big dry son-in-law

Chapter 933 The Beginning of the Great Dream

Chapter 933 The Beginning of the Great Dream

"Hey, it tastes good. If it doesn't taste good, what will I do with it?" Qin Mo quickly invited everyone to come over to eat. As for Princess Jing'an and the others, they opened a few tables alone.

After getting the chili peppers, Qin Mo completely abandoned the dogwood. This little thing is several levels spicier than the dogwood. Qin Mo was from the south in his previous life, and it was the province that can eat the most spicy food. Even when making porridge in the morning, he had to eat two mouthfuls of home-made millet. Spicy soybean paste.

The chili noodles are mixed with various spices, and you will remember the taste after one bite.

It even made Qin Mo feel like tears were filling his eyes.

"Don't mention it, these potato eggs are very good in terms of texture and satiety." Gongsun Wuji also ate it for the first time, and he put down his chopsticks as fast as he could.

"Uncle Guo, you are too domineering. After you have finished your own, you come here to eat mine!" Dou Yiai directly hugged the food in front of her to her side, "Xiao Chai, eat quickly!"

Chai Rong grabbed a pair of chopsticks and forked more than 20 potatoes, "Come on, Jiange, Xiaobai, Xiaoyuan, eat!"

Their status is low and they dare not grab it.

When Qin Mo turned around, he hugged most of the dish. Dou Yiai said: "Idiot, this dish is not enough. Please order more!"

"The whole fart, it's all seed, I'll give you a taste of it!" Qin Mo was furious and just kicked him, "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat!"

Dou Yiai was thick-skinned, so he was kicked, but it didn't matter. He muttered: "It's not because your cooking is delicious!"

Although Li Yuan also likes to eat vegetables, he especially likes to eat French fries, especially French fries dipped in chili noodles.

The taste was surprisingly good, "Jingyun, these French fries are good, they can be used as snacks, and they are filling!"

"It's delicious. Eat more."

Qin Mo is still dissatisfied with the potato output. It may be that potatoes are not suitable for the soil and water as they cross the sea and need to adapt, which is why the output is so low.

It could also be a breed issue.

In fact, the sandy land in the north is more suitable for growing potatoes than the south, and the yield may be one-third or even more higher than that in the south.

It rains a lot in the south and the land is moist. Potatoes actually don’t like this growing environment.

Just like sweet potatoes, although they can also be grown in the north, they are more suitable for planting in the south.

"Why, Jingyun, you don't seem happy!" Li Yuan put down his chopsticks and asked.

Everyone also looked at Qin Mo in unison.

"It's not that I'm unhappy, it's just that the output is a little low and didn't meet my expectations!" Qin Mo picked up the fries and stuffed them into his mouth.

"I say Qin Mo, the yield per mu is two thousand three hundred kilograms. This has not reached your expectations?" Gongsun Wuji was so angry that he wanted to strangle him to death. If he discovered such a high-yielding crop, how could he conquer the world? The hereditary and irreplaceable title comes to you automatically.

The people around him smiled bitterly after hearing this. There was no crop with a higher yield of potatoes and eggs in the entire Daqian.

But Li Yuan understood Qin Mo, "What are your expectations?"

"The minimum is [-] kilograms, right? Although the south is not suitable for growing potatoes, I didn't expect the yield to be so low!" Qin Mo sighed.

Listen, is this human speech?

If the yield mentioned by Qin Mo can really be achieved, based on the average farmland of [-] acres per household, excluding rice, there are still thirty or forty acres. If all of it is planted with these things, wouldn't it be possible to produce more than [-] catties?

Not to mention a family of five, even a family of fifty or a hundred would not be able to eat all these potatoes.

Not counting rice, millet, and wheat.

With so much food, it was really hard to watch the food rotting in the granary.

Gongsun Wuji suddenly understood what Qin Mo said at the beach: farmers build granaries, and villages build village granaries.

He thought it was impossible at first.Now he doesn't think so.

It is impossible for ordinary people to let the food rot in the warehouse. After paying the tax, they will definitely sell it if they can’t eat it all. After all, there will be more to grow next year.

At that time, ordinary people had private warehouses.

Every village, township, county, and state has its own granary. If there is a natural or man-made disaster, there is no need for the court to go to war.

Maybe the common people can carry it on their own and get over it.

"How about sending this seed to the north for cultivation?" Li Yuan said.

"Send one-third to Qinzhuang to cultivate it and let the agricultural students there do it. I estimate that if it is cultivated in the north, the yield should be over three thousand catties.

With proper cultivation and improvement, it is possible to break through four thousand catties or five thousand catties! Qin Mo touched his chin and said.

"Good boy, so many?" Everyone present was dumbfounded.

They worshiped two thousand three hundred catties. Five thousand catties, how many times that is?
It is ten times more than growing rice.

"Then if we promote this nationwide, what else will we be able to plant?" Dou Yiai said.

"You know what the heck, although potatoes are good, they can't be planted continuously. This will cause too much damage to the land. They have to be planted in cross directions. After planting, they have to be buried with fertilizer to conserve the soil's fertility.

Rice is different. Rice can be grown every year. Here in Lingnan, there are two species a year. As long as high-yielding grain varieties are cultivated, maybe one day in the future, rice can also produce thousands of pounds per mu! Qin Mo said with a smile.

"The yield of potatoes is five thousand catties per mu, and the yield of rice is one thousand catties per mu. Even the scenes described by the ancient holy emperors are nothing more than this.

The people are wallowing in the granary, and there is so much food that it rots. This is what I dream of! "

Li Yuan said to everyone as if he had been injected with chicken blood: "After finishing this meal today, don't eat anymore. This is the future of Daqian, and this kind of food must not be stolen by other countries. "

Li Yuan got to the point. What is the most important thing in the early stage?
It's to prevent thieves.

If other countries steal it, it will not be easy for them.

"Eat quickly, we'll get the sweet potatoes after we finish eating!" Li Yuan urged urgently. The potato yield is so high, wouldn't the sweet potatoes be even higher?

Thinking of this, Li Yuan was filled with energy.

These two things are not food, but the auspiciousness of the country.

This is the beginning of a big dream.

"Yes, the Supreme Emperor!"

Everyone is also infected by emotions unconsciously.

After finishing the meal, Li Yuan walked towards the plantation with his hands behind his back. Wei Zhong quickly followed him, "Your Majesty, please rest a little. The sweet potatoes are here, you can't escape!"

"You know what, if I don't get these baby bumps in a day, I'll be worried." Li Yuan looked at the sweet potato field where the vines had been cut off, and at some of the sweet potatoes exposed outside the soil, and couldn't help but compare them with his fists. , clicked his tongue and said: "Tsk, look, what's exposed is bigger than my fist, and what's buried in the soil must be even bigger!"

Qin Mo also came over, "Old man, let's rest for a while. It won't be too late for us to collect it in the afternoon."

Li Yuan watched eagerly, his heart even more scratchy, "No, I can't wait any longer. Wei Laogou, go get my hoe!"

Wei Zhong glanced at Qin Mo, and Qin Mo sighed, "Okay, then I'll call everyone over."

Soon, everyone gathered around.

Li Yuan spit on his hand twice and carefully swung the hoe.

Immediately afterwards, a sweet potato the size of a sea bowl popped up from the soil with difficulty!
(End of this chapter)

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