big dry son-in-law

Chapter 951 What is the name of the leader?Call Ankou!

Chapter 951 What is the name of the leader?Call Ankou!
Mother Shanggao's back was soaked with cold sweat.

The power of this weapon is so terrifying that it can hit it from five hundred feet away.

If there are hundreds of rounds, how can the cavalry stand?
No wonder the Riyueshan pass was lost so quickly.

"This weapon is beyond the reach of human beings!" After a while, Niang Shanggao said.

"As long as I understand, brother, I'm not showing off, I just hope that I can understand our hard work.

After all, we still have a lot of weapons like this in our army, and we don’t even pay attention to Beinu.I just don’t want Nanfan to become the ambition of Beinu.

Moreover, Munro Zamp is also a relative of mine. I hope that I can assist him well.

When the southern armies are settled, our two countries will join forces to kill the northern slaves.

Then the west of Beinu will be divided for you.

The position of Edom is left to us. How good would it be for our two countries to have long-term peace and stability? " Qin Mo took his hand and said.

Mother Shanggao was completely sober now and believed Qin Mo's words [-]%.

The heroes of Nanfan came together, and he actually started to sway.

But at this moment, he had no idea at all.

If Daqian really attacked, they wouldn't have any advantage.

Moreover, Qin Mo still had grenades that he had not used and troops that could fly into the sky, which they were afraid of.

"Brother Qin, don't worry, my mother is the most loyal and will never let you down!" Mother Shanggao said seriously.

"Haha, okay, I just need to be aware of this matter. When I take over the fertile land in the future, I will definitely give you advice and divide the most fertile land for you!" Qin Mo made big cakes one after another. Smashing it down, this time, completely aroused Niang Shanggao's emotions.

"Thank you, brother Qin. No matter what, you are my mother's most respected and honored guest!" Mother Shanggao said with sincerity.

Qin Mo didn't care whether he was sincere or fake. At least after this incident, the probability of Niang's doing something behind his back was reduced.

With the support of these great nobles, it will be easier to return to Qiannan.

What he swallowed was candy, but the candy was wrapped in a bomb.

"Thank you, I don't tell ordinary people this secret. I only told you because I fell in love with my brother." Qin Mo took off his gun and took another box of bullets, "Brother, this weapon is for you. !”

Niang Shanggao was stunned and said with disbelief: "Did you give this artifact to me?"

"Don't dislike it for your kindness!" Qin Mo put the gun and bullets into his hand, "This is a testimony of our friendship!"

To put it bluntly, without bullets, this gun is just a fire stick.

Even if the Nanfan people dismantled the gun into parts, they still couldn't make it.

They can polish the parts by hand and assemble them, but the hardness is not up to standard, there is no gunpowder formula, and they cannot produce bullets, so it is useless.

It would be impossible for them to do so for decades, after all, the industrial strength is here.

By the time they can develop it, Qin Mo estimates that steam engines will become internal combustion engines.

The doubts in Niang Shanggao's mind were gone, and he took the gun and smiled so hard, "Brother Qin, take a good rest in Gongbu for a few days, and let me fulfill my duty as a landlord!"

"No, brother, I have the emperor's order to return, so I don't dare to delay!" Qin Mo said.

Niang Shanggao took Qin Mo's hand and said: "Well, don't leave tonight, be sure to let me entertain you. Tomorrow I will line up hundreds of people to guide you. More than 100 miles ahead is Mozhugongka, where is the Jiruojie tribe. and Chibangsong Tribe Territory,

The Jiruojie tribe is nothing, but the Chibangsong tribe used to be Supi’s old ministers, and now that Supi has rebelled, the Chibangsong tribe may be "Thank you, Brother Niang!" " Qin Mo cupped his hands and thought, if this hadn't happened today, mother Shang Gao wouldn't have been so enthusiastic.

Although he knows the situation in Nanfan relatively well, he is not as familiar with it as the locals in Nanfan.

Later, Qin Mo taught Niang Shanggao how to shoot, which excited Niang's people.

Such a magical weapon, I didn't expect that Da Gan people would give it away as soon as they said it would be given away, as if they sincerely regarded their Niang people as friends.

It was night, and the Niang clan was sharpening their knives to kill cattle and sheep.

But Qin Mo was still very cautious. The 8000 people ate in three shifts to prevent the other party from poisoning.

The relationship between Qin Mo and his mother Shang Gao also became stronger with cups of highland barley wine.

Even Niang Shanggao gave his niece, Dongzhu, to Qin Mo.

This little girl is also about the age of hairpins. Her face is red, her expression is shy, but her eyes are like fire.

This undoubtedly further strengthened the relationship between the two parties. Qin Mo knew very well that this was a political marriage.

It's not good to refuse, but it's not good to accept.

"Brother Mom, I'm on the same level as you. If your niece marries me, wouldn't that mess up the hierarchy?" Qin Mo said: "My brother-in-law is a nice person, he is just a real wife. If Dongzhu marries him, she can also Be an equal wife and enjoy the treatment she deserves."

Mother Shang Gao said: "Your brother-in-law, can you make the decision?"

“Of course, my father-in-law’s family is very small, and his hair has turned gray, and he is also the Duke of Daqian, with a high position of authority.

In this way, Dongzhu can live a good life without losing the mother-in-law's face, right? "

Qin Mo sighed: "Brother should also know that there are only three or four princesses in my family. If Dongzhu marries me, he will only be a bed-warming concubine, which will be wronged to her!"

Dou Yiai on the side pointed at herself, her hands almost cramping, but Qin Mo didn't even look at him.

"Well, Brother Qin is right, I didn't think it through well!" Mother Shang Gao only thought that Qin Mo didn't like Dongzhu. After all, his wife was either a princess or a princess, and Dongzhu's status was indeed a bit inferior. .

Marrying someone as a concubine is not an option either.

Qin Mo smiled and said, "Xiao Chai, come here, Dongzhu will be your little wife from now on, treat her well!"

Chai Rong was confused as to how he could marry him, "Brother Qin, I, I only love Meimei in my life!"

"It's a useless thing. It only adds to the friendship between Daqian and Nanfan. Meimei will forgive it even if she knows about it.

Besides, you have such a small family, you must have more children! Qin Mo made a decision directly: "That's it, I'll write a letter back tonight and ask someone to prepare the betrothal gift. Then the caravan will be sent to my mother!" "

Dongzhu felt disappointed when she saw that Qin Mo was not interested in her, but Chai Rong was also fair and clean, and was far more gentle than the Nanfan people, so he was a good choice.

Mother Shang Gao nodded, "In that case, let Dongzhu be betrothed to General Chai!"

Chai Rong also knew very well that this was a political marriage, so he stepped forward and said, "Thank you, Chief!"

"What leader is called Ankou!" Qin Mo corrected.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Brother Qin to understand Nanfan!" Niang Shanggao laughed.

"Da Qian, Nan Fan, we should kiss each other and learn some Nan Fan language!" Qin Mo said with a pun!

(End of this chapter)

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