big dry son-in-law

Chapter 952: Counting people’s hearts based on people’s hearts!

Chapter 952: Counting people’s hearts based on people’s hearts!

Nanfan people are enthusiastic and bold. Before the banquet was over, everyone started booing and drove Chai Rong and Dongzhu back to their room.

Dou Yiai's jealous teeth were all broken. He felt weak all over, and he said coquettishly next to Qin Mo: "Idiot, I, I want it too!"

"I think you should stop calling Dou Yi'ai, call you Dou Stallion. You bitch, if you do this again, I'll give you dozens of plump nannies!" Qin Mo was furious.

Dou Yiai shrank her neck and kept shaking Qin Mo's arm, "Idiot, please tell that guy, maybe he can give me a niece!"

Before Qin Mo could refuse, Niang Shanggao said: "I lost my niece, but I still have a niece.

However, my niece’s fate was not good. She fell to death while hunting, and she was just a three-year-old daughter.”

"A widow? I like it!" Dou Yiai said, "Thank you Ankou!"

Qin Mo was too embarrassed to listen.

This shameful thing, since leaving Beijing and without the restraints of Gao Yang, has completely let itself go like a husky.

Qin Mo angrily gave him a kick, but was stopped by his mother, Shang Gao, "It's natural for a man to love a woman, brother Qin, you're in love!"

What else could Qin Mo say, so he let him go.

The next day, Chai Rong and Dou Yiai returned to the team.

One looks like a kid who has done something bad, and the other looks like he still has more to say.

Qin Mo said: "Brother mother, don't give it away. Dongzhu and your niece will come and take them away after we finish our work!"

Niang Shanggao also nodded, and asked someone to prepare a large amount of beef and mutton jerky. He also called hundreds of tribal elites to help them clear the way: "If there is anything wrong with Luo Xiu, I will be obliged to send someone a message!"

Although Niang Shanggao's friendship with Qin Mo was impure, the two parties have now reached a cooperation and marriage.

No matter what happens to Nanfan in the future, Niang has a backer and talking points.

Qin Mo didn't talk nonsense and led the people straight to Luo.

At this time, in Luoxe City, Li Shuangan had also received the news and was overjoyed.

"Prime Minister, my brother-in-law is really here!"

Seeing Li Shuang'an's eyebrows rising with joy, Dongzan of Dalun took a deep breath and said, "Zanpu, you are the king of Nanfan, and Qin Mo came with the will of Emperor Daqian.

You need to understand that there is no pure friendship between countries, there is only pure interest! "

Li Shuang'an knew that he was overjoyed, and he quickly said seriously: "The Prime Minister said it is true!"

Da Lundong praised: "In a few days, Qin Mo and others will arrive, accompanied by eight thousand sergeants. Dare I ask Zan Pu, should these eight thousand sergeants be allowed to enter the Luozuo, or should they be allowed to stay in the area? Camp outside Luozhe?"

This is indeed a problem. Li Shuangan thought for a moment and said: "If they can put down their weapons, let them enter the city. If not, set up camps outside.

Ben Zamp personally went out of the city to greet him, with the friendship of all landowners and his respect for Daqian! "

Dalun Dongzan nodded approvingly. If Daqian soldiers were allowed to enter with weapons, it would undoubtedly attract wolves into the house.

That's 8000 people, not 800 people.

If he lets the army come in, he will definitely be criticized and said to be weak.

Even now, many people laugh at Li Shuangan as the weakest Zamp.

"Do you want to inform Xinrao Dog Thief?" Li Shuang'an asked.

Da Lun Dongzan stroked his beard and said, "Yes, not only do you need to inform me, but you also need to ask Xin Rao for his opinion!"

Li Shuangan is good at this, he is able to bend and stretch, and given time, he will definitely be able to repeat the glory of his father.


"If Xin Rao refuses to give in, then Sergeant Daqian will definitely be angry. They came all the way here and were treated like this, so they will definitely turn their anger towards Xin Rao.

If Xin Rao agrees, then we can just publicize it.Qin Mo led his troops inside and was able to frighten Xin Rao, Su Bi, Xiong Xiang, and Bo Lu! "

Li Shuangan suddenly realized, "I understand, this is taking advantage of the opportunity to kill someone!"

Dalun Dongzan nodded, "Yes, it's okay to show weakness for a moment. Qin Mo is so smart, he must know your current predicament, which is far more useful than if you say it yourself.

Moreover, if you beg him in the first place, you will be short-changed.

Qin Mo cares about you and values ​​you. When he speaks, he will vent all his anger on Xin Rao.

In this way, you only need to use Qin Mo's power to overwhelm Xin Rao and hold this power in your hands, and the plan will be done! "

Li Shuangan frowned, "This calculation is too deep!"

"Is there any harm to Qin Mo? A stable Nanfan will help contain Beinu, and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages for Daqian!" Dalun Dongzan said with a smile: "The top plan attacks the heart, you only need to calculate all the people's hearts, and then Supplemented by diamond methods and Bodhisattva’s compassion, that’s enough!”

Li Shuangan felt a little uncomfortable.

Politics is far dirtier than he thought.

But he still nodded.

Seeing Li Shuangan nodding, he thought he really listened. Dongzan also breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Li Shuangan was too stubborn and wouldn't listen.

If placed in a peaceful era, such a conservative king would be nothing.

But Nanfan is in such chaos, there must be someone who is patient, hard-hearted and capable.

He put everything about the Gar family on Li Shuangan. No matter what, he had to get up.

"Then I'll go to the Xinrao dog thief now." Li Shuang'an said.

"By the way, Zanpu, remember to ask someone to bring the ultimatum with you." Da Lun Dongzan reminded.

Soon, Li Shuangan had someone come to Master Xinrao with a document.

Master Xinrao's daily life is extremely extravagant, and even he, Zanpu, is ashamed of himself.

"Master Xinrao!" Li Shuangan stepped forward.

Master Xin Rao looked at Li Shuang'an and had no intention of getting up. He sat there with his eyelids raised and said, "Zanpu is here!"

Faced with Xin Rao's unreasonableness, Li Shuang'an suppressed his anger and saluted him instead, "Arch Mage, the document you asked Ben Zamp to get has been prepared."

Xin Rao smiled faintly and said, "Thank you for your hard work Zanpu. The weather has been wrong recently. Zanpu should not leave Putuo Luojia Palace at will!"

Putuo Luojia Palace is the Nanfan Palace.

Li Shuang'an was very angry. Xin Rao was going too far and even wanted to control him when he left the palace.

But he still had to endure it, "May I ask the Archmage, what are the manifestations of the celestial phenomena?"

"As the Lord of Nanfan, Zanpu should pray for the people of Nanfan in the palace. However, the current turmoil in the world is a sign of lack of blessings and virtue!"

Li Shuang'an was stunned. Doesn't this mean that he has no virtue and is not worthy of being this Zamp?
"Master Xinrao reminds us that in a few days, Daqian's envoys will arrive with more than [-] soldiers.

Can I go out of town to meet you? Li Shuangan asked.

A cold light flashed in Xin Rao's eyes, "Zanpu is the leader of Nanfan, how can he personally go out of the city to greet an envoy, and just let the foreign minister greet him.

You must not degrade the majesty of my Nanfan! "

Li Shuangan sneered secretly in his heart. The Prime Minister was indeed right. This Xin Rao was playing religion very well.

But when it comes to getting along with big countries, there is still a huge gap.

"Should we let them camp outside, or welcome them into the royal city?" Li Shuang'an asked with burning eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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