big dry son-in-law

Chapter 928 2 Tax Protection and Civil Law!

Chapter 928 Two Taxes to Protect the People!
"You kid, please tell me carefully and tell me this matter in detail!" Li Shilong got angry when Qin Mo said a few words and took two puffs of cigarette.

Qin Mo still ignored him and said to Li Yuan: "Old man, the land is constant but the people are not, so let's take the village as the unit.

The nearby mountains, fields, land, woods, and ponds are classified as the collective property of the village!
The level above the village is the township, which governs the villages. Each village has countless land and forests.

For example, Yuchi Village has [-] acres of arable land, and there are [-] households in the village. The extra [-] acres of arable land is collectively cultivated by the village. However, the property rights of these fields are not owned by individual households, and the property is collectively owned.

The food grown in these lands is used for taxes, and the excess is used for storage or distribution. If it is not eaten, it is sold. The money sold is divided equally among the villagers.

In this case, will anyone still be willing to become a dependent farmer? "

Everyone looked at each other. This method seemed to be much better than the equal land system, except for Yongye Field.

The excess land in the village can increase the income of the village and make farmers rich.

Secondly, the imperial court's taxation will not hurt the bones.

Moreover, rewarding acres of land according to people can also reduce the hidden population.

It can also encourage everyone to have children.

The most important thing is that taking the village as a unit can greatly curb land annexation. Nobles can never annex a village or a town.

"What if there are still people who are dependent farmers?" Li Yuan asked.

"Just pay taxes as an official, let them annex, collect taxes and kill them!" Qin Mo said.

"Officials and honors are taxed together?" Du Jingming exclaimed.

There was no imperial examination in Daqian, so there was no saying that officials and gentry paid taxes together.

"That's right, the official and honorary taxes are paid together!" Qin Mo said: "To be honest, who here doesn't have acres of land at home?

According to the Daqian Order, the Duke's Yongye farmland is one hundred hectares, which is [-] acres of cultivated land, not including mountains, forests, ponds, etc.

You are already full of food, as well as various salaries and businesses, so stop focusing on the little land that the common people have.

Of course, you are all good officials, and you will definitely not do such a thing, but it is hard to say that those officials who are as high as the sky and as far away as the emperor are far away. "

Li Yuan was a little frightened. He paid for his official honors, so he shouldn't be too cruel.

This knife might cause trouble.

He glanced at Li Shilong.

Li Shilong's eyes were also full of surprise, obviously he didn't expect Qin Mo to have this idea.

"To tell you the truth, old man, the reason why the land in Lingnan was measured during this period was to pay for the official honors, and the village-based method was actually implemented a few months ago.

The feedback from the people is very good. Everyone is working hard to reclaim wasteland, so next year, the land will be measured again.

From now on, the land will be measured every two to three years to ensure the amount of land.

The restructuring of various yamen in Lingnan, including taxation, has been implemented two months ago. The tax revenue collected will become a guarantee for their future.

For example, Uncle Yuchi is now a low-level official with six jobs. After retiring at the age of 50, he will have no salary and income, and he will be useless.

However, things are different now. Liumen has rehired Uncle Yuchi as a consultant with no real power. He also has a monthly pension and his salary will not be worse than when he was on duty.

If the court allocates this money, it will become a huge expenditure over time. If the tax is deducted, not one person will benefit, but all the petty officials.There are more officials than officials, and officials at least have a guarantee, while officials have no guarantee at all. "

Li Shilong's expression changed again and again, "You're only talking about such a big thing now!"

Qin Mo glanced at him and said to Li Yuan: "Old man, someone told me to do whatever I want, but I have to make some achievements before doing so, right?

This is just the beginning. What’s the use? Anyway, it’s already been implemented. We’ll see if it works or not within a year! "

Li Yuan nodded. It is indeed a good idea to implement reforms in Lingnan. Anyway, everything here has been reopened.

If these two sets of combined punches continue, the people will not be willing to rely on them. The officials feel that there is no benefit in annexing the land, so naturally they will not think about annexing!

Li Shilong was also helpless. This piece of shit was really good at causing such a big thing without making any noise.

Fortunately, this is Lingnan. If it had been placed elsewhere, those lords would have reported it long ago.

"However, this kind of system can easily give birth to Li Hao over time." Li Yuan said.

"You can divide your family. After the family is divided, the land will be divided from the original household registration.

After the family is separated, the descendants will also have to support the elderly.

As for families, some people are willing to separate their families, some are not, and there are always some who are not willing to work on the land.

After people have money, they will think about pursuing a better life, such as going to the county seat, letting their children study, taking the civil service examination, and pursuing an official career.

Open more schools and regard children's reading as one of the criteria for local officials' assessment. Once you have knowledge, you will not be stuck in the fields all your life.

Within two generations, scholars abounded in Daqian.

After three or four generations, it may become a question whether anyone is willing to go to the countryside to farm! "

"Absurd, who would despise Di?" Yu Boshi said.

"Ask your grandson if he wants to go back to his hometown to farm!" Qin Mo pushed him back with just one sentence!

Yu Boshi opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to refute. His grandson was unwilling to go to the suburbs of Beijing, let alone his hometown.

"People go to higher places, water flows to lower places, their families have more food, and they have money in their pockets. Who doesn't know how to enjoy it? Look at the capital, how many people there are. Is it just because the capital is the most virtuous place?
No, it's because there are many opportunities in the capital, and young people can find ways to make a fortune there.

Don't look down on country people. Anyone who looks down on country people is a fool! Qin Mo snorted: "What annoys you the most is that you think farmers can only be farmers and soldiers must be soldiers. You are like fools!" "

"I didn't, you wronged me!" Yu Boshi was so angry that it wasn't the first time he had dealt with Qin Mo, but it was the first time that Qin Mo scolded him so harshly.

Qin Mo rolled his eyes and ignored him at all, "In short, Lingnan has begun to implement the policy of transferring land to villages, and Cangwu has also begun to implement the policy of paying grain to each merchant and peasant with honors!"

"Your approach is indeed a good idea, but it's a bit too radical." Li Yuan stroked his beard, "Moreover, your approach seems to conflict with the rent system. If there are more than one person in a household and there is not enough land, the capitation tax will be applied. , will greatly increase the tax burden!”

"Old man, you are wrong. There will no longer be individual taxes. All miscellaneous taxes will be exempted. Instead, taxes will be paid on a constant basis based on the total number of acres. In this way, the more fields there are, the more taxes will be paid.

Coupled with the payment of grain through official honors, land annexation can be curbed to the greatest extent and the common people can be protected.

Moreover, the taxation time is determined to be summer and autumn, so that tax collectors will no longer be able to collect taxes randomly.

I call it, Two Taxes to Protect the People! "

(End of this chapter)

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