big dry son-in-law

Chapter 942 Gaisu Wen’s troubles!

Chapter 942 Gaisu Wen’s troubles!

"Is this really possible?" Du Jingming asked doubtfully, "Can Nanfan's hundreds of years of beliefs and habits be changed just by relying on these propagandas?"

"Didn't you read Jing Yun's letter that the Bon religion in Nanfan was inherited from the ancient Xiang Xiang Kingdom? There are dozens of primitive Bon religions in Nanfan.

These Bon religions are a bit similar to the shamans of our ancient Daqian era. Looking at it this way, they are very primitive.

Unlike Taoism in Daqian, Buddhism can be self-explanatory and has its roots in origin. Dou Xuanling hesitated: "But, I heard that after Luo Bu Zha Duili's death, a man named Master Xinrao appeared in Bon religion.

This person combined Daqian Buddhism, primitive Bon religion, and Tianxiang Kingdom Buddhism to create the Xinrao Bon religion and called himself the leader.

Before Nanjo Zampu, the original Bon religion did not have a clear leader, and Zampu was generally recommended by various Bon religions.

After Luo Buzadui unified Nanfan, he suppressed the Bon religion and used Daqian Buddhism to contain it. This was also because Princess Jing'an believed in Buddhism.

Now that Luo Bu Zhadui is dead, Master Xin Rao has almost unified all primitive Bon religions. Isn't this totalization of power?
When he succeeds in centralizing power, the Crown Prince will be in a critical situation!

In terms of status, Master Xin Rao has surpassed Prince Shuang'an.

Therefore, the situation in Nanfan is very complicated.

Once it is broken, is it still what we want? "

Speaking of this, Dou Xuanling paused, "Now we can only adopt a two-pronged approach, on the one hand, we must strengthen our troops to deter them with strong troops, and on the other hand, we can resolve the crisis from within!"

Li Shilong thought over and over again and said: "The next edict is to make Shuang'an the only legal Zanpu in Nanfan and recognized by Daqian.

Anyone or any sect who dares to do the following will not be forgiven by Daqian! "


Chaos broke out in Nanfan, and a large number of caravans swarmed in like cats smelling fishy smell.

A large number of items were transported to Nanfan.

In the country of Daqian, the situation is prosperous.

At the end of April, Shi Dan's envoy brought the first batch of weapons to Huangluo, making a profit of no less than 50 taels.

In the battle in early May, Huang Luo showed off his bravery with a grenade and directly blew up Gao Li and Wanji.

Gaoli and Wanji, the two armies fled in panic, and Huang Luo took the opportunity to regain most of the lost territory.

For a time, the situation on the peninsula fell into an eerie calm.

In the past year, there has been a dramatic reversal in the two-on-one situation.

Wanji didn't dare to move, and Gao Li didn't look good here.

Ever since Gaisuwen regicide came to power as regent, things have been smooth sailing. He was about to embezzle Huang Luo and complete the first step of his strategy. Unexpectedly, Huang Luo actually used unprecedented weapons!
"Da Molizhi, that is Gan Ren's secret weapon, a grenade!" Dou Fang said: "Two years ago, at sea, I fought with Da Gan Navy, and the opponent used this kind of weapon.

Not only that, the opponent also has ship cannons that can shoot hundreds of feet, which is extremely powerful! "

After more than two years, Dou Fang still felt frightened when he recalled the original situation. If he hadn't escaped quickly that time, he might have been captured.

"When did Da Ganren hook up with King Huang Luo?" Ge Suwen's eyes twitched, "Why didn't you hear any news about it?"

"Zhenda Molizhi is the support given by the Shidan people!" Doufang said with a bitter smile: "Da Qian rented land in Shidan and Jihe and established a navy.

Envoys from the two countries visited Daqian. Before leaving, the Emperor of Daqian also gave Shidan and Jihe a large number of new weapons. Because of these new weapons, Beinu did not dare to invade the country again for a while! "

"No, how can the Shidan people have the courage? Didn't they get the instructions from Ganren?" Gaisuwen said coldly: "This weapon is so powerful. They don't even bother to hide it themselves and use it. How can they be willing to sell it out? ?

It's nothing more than the Dagan people trying to contain us through Huang Luo. It's hateful! "

After saying that, Ge Suwen punched the document hard and sat aside. The titular King Gaoli, Gao Zang, who had not yet reached the crown, was shrinking his neck in fear at this moment.Ge Suwen glanced at Gao Zang and snorted coldly, "Is Beinu willing to lend troops?"

"Thanks to Molizhi, the Beinu people have not responded yet."

Gaisuwen's expression was gloomy and uncertain, but finally returned to normal, "Huang Luo is stupid, Da Qian has already captured Wozhou, and has set up troops in Shidan and Jihe. We are already surrounded.

Can't advance, can't retreat! "

At this time, one person couldn't help but said: "Da Molizhi, it's really not possible. We accept Da Qian's canonization. This is the only way to avoid direct conflict with Da Qian."

As soon as these words came out, many people agreed.

"Stupid, will you accept Da Gan's canonization and Da Gan will nod?" Gesuwen said angrily: "We have reached a brotherhood agreement with Bei Nu. If Da Gan dares to come, Bei Nu will definitely not stand idly by.

Emperor Zhou Yang failed in his three expeditions, so is it enough to go all out? "

No one dared to speak anymore, but everyone knew that with Huang Luo's support from Da Gan, continuing this battle would only increase losses.

Dou Fang bravely said: "Da Molizhi, are you going to continue to use troops against Huang Luo?"

Gesu Wen had nowhere to vent his anger, "Can we use troops? Who knows how many secret weapons they have? What if the other party has ship cannons? Isn't that going to die?"

Before Beinu's reinforcements arrive, focus on defense and try to find out more about the enemy's situation. "

After everyone dispersed, Gaisu Wen drank alone.

Daqian, is he so powerful?

How to break the game?
At this time, Nanfan.

Senjiebo stationed himself in Subi City with [-] Beinu cavalry. Accompanying him was the Beinu general Ashina Summi.

"Now, we have reached cooperation with Dabo, Niangbo and other tribes, and we can attack Luoche City at any time!" Senjiebo said with some excitement: "As long as we capture Luoche City and collect the various tribes in Nanfan, it will be like picking up something from a bag and risking it." Khan Dun will definitely be happy when he finds out!"

Ashinasumi frowned, "It's Shanyu, not Khan. Khan is the title of Xianbei and Ranrou.

We, the Northern Slave Nation, fled deep into the grassland in our early years and lain dormant for hundreds of years before rising again, defeating the heroes of the grassland and dominating the grassland.

Khan is a title for the weak, but Chanyu is a title for the strong! "

Senjiebo shrank his neck and said, "Yes, but everyone on the grassland calls you..."

With Ashina Summi's look, Senjiebo didn't dare to speak anymore. After all, this was Beinu's first-level "set".

'Shu' is also called killing, checking, evil, losing, etc.

He is a high-ranking official in Beinu and is usually inherited by the children of big families.

It is self-contradictory to say that he is a chanyu and at the same time use the Khan's system to appoint officials.

Senjiebo thought to himself that Shanyu's glory had long passed.

But he dare not say that he must borrow the power of Beinu to complete the restoration of the country.

Then he changed the subject and said, "When can we send out troops?"

"Send troops, what kind of troops?" Ashina Sumi smiled disdainfully, "Isn't Su Bi already restored to his country?"

"But, if the cities of Kekoluozhi have not been conquered yet, is this considered a restoration of the country?" Senjiebo was dumbfounded!
"You don't think you are King Suvi, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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