big dry son-in-law

Chapter 943 This damn competitive!

Chapter 943 This damn competitive!
"What do you mean?" Senjiebo's expression changed.

Ashinasumi clapped her hands, and then, a woman walked out of the darkness.

This woman was wearing the costume of Queen Subi, with big eyes that were extraordinarily bright. The fragrance on her body, whether it was from spices or brought with her, was very good.

"Subi Mojie!" A sharp light flashed in Senjiebo's eyes.

"From now on, you are her man, and she is the Queen of Subi!"

"Ashnasher, that's not what you said before you came here. Didn't you say that?"

"What did I say?" Ashinasumi said with a smile but not a smile: "This is Shanyu's decision, how can I decide it?
Besides, not even your father would dare to question me like that! "

At this point, Ashinasumi's eyes became sharp, and Senjiebo was so frightened that he didn't dare to say anything anymore.

It's just that Senjiebo is unwilling to give in. His father is Prince Subi, so naturally he is also a prince.

But Supi's system is that the big queen comes to court and the little queen assists.

Moreover, Supi is a system where women are in power, and their husbands have a unified name called "Golden Ju".

Meaning "family".

Men have no right to deal with political affairs and can only engage in war or farming in the name of Zhengdai. This is the meaning of Jinju.

Moreover, a woman can have multiple gold accumulations.

Whether it is grassland or Daqian, they are all polygamous.

In Subi, it's exactly the opposite.

"But, I."

"Stop it, I don't like you!" Subi Mojie looked at Senjiebo coldly.

"It seems that you are worthless!" Ashina Sumi held the handle of the knife, a cold light flashed, and a human head rolled down, "I have raised you for so many years, and if you are still disobedient, death will not be a pity. !”

Subi Mojie's mood did not change at all, "Ashnasshe, the Gan people are in the Jilei Mountain area of ​​Tuguhun. They can come south at any time and attack Luo, which is not a wise choice.

Manlo Zampu is the nephew of Emperor Daqian. If something happens to him, Daqian will not let it go. The people of Subi are weak and are no match for him.

Master Xinrao of the Bon Religion is from the ancient Xiongxiang country. Now he has unified the original Bon Religion and is so powerful that Manlo Zampu is no match.

Even with the support of the Gar family and the Zhi family, it is useless!
There is also the country of Bolu in the northwest.

It is in our interests that all heroes come together! "

Subi Mojie knew very well that the Beinu people were just testing Daqian.

Ever since Jiuqu Land and Tuyuhun were captured by Da Gan, Bei Nu has become much more honest.

Although there was friction on the border, the forces continued to move northward.

Moreover, Beinu was not peaceful inside.

The snowstorms in the past two years have been so severe that many tribes can hardly survive. I don’t know how many people have died.

"How many available soldiers does Subi have?" Ashinasumi grabbed Subi Mojie's hand, with a strange light shining in her eyes.

"Not many, including Dabo and Niangbo tribes, there are only 5 to [-] people!" Subi Mojie withdrew her hand calmly, then clapped her hands, and two voluptuous Hu Ji walked in.

"Ashnasshe, it's late at night, go to bed early!" Subi Mojie chuckled and disappeared into the darkness.

Ashina sniffed her fingers, and the fragrance lingered for a long time. This woman was also the best of the best, and he must get it.

However, she said that Su Pi had [-] to [-] available troops, which was obviously a threat to him.

He looked at the Orchids. Although he had played too much, these two Orchids were also of the highest quality.

It doesn’t hurt to have some fun!

At the same time, in Luozhe City, Li Shuangan was extremely humiliated.

"Prime Minister, I will kill that thief Xin Rao!" Li Shuang'an said angrily.

How can one talk about Dongzan not knowing the humiliation suffered by Li Shuangan?During the day, Master Xinrao summoned tens of thousands of believers to gather.

These followers are so fanatical that they regard Master Xinrao as the living Buddha.

Take his words as law.

This is not the most excessive.

Master Xinrao said that he dreamed of the protectors of the Bon religion in the past. In his dream, he knelt down and worshiped him and regarded him as the Buddha of Xinrao.

He also made Li Shuangan a Buddhist disciple without authorization and made Li Shuangan kneel down and worship in public.

At that time, they were all members of Master Xinrao. If Li Shuangan refused, those crazy followers could tear him to pieces.

"The traitors of Xinrao are the remnants of the ancient male elephants. However, the Bon religion originated from the ancient male elephants, and the nobles of Nanfan believed in it.

Many times, Bon religion represents nobility.

Now it is no longer possible to kill him openly and openly. It is better to pretend to obey and find an opportunity to kill him. "Dalun Dongzan whispered.

"When will the opportunity be mature?" Li Shuangan asked.

"Waiting for the angel and will of Daqian, at that time, all those who are ready to make a move must consider whether they are strong enough!"

Da Lun Dongzan felt ashamed. He had a blood feud with Da Gan, but he had to borrow Da Gan's power.

In the battle at Mingyue Mountain, too many of Nanfan's elites were defeated, and Nanfan's courage was also defeated.

Li Shuangan said anxiously: "It would be great if my brother-in-law could come to Nanfan to help me. He must have a way to solve this situation."

Until now, Dalu Dongzan didn't know Li Shuangan's true inner thoughts. If he knew that Li Shuangan wanted Nan Fan to return to work, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood.

"Zanpu means Qin Mo, the commander-in-chief of Qin's consort?"

Li Shuang'an nodded, "There is no one in this world who can stump my brother-in-law. If my brother-in-law comes over, all his enemies will be nothing more than clowns!"

He still remembers the 20 silver, which strengthened his inner thoughts.

Dongzan felt very uncomfortable when talking about it. He tried his best to help Li Shuangan, but he couldn't defeat Qin Mo, so he should leave?

Li Shuang'an also realized that he had said something wrong and hurriedly made up for it: "When we were in Daqian, my brother-in-law once said that if they weren't each in charge, he and the Prime Minister should be good friends!"

Dongzan shook his head and said, "I am not qualified to be friends with him. The Prince Consort of Qin is the most lonely person in the world!"

Li Shuangan was stunned, "Why?"

"Da Qian originally had many problems. Since Qin Mo was born, he has helped Da Qian solve chronic diseases one after another.

When I was in Daqian, I had asked Emperor Daqian many times and sowed dissension, but Emperor Daqian's trust in him had exceeded that of a king in his ministers.

Although Qin Mo is the consort, neither father nor son is like this, which shows Qin Mo's personal charm and ability.

He was deeply appreciated by the emperor and even became his confidant.

Therefore, he and the emperor are the same kind of person.

No one can guess his mind.

I can’t even guess it! "

Dongzan rarely admires anyone, but when it comes to Qin Mo, he has to sigh with emotion.

If Qin Mo was born in Nanfan, Nanfan could take over the Central Plains within ten years!
He was even willing to put aside all previous grudges and give up his position as prime minister.

Li Shuangan did not expect that Dalu Dongzan would give Qin Mo such a high evaluation.

As for Dong Zan, Qin Mo also aroused the desire to win, "Zan Pu, I have a method that may be able to reverse the decline!"

"Prime Minister, please stop showing off!" Although Li Shuang'an admired Qin Mo, at this time, Da Lun Dongzan was his mainstay.

"Abolish slavery and distribute the land!"

(End of this chapter)

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