big dry son-in-law

Chapter 961 Number one fan!

Chapter 961 Number one fan!

Soon, Su Bi also received the news.

Ashina Summi looked at Subi Mojie in the Subi Palace, "The leader is Qin Mo, the first consort of Daqian. This man has great military exploits and is extremely powerful in Daqian.

He was more favored than ordinary princes and won the trust and love of Emperor Daqian. If he could capture Qin Mo, the battle would be secure. "

Subi Mojie asked: "Is there any plan for the amnesty? We have an army of Gan people to the east and a large army of Luo to the west. Going south, we should go for the Qian army!

Go north to the Tianshan Mountains, and after passing the Tianshan Mountains, you will reach Beinu. How to fight this battle?
Moreover, I heard that the Great Master Xinrao of Bon Religion has been arrested, and the biggest restriction on Manlo Zampu in Luozhe City is gone. "

Ashina Sumi was also a little anxious at the moment. Shan Yu had not given her any news for a long time. Logically speaking, Gao Li should be in chaos at this moment.

Once Gao Li is in chaos, they can take the opportunity to launch a feint attack on Luozhe.

What they are best at is plundering. This method of combat can make their team bigger and bigger.

Just by snowballing, they made it all the way to the Western Regions.

His mission is to attract the main force of the army from Riyue Mountain, but now, there is no movement from Longyou Army and Riyue Mountain Army.

"Spread the news that Master Xinrao is imprisoned, and unite with the Xiangxiang Kingdom to attack Luochang from both sides, feint to attack first, and then take the opportunity to plunder other tribes.

Even if you can't do it logically, you still have to plunder more slaves! "

Ashinasumi made up her mind not to wait for Shanyu's letter.

Call first.

The reason for sending troops is to jointly rescue Master Xin Rao!

Subi Mojie said: "Will the whole army be dispatched? If the gang members receive the news, how about a sneak attack from behind?
In the past two years, Daqian's caravans have been doing business in Nanfan. Both new and old nobles have particularly welcomed Daqian people.

Even Supi has Daqian's caravan, and if it is dispatched, there may be news."

"It doesn't matter, I just want them to spread the news." Ashinasumi said with a smile: "The Gan people are huddled in the turtle shell and it is difficult to attack by force.

If they take the initiative, I will definitely be able to annihilate their main force.

If you are not afraid that they will come, you are afraid that they will not come! "

Subi Mojie sneered in her heart, Bei Nu's heart was clearly revealed.

Seeking the skin of a tiger will inevitably reduce Su Bi to a pawn, which is not in Su Bi's interests.

Moreover, Su Bi is no longer the Su Bi he used to be.

Supi was once the most important source of troops in Nanfan.

This also resulted in a large number of available troops being logically transferred away.

In addition, in the past two years, Qianjun almost achieved a certain level of logic.

Tuyuhun was beaten to pieces by Ganjun.

Subi was also looted, and that kind of fighting power is still unforgettable to the people of Subi.

This also caused Subi's strength to decline sharply again.

In its heyday, Supi could easily raise an army of [-], but now it only has half of it.

Some of them are even elderly people.

Supi has become independent. If it continues to rely on the Beinu people, it will be difficult for it to become independent. Therefore, the best way is to annex!

If you annex Beinu, you will be beaten, but if you annex Dagan, you can not only protect the kingdom, but as long as Dagan recognizes Supi's legitimacy, even Nanfan will not dare to move easily.

But it requires a bet that makes Da Gan excited.

Thinking of this, Subimojie's eyes flashed, Ashina Summi and her army were the best bets.

"It's easy to talk about sending troops, but Ashinashe, may I ask when Shanyu will give us the gold seal in Subi? Even if he can't give us the gold seal, he still has to give us a promise, right?"

"What are you anxious about?" Ashinasumi frowned and said, "We are helping Subi recover the country. Are you still afraid that we will be reluctant to give up a gold seal?" Subimojie said: "Three days, if there is no such thing in three days, Once you see the golden seal, there is no need to mention the issue of sending troops. When the golden seal arrives, we will send troops!"

"You dare to threaten me?" Ashinasumi's eyes were filled with murderous intent, but Subimojie didn't care at all.

"Dashe, you are mistaken. It was not you who helped us restore our country, but we who helped Beinu contain Daqian.

If Da Gan's army is dispatched, Su Pi will never be his opponent. Da She must not want this result either, right?

Secondly, I need to give an explanation to my subjects.

The Southern Fan doesn’t recognize us, the Daqian doesn’t recognize us, and if even the Northern Slaves don’t recognize us, then what kind of country will we be?

What troops are sent? "

What Subi Mojie said was reasonable, but Ashina Sumi said that she lost her temper.

Ashina Summi thought about it carefully, and Subi Mojie was right. Small countries can only survive by relying on big countries.

In fact, he is also waiting for Shanyu's golden seal. With this golden seal, it is equivalent to legally recognizing Su Pi and agreeing to Su Pi's inclusion.

The people of Subi had a backer and established a primary-secondary relationship, which made it legitimate and justified for Subi to send troops.

Therefore, in his eyes, Subi Mojie's sincerity was a sign of sincere devotion.

"Okay, I will definitely give you an accurate answer in the next few days. Shanyu will definitely send the gold seal over in the next few days. Just wait!" With that, Ashinasumi left the palace.

Subi Mojie breathed a sigh of relief. She had been guarding against Ashina Sumi these days. Seeing that he believed it, she quickly called her confidants and put the letter into his hand, "Send one to the Tuguhun Army." , send a letter to Luosi, and it must be handed over to the leader of the army!"

"Yes, King!"

The confidant took the letter and disappeared into the darkness.

She knew Qin Mo very well, and the caravans that came and went all praised his greatness.

Although I have never seen him, this man is a symbol of the devil on the plateau.

The kind that can stop children from crying.

However, in Daqian, this person is also a protector, bringing light, hope, wealth and harvest.

Qin Mo went to the sea to catch Kun and killed millions of victims. In three days, he conquered Wozhou and pacified Lingnan. These deeds spread throughout Nanfan along with the caravans.

Oh, and various books written by Qin Mo have also been translated into Nanfan.

The most famous one is Journey to the West by Da Qian.

They were all transmitted from Daqian Capital.

But her favorites are The Legend of Shushan and The Legend of Sword and Fairy!

Especially in Legend of Sword and Fairy, the male protagonist Qin Xiaoyao is cynical. In addition to the protagonist Ling'er, there is also a female protagonist who is also from Nanfan.

Three people walked around the world, slaying demons and destroying demons, among which Su Pi was described.

"Come here, light a few more Kun candles!" Subi Mojie kicked off her shoes and lay down on the large bed.

She stretched her chin and swayed her white feet up and down.

However, when she saw the Nanfan heroine died in Qin Xiaoyao's arms, she couldn't stop crying.

Especially the ending, it’s almost as good as it gets.

The ending for these two heroines was so tragic.

She doesn't like it and cries every time she watches it.

"When I have the chance, I must ask that cruel person face to face why he made the heroine so miserable!"

(End of this chapter)

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