big dry son-in-law

Chapter 956: Don’t let any of them escape!

Chapter 956 Don’t let any of them escape!
"Let's go over and take a look!" Qin Mo stood up with a smile and saw a group of long dragons coming not far away.

There are a lot of people, no less than 2 people!

Interesting, is this showing off muscles?
Qin Mo shook his head. The era when more people could win a battle has passed.

Dalun Dongzan was also secretly surprised when he saw this scene.

This Xin Rao still wanted to show off to Qin Mo, and brought so many people, wasn't it just to respond to what Qin Mo said when he entered the city?

This kind of collision is what Dalu Dongzan wants to see.

Master Xin Rao was sitting cross-legged on the holy sedan chair in the air. He looked ahead calmly. Before the team reached the front, the Bon believer who was leading the way shouted and stopped.

Seeing Master Xinrao sitting in the air, many people knelt on the ground and worshiped.

How could a mortal sit in the air?
Only true Buddhas have such ability!

Li Shuangan also felt a little nervous, "Brother-in-law, look at Xin Rao, he can actually sit in the air!"

"There is a stool under his butt. Look, his clothes are so wide that they can cover everything!" Qin Mo took out a telescope and took a look, and saw through Xin Rao's trick at a glance.

But this is Nanfan, which has just passed through primitive society. Even in the extremely developed world where Qin Mo lives, many people have been deceived.

"No way?" Li Shuang'an said.

"Nothing!" Qin Mo curled his lips disdainfully.

Just as he was talking, he saw Xin Rao suddenly rising into the sky and slowly falling from the sky.

Where he landed, flames suddenly burst out.

This miraculous scene makes people worship.

Then, the flames dissipated, and flowers actually grew on the ground!
"Great Buddha Xinrao, the world praises your greatness!" A nobleman even shed tears with excitement.

"Mom, this monk named Xin Rao is quite amazing. Idiot, why don't we go and pay homage too?" Dou Yiai smacked her tongue.

"Bless you, hold it back!" Qin Mo was furious. It would be fine if this Xin Rao was a true Buddha.

But he is a stickman.

At this time, Xin Rao saw that many people were worshiping him, and he secretly laughed in his heart, thinking, when have these people seen such a miracle?

You will definitely be impressed by yourself.

Once everyone in Da Gan admits it, who can shake him?
"Let's go and have a look!"

Qin Mo walked over in a swaggering manner, and Gao Yao followed closely.

Li Shuangan also quickly chased after him.

"Master Xinrao, you're finally here!" Li Shuang'an said in Nanban dialect.

"I was delayed just now when the true Buddha issued a decree. Please give Zanpu an explanation to the distinguished guests from Daqian!" Xin Rao said.

Qin Mo brought a translator, and after listening, he couldn't help but nod.

This monk was in his forties or fifties, with a bare head but a prominent forehead, like a longevity star.The eyebrows are very long and hang down from the corners of the eyes, making him look a bit like an Arhat with long eyebrows.

This kind of abnormal appearance is often called the coming of the gods.

This Bon religion has absorbed the essence of the Celestial Kingdom, and has a special liking for such grotesque deformities.

If a person has a different appearance and is a little bit deceitful, that's a big deal. In the countries of the Western Region, he can definitely go sideways.

There's no way, they're just so easy to deceive.

"May I ask Master Xinrao, what did the Buddha's decree suggest?" Li Shuang'an asked.

"The Buddha's decree said that bad things will happen in the near future." Master Xinrao shook his head and said with a sad look on his face: "And bad things come from the east!"

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present changed.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, wasn't this an allusion to Qin Mo and others?

Could it be that the arrival of Qin Mo and others will bring disaster?
Thinking of this, many people's eyes changed when they looked at Qin Mo. "Master Xinrao, right?" Qin Mo said with a smile: "Tell me what the specific decree is, so we can avoid it, right?"

"Buddha said: Don't say it!" Master Xinrao said: "If you say it too carefully, you will be punished by heaven!"

"Oh, it is true that there is a punishment from heaven for leaking the secret, but the Buddha also said, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? You, the person who calls Buddha as the ancestor, won't be afraid of even small punishments from heaven, right?" Qin Mo He said with a smile.

These words immediately confused Master Xinrao, but he thought quickly, "Did your guest not believe what I said?

If I speak out, it will change things that have not happened, and even bring disaster to the people of Nanfan!

At that time, disaster will strike, and the distinguished guest will probably be in big trouble! "

"Fuck your mother!" Qin Mo went up and kicked him over, "I'm giving you face, right?
You are pretending to be a ghost, and you are pretending to be your grandfather.

Grandpa is a descendant blessed by the gods of Daqian. Your Buddha has nothing to do with your grandfather! "

This kick directly confused the believers and nobles behind Xin Rao.

Even Dalu Dongzan didn't expect Qin Mo to be so rude.

But the consequences of this sleep were also very terrible, because the believers and monks rioted.

However, the next second, the soldier behind Qin Mo raised his gun.

Bang bang bang!
After intensive bursts of fire, hundreds of people fell to the ground. They didn't even have time to take action.

Just like harvesting leeks with a sickle, a large piece fell down when the knife was struck.

In just a few breaths, no one was standing within 50 meters of Qin Mo's sight!
Qin Mo said: "Whoever dares to leave today, I will annihilate them all today.

What I said when I entered the city should not be taken seriously, right?

Then let me see the consequences of disobedience! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldier who was proficient in Nanfan language shouted loudly, frightening everyone so much that they dared not speak.

All the believers were silent!
But looking at Qin Mo, he was particularly angry.

"Everyone, please don't do anything. If my words offend Daqian's distinguished guests, it doesn't matter. If you die, you will die.

If my death can bring everyone's life, then it will be a worthy death! Master Xinrao shouted loudly.

It was this sentence that caused the frightened people to riot again.

Li Shuangan was so shocked by Qin Mo that he was speechless.

This isn't right. Didn't you agree not to do anything for the time being?
Qin Mo sneered and said: "Damn, if I call you a mage, you really think you are a real Buddha.

These so-called miracles of yours are nothing in my eyes! "

Qin Mo said loudly: "This Xin Rao is a magic stick, and the so-called true Buddha's teachings are all fake.

His miracles are all deceptions, and only Manlo Zampu is the real Buddha.

I have evidence that can directly prove that Xin Rao is a liar.

I also have a way to prove that your Zanpu is the true god and the true Buddha! "

The person behind him translated loudly.

The believers were extremely excited, and each of them drew their weapons, and some even raised their crossbows.

As soon as Dalun Dongzan waved, Nanfan's soldiers surrounded him.

Although he didn't know what Qin Mo had in store, today was undoubtedly a good day to kill Xin Rao.

Moreover, when Xin Rao dies, everyone will definitely blame Qin Mo and Da Gan.

As for Li Shuangan, he has a way to wash away his sins.

Qin Mo slowly lit a cigarette and said, "Hold it, don't let any of them escape!"

(End of this chapter)

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