves were gentle!

When they were almost done soaking, Mammy came in with a bowl of dragon and phoenix black chicken soup, "Princess, this is brought by the little prince-in-law next to the prince-in-law!"

"Oh, put it somewhere!"

Li Lizhen was fully dressed and looked at the chicken soup, feeling sweet in her heart.

The grievances of the past two years were all gone, and my heart was filled with tenderness and sweetness.

At this time, she noticed a note pressed at the bottom of the bowl. When she opened it, she saw that it was the poem written by Qin Mo last night.

She was overjoyed, but then she suddenly thought of something: "My brother-in-law was very talented in poetry when he was drunk, but when he woke up he had no idea what he had done.

Now, he actually remembers the poems he made?

Could it be that his soul-leaving syndrome is getting better? "

As soon as this idea came to her mind, she felt happy at first, but then she told herself that no one could tell her.

Because if others knew that Qin Mo's soul-leaving syndrome was gradually improving, they would definitely criticize Qin Mo if he made mistakes in the future.

She hurriedly put away the poem. This was a love poem for the two of them.

After being drunk, I don't know that the sky is on the water, and the boat is full of dreams and the galaxy.

She feels this way too!

Qin Mo was fishing with Li Yuan at the beach at the moment, but he didn't catch up on his sleep after landing and was terribly sleepy.

He fell asleep on the chair.

Seeing Qin Mo falling asleep on the chair, Li Yuan pursed his lips, and Wei Zhong quickly took out a blanket and covered Qin Mo's body.

After sleeping for an hour, Qin Mo stretched beautifully.

"Did you sleep comfortably?"

"I'm sorry, old man, I had a bit of insomnia last night," Qin Mo said.

"I think it's not that you have insomnia, but that you are too busy, right?" Li Yuan took out a cigarette, and Wei Zhong quickly stepped forward to light it. After taking a long sip, he exhaled the smoke and said, "Was it fun to light up the lanterns on the sea last night?"

Qin Mo blushed and said hesitantly: "Old man, do you know everything?" Li Yuan snorted: "If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself. Tell me what you are going to do!"

"What else can I do? Just get married!" Qin Mo was speechless. He went to call her in the middle of the night yesterday, but he didn't expect Li Yuan to know about it.

"I agree with you to marry Liu'er. I will do the work for your father.

When you came, your mother also knew that there was no big problem between you and your mother.

But one thing, you must not favor one over the other. These princesses and princesses are the pearls that everyone holds in their hands.

Marrying you alone is indeed a bit unfair, so you should be nicer to them. "

Li Yuan said earnestly: "It's enough to have these wives and concubines at home. Please take it easy in the future and don't imitate Dou Yi'ai.

That boy kept concubines every day and wasted away day by day. It looked like he would be short-lived! "

Qin Mo scratched his head, this was Li Yuan, how could anyone else be so kind to him.

Granddaughters, granddaughters, were crowded around him one after another.

It made him feel embarrassed.

"Don't worry, old man, he will definitely be good to them!" Qin Mo said, patting his chest.

"As for the marriage, it will be arranged in Lingnan. Don't go back to the capital. Keep a low profile to avoid people making irresponsible remarks." Li Yuan also knew in his heart that it would be really bad if he arranged it in a big way.

This was not done in Lingnan because of trouble, but because the impact would be bad.

Qin Mo is not a member of the royal family, he is just a consort, marrying so many princesses and princesses, he is so prominent that it makes people a little scared.

Wei Zhong reminded him last night that although he said it was nothing, he understood it in his heart.

It doesn't matter if he is alive, what if he is dead?
Li Shilong would definitely not do anything to Qin Mo, but what about Li Yue?

Although the two grew up wearing crotchless pants together, after becoming emperor, many people could not handle this change in status.

Now he is worried about whether Li Yue can handle the relationship with Qin Mo.

"It's okay, but wouldn't it be too unfair to Liu'er?"

Li Yuan directly took out the chapter he wrote last night, "Look, this was written when you went to the sea to kiss last night."

Qin Mo smiled awkwardly, took the paper and read it.

After reading it, Qin Mo called him a good guy.

The content of this chapter is that Li Yuan fell into the sea, Li Lizhen jumped into the sea regardless of her own safety, Qin Mo fished them out, and then Li Lizhen secretly promised.

In order to praise Qin Mo, Li Yuan betrothed Li Lizhen to Qin Mo.

Use novels to justify your name?
The beautiful Qin Mo's scalp was numb.

In this way, it is reasonable and well-founded, and everyone will know why Li Lizhen is with Qin Mo.

And this was written by Li Yuan himself, who would question it?
This is fabricating credit for Qin Mo out of thin air!

Qin Mo was even thinking, will future generations of historians use this novel as a historical record?

"Old man, the name of your chapter is wrong!" Qin Mo said.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Li Yuan was stunned.

"The title of this chapter should be called: After all, I alone took care of everything!" Qin Mo joked.

Li Yuan also reacted and said with a smile: "I just hope that you all have a good life.

After I finish revising the content today, I will take out the story about you, Lao Qi and Liu'er alone, refine it into two extra chapters, and turn it into a stage play.

You and Lao Qi didn't deal with each other before, and even beat her.

Well, how about the drama between you and Lao Qi is called "Drunk and Beating the Golden Branch"?
The drama with Lao Liu is called 'New Drunk Fighting Golden Branches'! "

Qin Mo was impressed by Li Yuan's operation and gave a thumbs up, "Old man, you are really good!"

Li Yuan smiled proudly, "You helped me write a novel before, so of course I want to reciprocate the favor!"

(End of this chapter)

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