big dry son-in-law

Chapter 963 Great evil seems like good!

Chapter 963 Great evil seems like good!

The Nanfan people have a clear understanding of the royal lineage. They believe that the union of macaques and rock witches gave birth to the earliest humans.

And their descendants thrived in the Nanfan area. These people are the ancestors of the Nanfan people.

And the Macaque King is naturally the ancestor who is the source of everything.

"The road ahead to the south is blocked, and for hundreds of years, the country will become a thing trampled under the iron heel of the foreign race.

I sincerely ask God Daqian to help Nanfan."

The decree only contains a few hundred words, but it makes people's hearts tremble.

What this decree says is that the Macaque King took all the Zanpu and ancestors of Nanfan to implore the God of Daqian to help Nanfan.

The incense of Rinanfan was cut off and they were included in the Daqian spirit system.

If this were placed in the world where Qin Mo lived, he would definitely be sprayed into pieces.

But now, there is a special market.

It's like the great ancestor of that world killed the white snake, and the fox spoke human words, saying something like Great Chu Xing, King Chen Sheng.

There are really a lot of people who believe it.

According to social advancement, Nanfan will still lag behind that era.

Therefore, this kind of myths and legends that appear to be compiled at first glance are particularly popular here.

The fundamental reason, in Nanfan, is the divine right of kings.

The will of the gods means everything.

It is also used by rulers to enslave the minds of the people in order to consolidate their power.

After reading the edict, Qin Mo continued: "His Majesty the Emperor Daqian informed the ancestors and received the instructions from the ancestors. Last year, you should have heard the news that His Majesty the Emperor Daqian enshrined Zen in Hengshan Mountain in the south, right?"

Everyone present nodded unanimously. Feng Chan was a very big thing, not just in China.

For a celestial country like Daqian, it is a great meritorious deed for the emperor to enshrine it, and it will definitely be publicized by all the people.

This is also a deterrent to the client states.

So Nan Fan definitely knew, and they even specially sent people to congratulate the emperor.

"You should understand that there is only one place for the Great Qian Feng Chan, and that is Longshou Mountain.

No emperor would go to the south to enshrine Zen, but our Emperor Daqian went there.

Do you know why? "

"What's the reason?" Even though Dongzan didn't want to, Li Shuangan and Qin Mo made a big show. If he ruined the show, Nan Fan's future might really be what Qin Mo said. But century.

Once Qin Mo makes up his mind to attack Nanfan, the success rate of Nanfan is only [-]%!
Therefore, he decided to accompany them to complete the scene.

When the time comes, ask Li Shuangan for an explanation!
"Because the sacred throne of Nanfan is in the south!" Qin Mo sighed: "His Majesty the Emperor Daqian consecrated the sacred thrones of the Macaque King and your Nanfan gods to Mount Heng.

Do you know Hengshan?One of the Five Sacred Mountains, once enshrined in Zen, represents your ancestors, and the incense of the gods will never end!

You know what this means, right? "

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Sectarian disputes and national destiny disputes are very cruel.

An emperor, instead of ennobling the first of the Five Mountains, went to Hengshan and canonized the gods of Nanfan to Hengshan. This was a meritorious deed that could move heaven and earth.

Even Xin Rao was stunned, "Don't listen to his nonsense, we have our own sacred mountain in Nanfang, why do we need other countries to canonize it!"

Qin Mo ignored him and continued: "Since you know what this means, I won't explain more.

On this gold seal, there are eight words engraved: Kingship is granted, and longevity is boundless. In the future, this will be a symbol of the change of royal power in Nanfan. The gold seal must not be unorthodox.

All the countries will attack together, the gods and ancestors will be disgusted by it, and they will fall into hell forever! "

After saying that, Qin Mo walked to the middle of the hall and placed the golden seal on his head so that they could see clearly.

There are two kinds of divine objects engraved on the gold seal, the first is a dragon, and the second is a condor.

Everyone kept swallowing their saliva.

Qin Mo then said: "Please praise me and accept the golden seal of the Kingdom!" Li Shuang'an hurriedly stepped forward and knelt on one knee, "My lord, I would like to thank His Majesty the Emperor Daqian for giving the sacred artifact of the Kingdom. In the future, Nanfan and Daqian , we will definitely be united forever!"

Qin Mo nodded and handed the golden seal and decree to Li Shuangan.

Li Shuang'an held the gold seal in one hand and the gold-rimmed magnifying glass in the other, almost hanging the decree around his neck.

After the handover ceremony, Li Shuangan's image in the eyes of everyone changed completely.

Undoubtedly, he is the shining golden destiny man!
And he is the only one Da Gan admits, who will fight to the death against anyone who dares to touch him.

Dongzan of the Great Lun knelt down at that time, "All things praise your greatness!"

When he kneels, everyone will kneel even if they don't.

Only Xin Rao shouted that he was a thief.

But his voice was muffled.

And today is destined to be a day that will be remembered in the history of Nanfan.

It was also a day that changed the fate of both countries!
Although this was made up, at this moment, Li Shuangan really felt the call of mission.

"Ben Zamp heard the call of the ancestors. They are looking at me in the distant sky. I want to fly to the sky. I want to go to the place where the ancestors stood. I want to tell them that I did not let them down!"

Li Shuangan looked at Qin Mo, "Envoy Qin, please help me take care of the sacred objects!"

"Good!" Qin Mo took the things very solemnly.

Just look at Li Shuangan, taking the lead and walking out.

Qin Mo and others also followed out.

Li Shuangan's personal eunuch said quickly: "Zanpu feels the call of the ancestors and prepares to fly into the sky!"

The sound was passed down level by level, and all the people raised their heads and looked above the Hongshan Palace.

A small yet great man appeared in their sight, ascending the stairs step by step.

Everyone held their breath and did not dare to breathe loudly, for fear that they would miss a detail.

When Xin Rao saw Li Shuang'an really walking up, he closed his mouth and stared at him.

Everyone at the scene was sweating. This was an altitude of 200 meters.

If you fall down, you will die!

Dalun Dongzan asked Qin Mo in a low voice, "Aren't you afraid that he will fall to death?"

"You are thinking too much. With the blessing of Daqian and Nanfan, he will not die!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"Qin Mo, you are so cruel!" Da Lun Dongzan gritted his teeth.

"Prime Minister, how could I be so cruel?" Qin Mo said with an innocent face: "Everyone in the world knows that I, Qin Mo, am the most kind person in the world!"

After hearing the great talk, Dongzan sneered, "Great evil seems like good!"

"There is no such idiom in Daqian!"

"I was created by you alone!" Dalun Dongzan said.

"Thank you!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"Do you think I'm praising you?" Dalun Dongzan lost all his temper when he encountered such a thing.

Qin Mo was too lazy to answer and just said, "Then I'll give you an idiom too!"

"What idiom?"

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero!" Qin Mo said.

Dongzan's nose was so angry that he was so angry, "This is not an idiom!"

"Who cares?" Qin Mo smiled.

At this time, Li Shuangan walked to the highest point of Hongshan Palace, where there was a platform.

He stood above and looked down, his heart beating incessantly.

Jump down, there are only two results!
Fall to death and fly into the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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