big dry son-in-law

Chapter 911 Where did the pig essence come from!

Chapter 911 Where did the pig essence come from!
The days at the beach were relaxed and comfortable, and a month passed in the blink of an eye.

As December approaches, the weather is still pleasant.

And King Qi also rushed from Bohai Bay to the seaside.

He took the waterway. After the boat docked at the dock, Qin Mo took Xiao Dou and Xiao Chai to greet the boat.

"Father-in-law, get off the boat when we get there!" Qin Mo shouted towards the boat.

Anji Li scanned the crowd at the pier, "Jingyun, isn't my wife here?"

"Don't worry, I'm not here!" Qin Mo said helplessly.

"You swear, you won't lie to Dagan people when you tell them!"

He received Princess Jing'an's letter a month ago. He thought about it for a long time before working up the courage to come.

"You always have to meet her, how can you avoid this? But with your son-in-law protecting you, you will be fine!" Qin Mo said, patting his chest.

"Stop lying, she will kill you too!" Li Anji cast a heavy shadow on Princess Qi.

If she is in the dream, it must be a nightmare.

"Don't worry, aunt. The old man and the others are all here. No matter how angry my mother-in-law is, she will definitely calm down.

You're already here, if you hesitate and don't say hello to the old man, be careful my mother-in-law seizes this matter and punishes you severely! "Qin Mo threatened.

"Yes, yes, what you said makes sense, don't give her a chance to get angry!" Li Anji thought about what Princess Jing'an wrote in her letter, and felt a little calmer before getting off the ship.

"Isn't Jingya here?" Li Anji asked.

"Playing mahjong!" Qin Mo hooked his shoulder, "I'm having a good time in Bohai Bay. I'm so fat that I can't even recognize him."

Speaking of Li Anji, he used to be considered a middle-aged uncle with good features. When he came back from Wazhou, although he was a little shaky, the change was not too big.

Unexpectedly, when they met this time, the general's belly was so bulging that his beard couldn't even cover the fat on his face.

Greasy as hell!
"You bastard, who told you to hook up with your father-in-law?"

In the past, Qin Mo hadn't settled down with Li Jingya, so it was okay for the two of them to hook up.

But now that His Majesty has granted marriage, what does it look like for him, the father-in-law, to be arm in arm with his son-in-law?

"One half is a son-in-law, and the other half is a brother. If we put our arms around each other, it shows that we are close to each other!"

"Is there such a saying?"

"That's not important!" Qin Mo touched his belly, "I will take you to see the old man first, and then you go to my aunt. If you see my mother-in-law, kneel down and slap yourself hard in the mouth. Son, be more sincere in admitting your mistake!"

"What did I do wrong? I just wanted to take a concubine and continue my legacy!" Anji Li was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. "

"Yes, yes, you are right, I understand you!" Qin Mo sighed: "But I hope my mother-in-law can also forgive you!"

"She needs to understand even if she doesn't understand. If you make me angry, I'll slap her!" Angie Li snorted. During these days in Bohai Bay, he finally understood what it means to be a man.

He wants to be a man, not a little man!
"Okay, Jin Ba is a real man, a real man with iron blood!" Qin Mo gave a thumbs up and praised: "I support you!"

"Just keep an eye on it!" Angie Li held his head high.

Li Yuan was creating at the moment. Li Anji said hello. Li Yuan didn't even bother to look at him. He reluctantly said a few words to him and let him go.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Mo took Li Anji to the mahjong room.

The women headed by Princess Jing'an were all playing mahjong here, and naturally Princess Qi was also present.

Qin Menu pursed his lips, "Go!"

Anji Li took a deep breath and secretly vowed to stand up tall and be a real man!
Walking to Princess Jing'an, "Princess!"

Princess Jing'an frowned and said: "Who are you?" Li Anji was stunned, pointed at herself and said: "I am Li Anji, you don't know me?!"

"You fart, where did you get the pig essence? How dare you pretend to be my man?" Princess Qi on the side became angry at that time, "How can I not know what my man is like?"

Angie Li's face turned red, "Madam, it's really me!"

This made everyone in the mahjong room put down their cards, and everyone looked at Anji Li curiously.

Li Jingya's hand was very bad. She pushed the card down and walked over to look at Anji Li. "Dad, are you possessed by pig sperm? Why are you so fat!"

Anji Li couldn't laugh or cry, "Nonsense, it's like being possessed by pig sperm, I'm just a little fatter!"

Princess Qi pursed her lips and her face darkened, "You still know how to come back? Why don't you die outside? If you die outside, I can take my daughter and remarry!"

"Sister-in-law!" Princess Jing'an patted the back of her hand and told her not to say such hurtful words.

"Me, why can't I come back?" Li Anji clenched his fists, glanced at Qin Mo, and saw him secretly cheering himself up, and walked up to Princess Qi with his head held high, "How can I admit my mistake to you if I don't come back?"

Li Anji knelt in front of Princess Qi, "Husband, madam, I, I... I was wrong!"

Qin Mo was speechless. He thought he was really going to get horny today, but he didn't expect that he would only brag!

Princess Jing'an did not pull him, and waved her hand to let Li Yulan and the others go out first.

It was indeed inappropriate for the juniors like them to stay here, so they left without saying anything.

Before Qin Xiuying left, she said to Princess Qi: "My mother-in-law, just come back. Don't make things too tense!"

Qin Mo felt that he was not doing well here, and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Princess Jing'an, "Jingyun, wait!"

There are only five people in the mahjong room at this moment.

Princess Jing'an said: "Brother Prince Qi, please get up and speak first!"

"I, I" Anji Li looked at the expressionless Princess Qi and trembled. "It's okay. I'm used to kneeling, so I can speak more fluently."

"Dad, get up as soon as I tell you to!" Li Jingya helped Anji Li up.

But after being helped up, Li Anji was still afraid and bowed down, without any of the lofty ambitions he had when he got off the boat.

"Logically speaking, I, as a younger sister, should not be involved in the affairs between you and your husband." Princess Jing'an said, "But you and your wife have been sleeping together for more than 20 years, so it is not a problem to live in two places like this. , Brother Qi Wang, your family is thin, so there is nothing wrong with taking concubines.

But it’s wrong to take a concubine behind your sister-in-law’s back and not dare to take her home. "

In fact, there is no such thing as three wives and four concubines in Daqian. This is just a nice way of saying it.

An equal wife is just a reward.

The mainstream is still polygamy and multiple concubines. Generally speaking, concubines are not allowed, but wives can be divorced.

But this situation does not apply to the head wife who has a distinguished family background.

The person behind Princess Qi is Li Yuan, so if Princess Qi doesn't nod, Li Anji can only sneak in.

"Let's not talk about concubinage for now. You have been delaying Jingya and Jingyun's marriage. Elders don't take it that way.

You can't live your whole life without seeing your sister-in-law, right? "

"Yes, yes, I was wrong!" Li Anji couldn't help admitting her mistake.

Seeing Li Anji's humble look, Li Jingya also felt a little distressed, "Mom, just say a few words!"

Princess Qi was very angry, but these days, Princess Jing'an and others took turns to enlighten her, and she also realized that she had problems, "I get angry when I see him acting like a pig. It's like a big man has no bones, so you can't be tough." A little?"

"Yes, yes, I'm a weakling. Madam, don't be angry. Jingyun said that anger makes you grow old easily!"

(End of this chapter)

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