big dry son-in-law

Chapter 962: Suppress all dissenters!

Chapter 962 Suppress all dissent!
Nanfan, Putuo Luojia Palace, in the main hall.

On Li Shuangan's high throne, ministers stood on both sides.

There are undercurrents of logic surging, and the secret hunting operation is actually always there.

But the strange thing is that the surrounding area is unusually quiet.

Dalu Dongzan also took this opportunity to eliminate possible enemies within.

Help Li Shuangan gather his efforts effectively.

Other places dare not say that Shannan, the birthplace of the nobility, was severely warned by Da Lun Dongzan.

What's interesting is that the degree of honesty of these people is far beyond Da Lun Dongzan's imagination.

With Dalu Dongzan's wisdom and methods, it is not difficult to find out the reason.

He glanced at Qin Mo, who was sitting on the left side below Li Shuangan, and was filled with admiration in his heart.

This man came all the way and defeated those powerful tribes one by one with his strong strength and negotiation skills.

This is the real reason why they are honest.

If Qin Mo comes to Nanfan to fight for hegemony, it is estimated that he can unify Nanfan in half a year and then establish a country no weaker than Daqian.

A deep cold light flashed in his eyes. For such a terrible person, death is the most reassuring.

However, we cannot let him die in Nanfan.

If Qin Mo is here, Nanfan will not be able to raise his head.

Is there any way to make him die on the way back?
Dongzan fell into deep thought!
"Is everyone here?" Da Lun Dongzan deliberately asked in Da Gan Mandarin.

"Zanpu, everyone is here!" Dayansong came out to report.

"Have you informed me that Ben Zamp is going to make a leap of logic?"

"The notice has been sent out. People inside and outside the city, tens of thousands of people, gathered on the main road in the city, all looking forward to a miracle from Zanpu!" Dalun Dongzan said after coming back to his senses.

Li Shuangan was very nervous and a little excited, and said: "Great kindness!"

He glanced at Qin Mo, who gave him an approving look. Li Shuangan then calmed down and said, "In the past few nights, Ben Zamp has dreamed about his predecessor Zamp, who is also my father. I also watched To my grandfather, Nan Yozamp.

There were many people standing around the two of them, all of whom were my Zanpu and ancestors from all generations of Nanfan.

They asked me if I could take on a big responsibility, and said that Nanfan's future lies in the east.

They smiled and told me that they had attained the golden body and fruition status under the canonization of Daqian God.

It was also said that from now on, the gods of Nanfan must accept the canonization of Emperor Daqian in order to possess the power of gods! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present widened their eyes.

"Zanpu, don't say such nonsense!"

"Yes, although our Nanfan is a vassal state of Daqian, the gods are born and raised, so how can we accept the canonization of Daqian."

"shut up!"

Li Shuang'an said angrily: "Ben Zamp, is it possible that he still makes fun of his ancestors?"

Master Xin Rao, who was kneeling at the back, angrily shouted: "You are Da Gan's lackey, a traitor to our ancestors!
You were blinded by the evil spirit, you are a sinner in Nanfan! "

Dong Zan's face was full of disbelief when he was talking about it. Is Li Shuang'an going to let Nan Fan be included?
"Zan Pu, please be careful what you say!" Da Lun Dongzan gritted his teeth.

Li Shuangan stood up and said: "This Zampu said it very clearly. In the dream, Abba and the ancestors condensed the Treasure Sun Tathagata Divine Mirror.

I want to fly into the sky today, so I specifically asked God Daqian for this ice crystal mirror! "As he spoke, he took out the magnifying glass with a gold rim.

This thing was also added later. It uses the dragon pattern that symbolizes the Daqian royal family. There are small characters on it, which are Sanskrit and Qian characters.

Li Shuang'an put the magnifying glass above his head, "With this artifact, I can use the power of the sun no matter when and where I am!"

Everyone looked at the magnifying glass above Li Shuangan's head and were shocked.

With that said, Li Shuangan strode out.

There is a large cauldron placed outside, and inside the cauldron there are powerful fire oil and igniting materials.

At this time, the eunuch who was the personal bodyguard of Emperor Daqian to Li Shuangan hurriedly shouted in Nanfan dialect: "Zanpu uses the sacred object, the Dharma mirror of Baoguang Tathagata, and raises the divine fire of the sun!"

Immediately afterwards, the people standing on the steps passed down one level at a time.

At the bottom, there were dozens of specially made loudspeakers, and the sound spread instantly.

"Zanpu, all things praise your greatness!"

The people knelt down one after another with pious expressions on their faces!
It's just that they can't get close, because in front of them are thousands of Daqian sergeants who are like iron towers!

That sound can be heard even by a palace 200 meters high!
Li Shuangan suppressed his trembling heart and focused on the light spot.

This time, it only took a dozen breaths for the cauldron to burst into flames!
The moment the fire rose, everyone was stunned again.

But a shocking sound came from below.

Li Shuangan put the magnifying glass on his head again, returned to his position, looked around, and found that the opposition voices were much less than before, "If dreams are false, then this Treasure Light Tathagata Mirror is always real, right?"

Da Lun Dongzan gritted his teeth and said, "Zanpu!"

If he opposes Li Shuangan now, he is opposing himself.

All the efforts made before have been in vain, and all the efforts made by Zanpu in the past generations will be in vain!
"The Prime Minister, Ben Zanpu, knows what he is doing. This is the order issued by our ancestors. Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed without mercy!" Li Shuangan said sternly.

Everyone present trembled. They had seen the soldiers outside, aiming their rifles at them.

How dare anyone talk there!

Originally, Li Shuangan had long wanted to hold this morning court.

But Qin Mo said that if the morning court was held on the day when he flew to the sky, the effect would be better.

Suppress all dissent with flying miracles!
"The ancestors said that I was the son of the spirit of Daqian who came to help Nanfan get out of trouble. From then on, Nanfan's destiny was closely linked to Daqian.

As a Zanpu, how can I disobey my ancestors! "

"You lackey, you are the sinner of Nanfan!" Xin Rao said crazily.

"Whether I am a sinner or a lackey, you will know soon. If I am a lackey, I will definitely not be able to fly. If I am not, God will give me the power to fly."

At this time, Qin Mo came out and said: "His Majesty the Emperor Daqian ordered me, Qin Mo, to go to the Southern Fan. Not only to help the Southern Fan, but also for this!"

He solemnly took out the gold seal, "A few months ago, His Majesty the Emperor Daqian was worshiping his ancestors in the ancestral temple. Suddenly, a bolt from the blue split the jade pillar in front of the ancestral temple.

His Majesty the Emperor of Daqian stepped forward to explore it, and found this golden seal from the crack in the jade pillar, as well as an edict written in Daqian language and Nanfan language!
His Majesty the Emperor Daqian took over these two sacred objects and was greatly amazed, so he specially asked me to go to Nanfan as an envoy. "

With that said, Qin Mo took out another decree sewn with gold thread and said solemnly: "The emperor and the sky are above, the thick soil is below, and the eastern soil is the center of all nations.

I am the macaque king of Nanfan, and I respect Daqian."

(End of this chapter)

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