big dry son-in-law

Chapter 932 Black Egg, so delicious!

Chapter 932 Black Egg, so delicious!

Li Yuan coyly said, "I just can't bear to leave. The mountains and rivers here are good, and I am in a good mood."

"Hey, I thought it was a big deal." Qin Mo said with a smile: "The summer in Cangwu is much hotter than in the capital. You go back to the capital to escape the summer heat, and then come back when the weather gets cold. You can enjoy the mountains and rivers along the way. How great would it be to see the majestic mountains and rivers of Dagan?"

"Hey, you're not in the capital, so I'm not excited." Li Yuan sighed and said, "I can't even get excited when I go on stage to tell stories!"

Qin Mo had no choice but to persuade him with good words. After all, Li Yuan was old. If something happened in Lingnan, he really couldn't bear it.

And next, he will have to work hard for retirement for a while.

"Okay, I'm old and will be disliked wherever I go. I just need to leave!" Li Yuan sighed, picked up the fishing rod and left with the fishing basket. His back was as pitiable as he could be.

"Okay, okay, don't leave. Just help me teach my children in Lingnan, okay?" Qin Mo relented and said, "I can't teach those little monkeys in my family. Please help me. I'm begging you. !”

Li Yuan smiled and turned around, "This is what you said. I didn't force you, right?"

"No!" Qin Mo sighed.

Wei Zhong said with a smile: "Captain Prince Consort, if you have an old man in your family, it's like you have a treasure!"

"We are two old men. You and I are both treasures!" After saying that, Qin Mo also stopped fishing. "Let's go and pack your things. The sea breeze is a bit strong during this period. Let's go back to Cangwu early to prevent you two from getting rheumatism." , you two old cold legs can’t stand it!”

"Don't worry, Jingyun, I promise to discipline your children well!" Li Yuan said, patting his chest.

"Slow down, you are still jumping up and down at this age!" Qin Mo saw that he was a little out of breath while climbing up the hill, so he quickly handed the fishing rod to Wei Zhong, then walked to Li Yuan, knelt down and said, "Upper back !”

"No, I'm not too old to walk yet." Li Yuan waved his hands repeatedly for fear of burdening Qin Mo.

"There's no one else here, come up here, why are you so polite to me?" Qin Mo said.

Li Yuan felt so comfortable in his heart. This child's pain was not in vain, so good!

He lay on Qin Mo's back, "Is the master heavy?"

"Little old man, he has only two ounces of meat and is very light!" Qin Mo said.

Li Yuan was in a trance for a while, thinking of the scene when he was carrying Li Jianyuan on his back many years ago.

Time seems to be reincarnated, and now he is also old.

There was a smile on his lips, and his eyes were full of kindness.

This scene happened to be seen by Princess Jing'an. She couldn't help but said to Princess Qi: "Did you see it? This is why I am shameless and want to marry my daughter to Jingyun!"

A few days later, Qin Mo took everyone back to Cangwu.

The next day, I couldn’t wait to go to the plantation.

After the new year, the temperature in Cangwu gradually increased, and two pieces of clothing were enough for the body temperature.

Li Yuan also had a hoe on his shoulder and was dressed like an old farmer in the countryside. He spat on his hand and said, "Jingyun, this No. [-] hoe, I have to come to you no matter what!"

"Can you do it? Don't expose your waist!"

"Don't worry, when I was still in the imperial court, I would personally go to the fields to sow the seeds every spring, and during the autumn harvest, I would take my children and grandchildren to harvest." Li Yuan is quite experienced in this area.

"Okay, just take it easy and don't hoe the potatoes!" Qin Mo said.

Gongsun Wuji on the side said: "Would you like to read a memorial? Wei Chen is ready."

"Recite nonsense, this is not a spring festival!" Li Yuan said impatiently: "Have you seen any farmer reciting a lot of ritual inscriptions while digging the ground?"

Cangwu officials all looked at each other and did not dare to speak.

"Okay, Uncle Guo, if you have time to finish the memorial ceremony, why not roll up your sleeves and prepare to dig potatoes? Today we must finish the potatoes and sweet potatoes in the plantation!" After saying that, Qin Mo said: "Old man, let's put down the hoe! "


Li Yuan was also very excited. He went down with his hoe and pulled out a bunch of dirt balls the size of a child's fist.

It was the first time for many people to see potatoes, and they were very curious.

Qin Mo quickly stopped Li Yuan and dug into the soil with both hands to get out the remaining potatoes.

The potatoes, which looked like enlarged versions of grapes, made Qin Mo extremely excited. After counting, there were actually ten potatoes hanging in a row, "Wow, old man, perfect!"

Li Yuan also hurriedly squatted down and cleaned the potato mud with his hands, "Quick, weigh it!"

Gongsun Wuji also paid great attention to it. He quickly asked where to find a scale. His eyes widened at this scale, "The Supreme Emperor, weigh two pounds!"

"Okay, okay, this one plant weighs two kilograms. If there are one thousand plants in one acre, wouldn't that weigh two thousand kilograms?" Li Yuan's eyes lit up.

In the capital, only three to four hundred kilograms of rice can be harvested from one acre of land.

This acre of potatoes weighs two thousand kilograms. Although it is not as scary as the three or four thousand kilograms Qin Mo said, the yield has also increased four to five times.

Princess Jingan and others also kept smacking their lips, how can this little black egg grow so long?
"Old man, there may be more!"

Qin Mo waved his hand, "What are you doing with the pestle? Come and dig together. Move slowly. Don't hurt the potatoes. If they are broken, it will be difficult to plant seeds."

Everyone also got into the greenhouse. Hundreds of people harvested an acre of land without much effort.

When the weight was finally put on the scale, it weighed a full [-] kilograms!
For a moment, everyone present was shocked by this number.

"Isn't this too long?"

"But, can this little black egg grow? How does it taste?"

What they asked was what Li Yuan wanted to ask.

"Don't worry, these potatoes not only grow long, but they also taste great. They are delicious when steamed, stir-fried, or deep-fried!
The most important thing is that it is nutritious and very good for hunger! "

Qin Mo didn't waste any time, and quickly asked his servants to wash a bunch of them, steam some on the stove, peel some and cut them into long strips, then put them in a frying pan and fried them into French fries.

I cut potatoes into cubes, stewed beef brisket, braised chicken, stewed pork, and fried spicy and sour shredded potatoes.

The fragrant smell came from far away, arousing the greed in their stomachs.

Soon, the food is served.

"Come on, old man, you can taste each one!" Qin Mo handed over a pair of chopsticks.

Li Yuan swallowed. He had eaten too much meat, but it was his first time eating potatoes. He picked up a chopstick and found that the potatoes were extremely soft and glutinous.

With a slight sip of your tongue, it split open, and the rich taste jumped on your taste buds, "Good, good!"

He couldn't wait to get some French fries and put it in his mouth, "This is good too!"

Finally, he picked up a steamed potato with his chopsticks and took a bite. "It's delicious. This potato, even if nothing is put in it, is still delicious."

Qin Mo smiled and took out the chili noodles mixed with salt, "Old man, eat it with this, it will be more delicious!"

Li Yuan dipped the chili noodles and took a bite. It was so spicy that he blushed, but immediately he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Mom, why are these potato eggs so delicious!"

(End of this chapter)

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