big dry son-in-law

Chapter 953 Entering the City Strongly!

Chapter 953 Entering the City Strongly!

Master Xinrao narrowed his eyes, "How can a mission bring more than ten thousand people here, Zanpu, I'm afraid there is a fraud in this!

It's better to keep them outside the city. If there are any problems, they can always deal with them! "

Li Shuangan nodded, "That's what the Master said!"

"It's night, I'm going to entertain the envoys of Daqian at Putuo Luojia Palace, and I also ask the mage to accompany me." Li Shuang'an said: "With the great mage here, I feel more confident!"

A trace of disdain flashed in Master Xinrao's eyes, but he still said: "Zanpu invited me, I should go there!"

"Thank you, Archmage!" Li Shuangyan looked happy, "Then I'll take my leave now!"

After leaving Xinrao Temple, Li Shuangan did not dare to show a cold expression, because this Xinrao Temple was the territory of Master Xinrao.

It is also the most important holy place of Bon religion now.

There are no less than [-] monks and soldiers, and there are even more followers.

The most important thing is that there are many nobles who support Master Xinrao, and even the Gar family does not dare to mess around.

Now he can only place his hope on Qin Mo. Once Qin Mo comes, he will definitely have a way to solve these problems.

At this time, Qin Mo went straight to Luozhe after leaving Mozhu Gongka.

Along the way, he spent a lot of cannonballs. Every time he passed a tribe, he had to send a gun out.

The effect is surprisingly good.

In early July, after two months of long journey, Qin Mo led his army to the outside of Luoche City.

This is indeed a great city-state, with such a majestic palace built on a plateau nearly 4000 meters above sea level.

Before entering the city, I saw the palace on the top of Red Mountain.

What's interesting is that this palace is completely different from what I remember. It's all red and even more majestic.

People in Nanfan call it Putuo Luojia Palace, and it also has a more vivid name: Hongshan Palace!

The walls outside the city are built against the mountains and are mostly made of large stones.

There are some scattered villages outside, and through the city gate, you can see the prosperity inside.

When he learned that Qin Mo's team was coming, Li Shuangan suppressed his excitement and asked Dalun Dongzan to greet them outside the city early.

Qin Mo Yu Dalu said that Dongzan had the hatred of killing his son and humiliating him, but at this moment he still stood at the door to welcome him.

Moreover, half of the greeting gifts are made according to dry methods.

"Qin Prince Consort, long time no see!" Da Lun Dongzan held up his hands with a smile on his face, but he kept scanning the team brought by Qin Mo out of the corner of his eye.

These people did not bring much luggage, and it could even be said that they traveled lightly.

There are inexplicable weapons hanging on their backs, but the Mo Dao soldiers at the bottom look particularly impressive.

Qin Mo also got off his horse and gave Da Lun Dongzan a big hug, "Brother Dongzan, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much!"

Dongzan was confused by Qin Mo's hug, his whole body trembled, and he smiled awkwardly, "Qin Consort is still the same as before, nothing has changed!"

"I'm not Martin, I look the same every day!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"Who is Martin?" Dalu Dongzan frowned, but he didn't ask, could it be that in the days since he left Daqian, another person named Martin appeared in Daqian?

"Zanpu was very happy when he learned that Qin's consort was coming. He had already set up a feast!" Dalun Dongzan calmly pushed Qin Mo away, feeling disgusted in his heart, but he still made a gesture of invitation.

Qin Mo waved, "Enter the city!"

The generals were about to enter the city, but Dalu Dongzan quickly stopped him and said helplessly: "Qin Prince Consort, you can enter the city, but you must put down all your weapons!"

Qin Mo said with a half-smile: "Oh, yes, I actually learned all the rules of Da Gan.

Even if I am in the first year of junior high school and you are in the fifteenth year of junior high school, there is nothing wrong with it.

But you have to figure out why we came here. "I understand. It's just that Master Xinrao of the Bon Religion has decreed that you are not allowed to enter the city."

Originally, Zanpu wanted to come and greet you in person, but Master Xinrao refused. It was Zanpu who fought hard and allowed you to put down your weapons and enter the city!

It’s not me who’s causing trouble, but I’d like to invite the Prince Consort, who’s one or two in size! "The great talk about Dong Zan was handed over again and again.

"Master Xinrao can do it. Is he planning to imitate the Tianxiang Kingdom?!"

Qin Mo didn't expect that Nanfan's regime collapsed like this.

It seems that Li Shuangan's life is very difficult!
"What if I insist on going in?" Qin Mo asked.

Da Lun Dongzan said with a bitter face: "Then I can't stop you. You have come all the way here. If you are not allowed to enter the city, it will be a slap in Da Gan's face!"

"As long as you understand!" Qin Mo said: "I recognize Manlo Zampu, not some bullshit Great Master Xinrao.

If you don't obey, I will crush it into slag! "

Qin Mo is not stupid. Dalu Dongzan said this bitterly, didn't he just want to use him as a sword?

But it doesn't matter, since Nanfan's situation has become like this, so what if he makes a knife.

"Prime Minister, come with me!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

Dongzan was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Qin Mo meant, and he cursed in his heart, "This bitch won't take any losses!"

If he goes with him, others will only think that he is the one who let Qin Mo enter the city.

What a trick!
But there was no way, Qin Mo opened his mouth, and he couldn't refuse.

As long as Qin Mo enters the city, the relationship with Xin Rao will be forged.

When Da Lun Dongzan mounted his horse, Qin Mo said: "My dear men, keep the bullets in your arms and hold your swords. Anyone who dares to stop him will be killed without mercy!

Anyone who dares to disobey Daqian’s orders will be killed without mercy!

Anyone who dares to ride on Munro Zamp's head will be killed without mercy! "

Qin Mo killed three people without mercy, causing the expressions of everyone present to change.

Ganren's equipment was something they had never seen before, and the gleaming armor made people shudder.

“Call people who are proficient in Nanfan’s language and tell them that we are the righteous teachers from Daqian, and we are here to help Nanfan bring order to the chaos.

Let them not be afraid, we are the embodiment of justice and friends of Zamp! "

After Qin Mo explained, he waved his hand and said, "Enter the city!"

More than [-] people entered the city in a mighty manner.

The soldiers who were proficient in Nanfan language repeated Qin Mo's words loudly.

That voice made the Nanfan people in Luozhe City look at him sideways.

When they saw Da Lun Dongzan who was traveling with Qin Mo, they were also frightened.

After the Bon believers saw this scene, they quickly ran to Xinrao Temple to report it!

"Buddha Xinrao, Ganren and his troops have entered. It was the Prime Minister who brought them into the royal city!" The believer knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Master Xinrao opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "This is completely ignoring the words of this Buddha."

However, he did not roar angrily, but said calmly: "Ganren is proud and arrogant. He talks about Dongzan and lures wolves into the house. He is a sinner in Nanfan!"

"Please show me, Buddha!" ​​the believer said again.

"Tonight, there will be a feast, and this Buddha will naturally issue decrees, and then there will be visions of heaven and earth!"

Since Dalu Dongzan wants to take advantage of Gan Ren, he might as well do it!

(End of this chapter)

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