big dry son-in-law

Chapter 927 What a great daddy!

Chapter 927 What a great daddy!
There are two types of so-called transportation losses. One is the loss of transporting food on the road during wartime.

This is also the reason why the three armies did not move and food and grass went first. If the food delivery is not enough, the army will go hungry when it passes.

This is also why it is difficult to see a long-term war lasting more than half a year, because it is too hard to fight for food.

In this era, big countries compete not only for population, but also for food.

There is another kind of transportation loss, which is the transportation of tax and grain.

Those who are lucky are lucky, even if they are greedy, they are less greedy.

Taking the land route will be fatal, and it is normal to lose one-third.

Excluding the people, horses, and mules who transported it, the one third of the food consumed was the layers of exploitation during transportation.

They range from the village chief in a village to the county magistrate in a county government office.

Food is also divided into upper and lower portions. If the food is not full, more must be collected. Is it possible to save one's life?

In this regard, Emperor Zhou Yang's Grand Canal still played a major role in reducing transportation losses, but it is normal for ships to capsize occasionally when traveling on water, right?

Even if it was reported to the court, everyone would not take it seriously and would only make a few mild criticisms.

When Li Yuan heard the word "luck and loss", his expression became solemn, "When I come to court, the word "luck and loss" should be May Day."

Qin Mo clicked his tongue, "One-fifth of the loss, how many people have gained along the way?

Moreover, I am afraid that this May Day is still small, and I am afraid that a quarter of the actual loss is.

It doesn't matter in the short term, but if you look at it in five years, it means that one year's total revenue from the national treasury grain tax has been corrupted.

In 50 years, there will be no national food for ten years. With these ten years of tax food, we can do too many things!

Is Master Zhuge here? "

"No, this year's taxes haven't been calculated yet, so I didn't come!" Li Cungong replied.

"Forget it, it's useless for him to come. Fundamentally, there is a problem with the system, whether it is the land equalization system or the tenancy system, they are all problems.

Even if the original system is played with tricks, it will be useless.

Nowadays, many high-yield and drought-resistant crops are planted in Lingnan, and high-yield rice seeds have been cultivated in Qinzhuang, the capital. In three to five years, it will not be a problem to quadruple Daqian's grain.

At that time, the population surged, and despite the prosperity, there were still problems.

My dad once said that when looking at a problem, you can’t just look at the surface, but look deeper.

Right, Dad, you said that the land equalization system and the tenancy system were rubbish, right? Qin Mo said with a smile.

Everyone looked at Qin Xiangru and cursed in their hearts.

"Hey, old dog Qin, it turns out that you are the real culprit behind the scenes. These words Qin Mo said were all taught by you, right?"

"Old dog Qin, my mother-in-law, your family has a princess and princess as your daughter-in-law, but our family doesn't. Your family has too much money to spend, and our family doesn't either.

Picking up the bowl to eat, then putting the bowl down to scold your mother, you are a real dog! "

Qin Mo said that the land equalization system was poor, that the land-renting system was bad, and that he also talked about land annexation. Isn't that just criticizing them?

Now that the aristocratic family has been killed in pieces, they still dare to say anything. If Qin Mo points it out, can Li Shilong still pretend that he didn't see it?
Originally it was hello to you, hello to everyone, but now it’s fine and we don’t have to play anymore.

Li Cungong and Liu Chenghu have nothing to do with each other. Anyway, they make money with Qin Mo. They have too much money to spend and they have little obsession with land.

But Yuchi Nobuo and the others couldn't do it, and they wanted to chop Qin Mo with a knife.

No, I chopped up the father and son! "Xiangru, have you said this?" Li Shilong asked.

"That's not important. What's important is that my father must have said it." Qin Mo was afraid that Lao Qin would deny it, so he insisted that it was him who said this, "I am your son, I will definitely remember it wrong!"

Qin Xiangru laughed strangely, the veins on the back of his hands popped out, and the fishing rod was almost broken by him, "Haha, what a big boy dad is!"

"Xiangru, if you have anything to do in the future, come and tell me yourself. This will save your bastard from being angry with me!" Li Shilong glanced sideways at Qin Mo, getting more and more angry.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Qin Xiangru showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Okay, don't interrupt, let Jingyun continue!" Li Yuan said: "Jingyun, tell me how to solve this matter!"

“Now that we have a small population, we must encourage more births. Now that the land is abundant, we must vigorously reclaim the land and then measure the land nationwide.

Wherever the total amount of land is, no matter how much it changes, it cannot be reduced by half at once, unless there is a war and the land is invaded.

Let me first talk about the land equalization system, and then I will talk about the tenancy system. These two areas are together. If they are to be changed, they must be changed together.

Otherwise, there will be chaos! "

Everyone present pricked up their ears and listened.

“The land equalization system is to provide land to each household, with each household having [-] acres. To put it bluntly, with so much land, a family of three or five may not be able to farm all of it.

Especially with potatoes and sweet potatoes, unless there is a large-scale natural disaster, there will definitely be no shortage of food.

Therefore, I think that Yongye Field, after the death of the owner, will no longer return the official title, but will be inherited by the descendants as a family unit.

For example, Uncle Yuchi owned one hundred acres of Yongye Field. After his death, he divided the Yongye Field between his two sons, Ba Dao and Arrogant, each with fifty acres! "

"Qin Mo, you are dead!" Yuchi Nobuxiong cursed.

"Stop arguing, let me give you an example!"

"To shut up!"

"Hold it!"

Li Yuan and his son cursed in unison.

Yuchi Nobuo shrank his neck, feeling aggrieved and unable to explain.

Gongsun Wuji breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was not used as an example this time.

He finally doesn't have to 'die' anymore!

Qin Mo exhaled a puff of smoke and continued: "Of course, they are still in the name of Uncle Yuchi, and the total number is still the same. If they go out alone to set up households, then they will not be divided into Yongye fields.

The head of the household had the final say on how to divide the land. If a son was born in the family, he would be rewarded with ten acres of permanent land. These ten acres of permanent land were given as a reward by the court for encouraging fertility and would not be taken back.

After the fourth generation, the Yongye Field reward will be cancelled. At that time, if you give birth to an heir, you will no longer be rewarded with Yongye Field.

At that time, each household had at least three to four hundred acres of Yongye field on a household basis. The food grown was enough for three or four hundred people to enjoy three meals a day.

Moreover, at the same time as having children, the elders in the family will also pass away, and the fields will not be fully cultivated.

Of course, this approach can easily give birth to a village clan, and over time, a second aristocratic family can easily appear.

But there is a supporting method, that is, the village uses collective land. Although the villagers' Yongye fields belong to them, they are also the collective property of the village! "

Li Yuan was confused by this, "Jingyun, you talk about private property and collective property at other times, and I am confused by what I heard!"

(End of this chapter)

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