big dry son-in-law

Chapter 954 My mother’s family supports me!

Chapter 954 My mother’s family supports me!
Arriving at the palace, Qin Mo said: "Repair it on the spot. Anyone who dares to make trouble will be killed!"


The crowd joined in unison.

"Xiao Dou, Xiao Gao, you two will bring a few people into the palace with me.

Xiaochai, take some people to guard you. If I don't come out in an hour, I'll attack directly! "

"Yes, I humbly obey my orders!" Chai Rong handed over his hand.

Dongzan was left speechless by Qin Mo's caution, but when he thought about it, he realized that this was Qin Mo's advantage.

There is fineness in the roughness, and great wisdom is like foolishness.

Li Shuang'an knew that Qin Mo brought people in forcefully, and not only did he not feel offended, but he felt like someone from his mother's family was supporting him forcefully.

This made his waist stiffen instantly and his voice became much louder.

"Zanpu, the envoy from the Qian Kingdom is here!"

"Please come in quickly!" Li Shuang'an hadn't seen Qin Mo for more than two years, and he was thinking, "Forget it, I'll go there in person!"

After saying that, Li Shuangan walked towards the outside of the palace, but it slowly turned into a trot.


Li Shuangan was overjoyed when he saw Qin Mo, rushed over and hugged him!
Qin Mo was also stunned, looked at Li Shuangan, and immediately reacted, patting him on the back.

He felt Li Shuangan's body trembling a little, and felt very emotional in his heart.

His father is dead and his mother is in another country. Although Nanfan is his country, he looks around and there are no relatives of his.

The situation Li Shuangan is facing now is even more difficult than when Lobu Zhadui just took over.

The old and new aristocrats are at odds with each other, all the heroes are rising up together, Bei Nu is stirring up trouble, and a lot of pressure is on his shoulders.

Qin Mo simply picked him up and said, "Good boy, I haven't seen you for more than two years, and you are almost bigger than me!"

The moment he saw Qin Mo, all the uneasiness in his heart disappeared.

Li Shuangan's eyes were a little red. Qin Mo patted his face and hooked his shoulder, "Let's go, if you have anything to say, go in and say it!"

After talking about it, Dong Zan just sighed secretly. My mother's family is my mother's family, even if I say a thousand words and ten thousand!
Gao Yao and Dou Yiai looked around. At this time, Dou Yiai was still reliable.


"What Zanpu? There is no Zanpu here, only Shuang'an!" Li Shuang'an said sincerely: "If it weren't for my brother-in-law, how could I be where I am today?"

Qin Mo was quite pleased that he had seen the right person.

"I came this time according to His Majesty's order!" Qin Mo said.

Li Shuang'an quickly took two steps back, cupped his hands and said, "I would like to listen to His Majesty the Emperor Daqian's edict!"

Qin Mo took out the imperial edict and said: "Mang Luo Zanpu is my nephew and the only successor recognized by Da Qian. Anyone who dares to cause chaos will be attacked by Da Qian's heavenly soldiers.

I would like to warn those who conspire against you to return from the lost path and bow your head to Munro Zamp and admit your mistakes.

Anyone who disobeys will be killed without mercy!

If you don't repent, you will be killed no matter how far away you are!

Anyone who dares to call himself a soldier will be killed without mercy!

I have ordered Qin Mo to be sent as envoy to Nanfan to take charge of the affairs of Nanfan, to assist Manlo Zampu in clearing the wilderness and sweeping the world.

If something unexpected happens, you can act cheaply. "

These powerful words also gave Li Shuangan a shot in the arm, "My lord, thank you for your grace!"

Qin Mo handed him the imperial edict, "Don't be afraid, the sky won't fall with the help of Da Qian. If anyone dares to mess up, I will destroy his ten clans!"

Li Shuang'an nodded, holding the imperial edict in his hand, feeling extremely happy, and pulled Qin Mo to sit on the throne.

Qin Mo refused and sat aside. After all, this was Li Shuangan's home court and it was inappropriate to be on an equal footing with him.

"Prime Minister, are the lunches for the officers and soldiers ready?" Li Shuang'an asked. "Already prepared!"

Li Shuangan nodded, "Then I'll leave this matter to you!"

Da Lun Dongzan was stunned, he was trying to send him away.

But then he thought about it, Qin Mo probably came with some special mission, and it was indeed inappropriate for him to be here.

Moreover, he had helped Li Shuangan up with his own hands. If anything happened, he would definitely be informed afterwards!
Without saying anything at the moment, he took the order and left the palace.

"Brother-in-law, did my mother write to me this time?" This is what Li Shuangan cares about most.

Qin Mo nodded and took out three letters from his arms, "These are written for you by the old man, aunt, and Xue'er!"

Li Shuangan quickly took the letter and read it.

The content of the letter made his eyes red. It took him a while to calm down, "I made my brother-in-law laugh!"

"The war has been going on for three months, and a letter from home is worth ten thousand gold. I can understand it!" Qin Mo smiled, "I have roughly understood your dilemma. The imperial court may not be able to send large troops here because they have to guard against Beinu.

If a large army comes, Bei Nu can seize the opportunity and march his army south, heading straight for Kyoto. "

"What about that?" Li Shuang'an asked.

"I brought 8000 people this time. These 8000 people, plus the power you have available, should be able to suppress the rebellion." Qin Mo said: "Your biggest problem is that your prestige is not enough to subdue the old and new nobles.

There is also the Bon religion, which suppressed the Zanpu regime by fabricating gods.

The Zanpu regime was relatively stable, so it was able to compete with Dagan.

But today is different from the past, and Nanfan needs to make changes! "

"Brother-in-law, please give me some advice!" Li Shuang'an said.

“Since your father, your grandfather, and even before Zamp, they have been promoting the birth of the Son of God, which will undoubtedly consolidate your power.

But the current leader of the Bon religion is even more powerful. He directly created a god.

So, how can you, the son of a god, fight against a god? Qin Mo asked rhetorically.

Li Shuangan looked solemn. Dongzan had also mentioned this issue in Dalun, but he didn't go into too much detail.

If you want to overthrow Zamp's regime, you will be shooting yourself in the foot.

Our ancestors have come this way for generations. To deny Zanpu’s power is to deny ourselves and our ancestors.

Isn’t Nanfan still rioting?

"Brother-in-law, do you have a suitable solution?"

"Don't worry, there must be a way!" Qin Mo said: "Nanfan is also a tolerant country. It initially believed in various primitive sects, and later introduced Bon religion from the ancient Xiongxiang Kingdom.

After the Bon religion spread, it introduced Buddhist teachings belonging to the Celestial Kingdom from Niboluo.

Your father is much smarter. He took advantage of Daqian's influence and introduced Daqian Buddhism.

Coupled with the power of the aunt, this was able to curb the development of Bon religion and complete the domestic balance of Nanfan.

Therefore, he, Zanpu, is able to override religion.

But when my aunt returned to Daqian, the backbone of Daqian Buddhism was gone, but your father had prestige and military exploits, and was a hero who unified Nanfan.

Therefore, the Bon people did not dare to cause trouble, and the new and old nobles also behaved honestly.

But you can't.

You have half the blood of Daqian and no military exploits. The old and new nobles are not convinced by you.

The only thing they fear is your backer in Daqian.

They are convinced but unhappy.

If I'm not wrong, the Bon religion must be secretly spreading the idea that you are a lackey of the Communist Party of China, exacerbating people's suspicion and disgust towards you, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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