big dry son-in-law

Chapter 955 Let me imbue you with Buddha spirit!

Chapter 955 Let me imbue you with Buddha spirit!

Li Shuangan was shocked, "Brother-in-law, you, how do you know?"

"This is normal. What he does will help Bon Religion absorb believers." Qin Mo said: "But he will not ban you, because the weaker you are, the stronger he will be.

He wants to complete the transformation of Bon Religion while you are still in your position. That way, no matter who comes up in the future, the leader of Bon Religion will be the highest-level existence.

Maybe, we can also get a deputy leader, a protector or something like that.

These people are still weighing on Zamp's head. In that way, they do whatever they say and do everything they want! "

Li Shuangan was also frightened for a while, "Then, what should we do?"

"They created gods, we can create gods too!" Qin Mo took out a pack of cigarettes, threw it in front of Li Shuangan's table, then took out a cigarette and lit it.

Li Shuangan also followed suit and started to smoke.

"A few months ago, I sent people into Nanfan to build momentum to help you create miracles in various places in Nanfan.

In this regard, Daqian believes in second place, and no one dares to believe in first place.

Daqian is the ancestor who played this kind of trick! Qin Mo exhaled the smoke and said: "As long as your miracles are better than those of the Bon religion, then you are a god."

After overpowering the Bon religion, you will find a way to annex the Bon religion. With the integration of politics and religion, you will be the supreme king on this plateau.

No one can refute anything you say or do.

But you have to admit one thing, that is, you are the emperor of Daqian who sat down with the gods and descended to Nanfan to popularize and save the world.

It was Emperor Daqian who granted you the ability.

In this way, the estrangement between people and Daqian will be eliminated from the perspective of belief. Naturally, the estrangement against you will be eliminated!
do you understand? "

Li Shuangan nodded without thinking, "The reason why I came to Nanfan is not to be a Zanpu, but for the righteousness in my heart.

I will not let down the expectations of my uncle and my maternal ancestors. Only by returning to the south can the war be eliminated.

Nanfan is too poor and barren. Joining Daqian is the only way out! "

Qin Mo couldn't help but nodded, "Since you agree, it's easy. Let's promote the miracles while reforming Nanfan!"

Li Shuangan listened very carefully, especially when he heard the subtleties, he even touched his hands and said, "Okay, okay, this method is indeed mysterious!"

He knew that Qin Mo must have a way.

And Da Lun Dongzan also returned to the palace, "Zanpu, lunch has been distributed!"

"Thank you, Prime Minister!" Li Shuangan said with a smile: "In the afternoon, we will hunt yaks outside the city, so that the distinguished guests from Daqian can experience the warm hospitality of Nanfan!

Then he called all the ministers, and the Prime Minister also sent someone to invite Master Xinrao! "

"The minister obeys the order!"

Later, Li Shuangan asked him to take a seat. This lunch was a feast for the guests and the host.

After the meal, after resting for an hour, Li Shuangan took Qin Mo and took the king's car to the royal family's hunting ground.

It is a custom in Nanfan that when hosting a banquet for foreign guests, the yaks must be driven out and the guests will be asked to shoot their own animals for the meal.

Qin Mo is naturally a distinguished guest among distinguished guests, so he must make it grand.

All the nobles, big and small, in Luoche City were pulled over.

The momentum is huge, no less than that of the large and small alliances in Nanfan.

This large and small alliance is also a tradition in Nanfan.

During the Luobu Zhadui period, Nanfan had just crossed over into the primitive tribal society.

At that time, the concept of monarch and ministers was vague. Under Zanpu, he was the director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The person in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is Da Lun.

If Zamp can't do it, he will be ignored by the big talk.

At that time, Lobu gathered together to form a small alliance every year and a large alliance every three years.To put it bluntly, everyone gathers together, kills sheep and cows, and lets the tribe's wizards sacrifice to heaven and earth and swear poisonous oaths.

It's similar to Dagan's blood-based alliance. What's interesting is that because of Nanfan's faith, no one dared to betray him in the early stage.

Later, Luo Bu gathered together to study and work hard, established three provinces and six ministries, and took away the rights of the big ones with minor essays.

Nanfan has completed the basic structure of the royal court.

In a short period of time, it grew.

Officials from the three provinces and six ministries were basically here. They were all frightened when they saw Qin Mo and his soldiers standing there like a mountain of steel.

"Great God, how come Daqian has so much steel!" Many people sighed and felt even more afraid of Daqian.

At the same time, his attitude towards Li Shuangan also became more respectful.

Li Shuang'an sat with Qin Mo, held Qin Mo's hand, and immediately said to Huan Lun (Foreign Minister, equivalent to the Minister of Honglu Temple), "Dayansong, Master Xinrao hasn't come yet?"

Dayansong said quickly: "Zanpu, not yet!"

Li Shuang'an frowned and said, "Go ahead and hurry up. How can you keep the distinguished guests waiting for a long time? He will still need to preside over the ceremony of worshiping the heaven in a while!"

"Yes!" Dayansong said and left in a hurry.

Qin Mo asked: "Is this Dayansong the child of Tuyuhun Khan and Princess Nanfan?"

"Yes, this man is my cousin, and he is loyal to me. However, now that Tuyuhun has been assigned to Daqian, he must rely on me!" Li Shuang'an explained.

Qin Mo nodded.

While waiting for Master Xinrao, Li Shuangan summoned the singers, half of them were Hu Ji, which made Dou Yiai's eyes widen.

Soon, it was the end of time, and Master Xinrao was still not seen.

Li Shuang'an was also furious, "Prime Minister, why hasn't Master Xinrao come yet? Are you going to offer sacrifices today?"

Da Lundong praised: "I have already informed the mage. If not, should I let the palace wizard conduct the heaven-sacrifice ceremony first?"

"Master Xinrao is so proud. He made us wait here for an hour, but he didn't take Qin seriously at all!" Qin Mo's faint words made everyone present smell murderous intent.

If Qin Mo had followed his previous temper, he would have destroyed Xinrao Temple without any explanation.

But that's not good, it's too rough. Qin Mo is a civilized person no matter what.

Always find an honest reason to do something.

Li Shuang'an said again: "Go and send someone to ask for Master Xinrao!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice came from not far away, "Master Xinrao has arrived!"

Among the ministers present, some were eager, some were sad, and some looked at him coldly.

Li Shuang'an glanced at Da Lun Dongzan and stood up from the throne, "Envoy Qin, I'll go greet the Great Master!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the people present were extremely exciting.

Who doesn’t know that Qin Mo is Li Shuangan’s brother-in-law and brother-in-law?

Seeing Li Shuang'an being so humble, everyone sneered in their hearts.

Da Lun Dongzan has been secretly observing Qin Mo's expression, feeling strange in his heart. This is wrong. According to Qin Mo's temper, he should have become furious by now.

Why didn't you say anything?

Just when Li Shuang'an was about to go over, Qin Mo said: "Zanpu, since the leader is here, I will also go over to greet him and get a taste of Master Xinrao's Buddhist aura!"

Hearing this, Li Shuangan was also stunned, "Brother-in-law, this."

Not to mention Li Shuangan, everyone present was surprised!
You know, what Qin Mo said when he entered the city had already spread throughout Luoshou City!
Anyone who dares to ride on Li Shuangan's head will be killed without mercy!

(End of this chapter)

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