big dry son-in-law

Chapter 913 Son-in-law teaches father-in-law!

Chapter 913 Son-in-law teaches father-in-law!
"Your Majesty!" Li Anji walked in extremely anxiously.

"Rou'er wants to make peace with you, what do you think?"

"Harmony, peace and separation?" Anji Li was speechless and just looked at his wife in a daze.

They have been married for 20 years, and he has never thought about getting divorced.

In the days without Princess Qi, Anji Li would not be able to survive.

He kept shaking his head, panicking in his heart, "No, no, no, Your Majesty, I don't want to reconcile with my wife. I made all the mistakes, and they are all my fault. You can punish me no matter what!"

He quickly walked over and knelt at his wife's feet, "Madam, you can hit me, scold me, whatever you want to vent your anger."

Princess Qi pushed him away, "I won't do it anymore. Why should I, Wang Lingrou, be that tough woman? I've had enough of being a widow for the past ten years!"

"Madam, I was wrong. Give me another chance. Jingya, please persuade your mother."

Li Jingya didn't know what to say for a moment. Of course she didn't want her parents to get divorced, but Princess Qi was in such pain. If King Qi didn't change, life would still be the same.

What reason did she have to persuade her to forgive?
Qin Mo and Princess Jing'an also arrived. As his son-in-law, Qin Mo still helped King Qi and said a few good words, but Princess Qi seemed determined and no one could persuade her.

It's also because Prince Qi is so stupid. He doesn't pick up any pot. If Princess Qi really wants to do something to her child, why wait until now?

These 20 years have been wasted.

"I have made up my mind. No one can try to persuade me. I, Wang Lingrou, am less than forty years old and have not lost my teeth yet. There are many men who want me.

If you think I don’t have a son, then I’ll give it to someone else. Li Anji, just keep your dog eyes wide open! "Princess Qi was also severely injured by Anji Li.

Li Yuan looked at Li Anji, who was crying with snot and tears, and kicked him, "Things that can't be held up by mud can't be held up by the wall. My own wife can't even take care of her, and she runs to raise a child. Look at what you are like." Block material?

What did you say when you begged me?How do you do it now?

I am just a niece, have you taken the courage of a bear’s heart and a leopard’s courage? "

After saying that, he was too lazy to talk nonsense, "I agree to peace and separation. I will personally write to the emperor later. You, the King of Qi, don't do it. Your virtue is not worthy of your position. It's embarrassing!"

Li Yuan is old now and can no longer manage state affairs, but he still has the power to make decisions about family affairs.

"Old man, calm down, the blood pressure will come up soon!" Qin Mo quickly went over to support Li Yuan.

Li Jingya made a decision and was so anxious that she kept winking at Qin Mo.

He thought it would be okay to scare Anji Li.

If we truly reconcile, this family will fall apart.

Qin Mo was very tired. It wasn't that he didn't give his best, but that his teammates were too difficult to lead.

"Father, you are so angry that it hurts you!" Princess Jing'an also walked over.

Princess Qi was relieved at this moment and felt relieved, "From now on, I am no longer the wife of the Li family, I am the daughter of the Wang family!"

Li Anji slumped on the ground, feeling terribly uncomfortable. All the memories from the past came back to him, and he suddenly realized how much of a bastard he was.

The bowels of regret are all green.

But Li Yuan has agreed to reconcile, and there is no chance anymore.

He looked at Qin Mo, and only Qin Mo could help him, "Jingyun, please, help, help me!"

Qin Mo had no choice but to truly reconcile. According to Princess Qi's stubborn character, it was really possible that she would marry him anyway.

Then there's really nothing you can do.Thinking of this, Qin Mo stepped forward and said, "Mother-in-law, are you really determined to leave your father-in-law?"

"Isn't this already divorced?" Princess Qi said.

"Are you willing?"

"He is willing to let me go, why can't I let him go?"

"I won't talk about the relationship between husband and wife for 20 years, nor will I use Jingya to influence your choice. After all, you know best whether you have lived well in these 20 years.

My father-in-law is indeed a coward, but in the past 20 years, he has not been able to fight back when hit or scolded, which is something few men can do, right?
This shows that he respects you and loves you in his heart.

A man has gold at his knees. If he kneels down to admit your mistake in front of so many people, it means that he still has you in his heart.

The reason why you are so sad is because you feel wronged by your efforts and forbearance over the past 20 years, but this is exactly the expression of love.

As the saying goes, love is deep and hate is deep. If you have no love, why should you be so sad? "

Princess Qi bit her lip, "I, I, I just cried to myself!"

"Then don't you think it's too easy to let him go like this? If it were me, I would definitely teach him a lesson and make him remember it better!" Qin Mo said.

"Jingyun," Anji Li's eyes widened.

"What am I? Don't blame the son-in-law for being unloyal. It's true that you were so wrong this time. I can't stand hearing it anymore!" Qin Mo blinked at Li Anji. This father-in-law is definitely a The worst one he ever had.

Seeing Qin Mo on her side, Princess Qi felt a lot better.

"As a husband, you didn't take good care of your married wife; as a man, you didn't protect your woman from the wind and rain; as a father, you didn't even care about your daughter's marriage.

Even if you have a hundred sons outside, so what?
Is that your home? "

Qin Mo scolded Li Anji harshly: "Your home is not outside, but in the capital. No matter how many women you have around you, there is still no suitable original match!"

Although the son-in-law was treasonous and treasonous by criticizing his father-in-law, Princess Qi clenched her fists when she heard this, and secretly cheered in her heart, almost speaking out her heart.

What a good son-in-law, I will take good care of you from now on!

"Brother silly." Li Jingya pulled Qin Mo,

Qin Mo didn't stop, but even scolded her, "And you, even though you knew my father-in-law was raising a child outside, you still protected her, who gave birth to you?

You white-eyed wolf, you are heartless, you have broken my mother-in-law's heart completely. "

"That's right!" Princess Qi took out her handkerchief and wiped her tears, "This father and daughter teamed up to lie to me. Why am I so miserable!"

"Mom, I'm sorry!" Li Jingya lowered her head, feeling very ashamed.

Princess Jingan smiled helplessly, Qin Mo was Qin Mo, and he did the opposite, which actually made Princess Qi feel better.

Qin Mo snorted: "If the apology is useful, why do you need six doors? You must compensate my mother-in-law well and be obedient and filial in the future, otherwise, I will spank you!"

Li Jingya quickly covered her butt, "No, don't beat me, I just have to obey!"

"And father-in-law, from now on, I will give you three months to admit your mistakes and repent. If within these three months, you still can't make my mother-in-law change her mind.

When the time comes to reconcile and leave, and when the time comes to evacuate the king and king, Amitabha will not be able to save you! "

With that said, Qin Mo smiled and said to Princess Qi: "Mother-in-law, you have been very harsh in these three months. It doesn't matter if you don't forgive me. I will give you an explanation for these 20 years of youth!"

(End of this chapter)

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