big dry son-in-law

Chapter 912 The mother-in-law wants to make peace!

Chapter 912 The mother-in-law wants to make peace!

"Mother-in-law, forget it. Seeing how well my father-in-law admits his mistakes, just forgive him this time!" Qin Mo helped Li Anji put in a good word.

Li Anji was extremely nervous, fearing that Princess Qi would draw a knife.

Princess Qi sighed, "Forget it, for the sake of Princess Jing'an and her son-in-law, I will let you go this time.

But I just forgive you for not returning home for a long time. After all, you went to Bohai Bay under His Majesty's orders.

How do you plan to deal with the issues of concubinage and illegitimate children? "

Angie Li swallowed hard, "Me, my wife, me"

"Brother Prince Qi, you have done everything and you still don't dare to admit it?" Princess Jing'an frowned.

"Madam, the child is not at fault. You can hit or scold him, but don't throw the child into trouble!" Li Anji said.

Princess Qi was extremely disappointed, "In your eyes, I am a heinous villain. Do you think I will do anything to your illegitimate children?"

"No, no!" Li Anji shook his head like a rattle.

"Anji Li, don't think that I'm controlling you to harm you. With a coward like you, you can't support a prince's palace at all.

Also, it’s not that I don’t want to have a son with you. I almost died when I gave birth to Jingya. It was you who felt sorry for me and told me in tears that you would never let me have another child again.

From then on, you will fear me like a scorpion, but you know better than anyone else whether I am a scorpion or not.

You feel fear when you see me. Do you still want me to beg you? "

Although she was also fierce back then, her relationship with Li Anji was still very good. However, when she gave birth to Li Jingya, she had a difficult delivery and almost died.

After that, Anji Li said that she would not have a second child.

And from then on, he avoided her, unable to escape, and was as perfunctory as a soft-footed shrimp.

Princess Qi once fell into self-doubt and felt that she was a disgusting and bad woman.

You know, back then she rode on the battlefield with Princess Jing'an, and there were countless brave generals who admired her.

But in the end, she married the weak Anji Li.

Isn’t it because Anji Li is careful and considerate of herself?
How did she live like this?

Princess Jing'an sighed, this matter was indeed Anji Li's fault.

It was precisely because of this that Princess Qi, who had a strong personality, became angry and refused to allow him to take concubines.

Qin Mo finally heard it.

No wonder Anji Li can't do it. It turns out that she has a psychological shadow.

He has a weak temperament and cannot bear it well. He easily retreats when encountering trouble.

Although Princess Qi is tough, she is not that kind of person.

On the contrary, the charm is still there, and she is a proper lady.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to give birth to a beautiful girl like Li Jingya.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, I."

"I can endure ten years of constant loneliness, and I have never done anything that I could not do to you.

You went out to eat secretly and didn't write me a letter for a year and a half. You tell me what the love between husband and wife means!
That's not what you said in front of the Supreme Emperor!

Don’t blame the Supreme Emperor for looking down on you. No one can look down on you, not even a dog! The more Princess Qi talked, the more she felt unworthy, "Okay, since you dislike me for not being able to have a son and think I'm disgusting, then we can make peace."

I'll let you know if I'm wanted! "

After saying this, Princess Qi ran out of the mahjong room crying!

"Mom!" Li Jingya hurriedly chased after her. "Madam!" Anji Li was at a loss.

Princess Jing'an was also furious, "Hurry up and catch up!"

Anji Li also panicked and rushed out.

"What a bastard. He doesn't even think about how many people were looking at my sister-in-law longingly. If it weren't for my father, would he have been able to marry such a good woman as my sister-in-law?"

Princess Jing'an was also a little angry. As a woman, she understood Princess Qi very well, "Jingyun, don't interfere in this matter, let them make trouble on their own.

He was not allowed to figure out his mistake on his own, and he still felt that his sister-in-law had treated him harshly. "

Qin Mo smiled bitterly, "This is wrong, why did they make peace with each other just like that?"

"Aunt, let me go and take a look!" Qin Mo said and chased after her.

Princess Jing'an was also worried and hurriedly followed.

At this time, Princess Qi came to Li Yuan's study and knelt on the ground, "Please uncle, let me make peace with Li Anji!"

Princess Qi is Li Yuan's biological sister and the daughter of Princess Li Yang.

Li Yuan had three brothers and one sister, but all three brothers died young, and he was particularly doting on his only sister, Princess Li Yang.

But his sister's fate was not good. After marrying the Wang family, she gave birth to Princess Qi and left.

Therefore, he always kept Princess Qi by his side and raised her as a daughter.

Back then, Princess Qi was a heroine on par with Princess Jing'an.

Many admirers came to him and wanted him to betroth Princess Qi to them.

But Princess Qi has a domineering temperament and is also very good at martial arts. Most men can't suppress her. If she marries a military commander with an equally violent temper, why not quarrel every day?
At this time, Anji Li also begged him.

Li Anji is soft-tempered, bookish, and gentle. The two of them complement each other perfectly.

So Li Yuan matched the two people.

When the world was established, Li Yuan enfeoffed all the ministers. With Li Anji's little hard work, he became a duke.

But for the sake of Princess Qi and Princess Li Yang, they still gave him the title of King Qi.

At that time, many people were quite critical.

The couple had a good life at first, but later on, Li Yuan was quite disappointed.

He looked at Princess Qi who was crying with pear blossoms in the rain, and sighed: "Rou'er, I ask you, are you really unable to survive?"

"Yes, I can't live any longer!" Princess Qi cried: "I have disappointed my uncle. Rou'er has not been a good mother, a good wife, and a princess.

The whole capital knows that I am a jealous and domineering woman who has embarrassed my uncle! "

Li Yuan stepped forward and helped her up, "Hey, my child, I have been wronged. I should not have promised you to Li Anji in the first place."

At this time, Li Jingya also chased after her. She happened to hear what Princess Qi said and felt particularly uncomfortable.

"Rou'er doesn't blame uncle. It's Rou'er who didn't do a good job and didn't give birth to an heir for Prince Qi. She doesn't blame Li Anji either. I only blame myself. I don't have this life." Princess Qi cried so hard that she was out of breath, " Please ask my uncle to dissolve my marriage to Angie Li!"

Li Yuan felt extremely distressed and furious. He suppressed his voice and said angrily: "Where is that bitch? Let him get here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the panting Anji Li came over. He was too fat and left out of breath as soon as he walked a little faster.

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard Li Yuan's angry voice coming from inside, and his heart dropped.

Wei Zhong looked at Li Anji expressionlessly, "King Qi, the Supreme Emperor is calling you!"

(End of this chapter)

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