big dry son-in-law

Chapter 967 Prime Minister, you taught me this!

Chapter 967 Prime Minister, you taught me this!

"So, you are determined to follow Qin Mo's footsteps?" Dalun Dongzan asked calmly.

"Can the Prime Minister pay better attention?" Li Shuang'an looked at the big talk. Dongzan's hands were hidden in his sleeves, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. "When two tigers fight, one of them will be injured. If Bei Nu wins, Nan Fan will lose." .

If Da Gan wins, you and I can still save everyone from becoming slaves. "

There was a big discussion about Dongzan hiding weapons in his sleeves, but Li Shuangan gave him the answer he least expected, so what?
It's already too late to make any progress or retreat.

He sighed heavily and laughed at himself: "Qin Mo, what a trick, no wonder I had to let you go back to Nanfan despite all the objections.

This was what he had in mind from the beginning, to capture Nanfan effortlessly.

It's funny that I'm still thinking about how to get rid of the old problems and make Nanfan strong again.

Now, Nan Fan's heart is broken.

I am a sinner and an accomplice. "

Now that things have happened, Dongzan's heart is bleeding when he talks about it: "Zanpu's wings have become strong, and I am no longer needed. In the future, there is no need to ask me about any big or small matters.

My abilities are limited and I cannot be the prime minister, let alone be his subject.

If the Nanfan is included, I just hope that Zanpu can let the Gar family leave some incense! "

Da Lun Dongzan cupped his hands and turned to leave.

Li Shuangan shouted: "I dare to ask the Prime Minister, when my father unified Nanfan, was it for the people of Nanfan, or for his own selfish desires!"

Dongzan stopped in his tracks.

Li Shuang'an added: "If you walk out of Hongshan Palace today, the Gar family will no longer exist tomorrow!"

Dongzan looked at Lu Shuangan in disbelief, "You want to kill me?"

He has been protecting Li Shuangan since he was a child. It was he who brought Li Shuangan back to Dagan and pushed him to the position of Zanpu.

Now, he actually put the knife on his neck.

"I don't want to kill you, but I will never allow anyone to destroy this hard-won situation!" Li Shuang'an stood up, walked to Dalun Dongzan, pinched his sleeve, took out the dagger from his sleeve, and threw it away. On the ground, "You want to kill me!"


"The Prime Minister might as well wait for a year and a half. I make a bet with the Prime Minister. If in a year and a half, Nanpan does not live and work in peace and contentment, and there is no peace in the world, then I will lose.

You can go as you please, take the Gar clan to the Western Regions, or join Beinu, it doesn't matter! "

Li Shuangan put his hands in front of him, without any emotion on his face.

Dongzan was a little dazed during the discussion, and vaguely seemed to see Luo Bu in his youth.

Luobu Zedui came to the throne at the age of 13. At that time, Nanjozamp left him a dilapidated Nanfan.

The current Nan Fan is about the same. He thought Li Shuangan was not as brave as Luo Bu Zuo Dui, but in fact, his courage and perseverance were definitely no worse than Luo Bu Zuo Dui.

"I'm different from you. What you seek is the power in your hands, but what I seek is peace." Li Shuang'an said, "When I pacify Nanfan again, I will be a greater Zanpu than my father." Nanfan belongs to Daqian, some people will scold me, and some people will praise me.

But a hundred years later, people who live and work in peace and contentment will give the answer.

But don’t underestimate my ruthlessness. Anyone who dares to stop me will be killed by me!
This is what Daxiang taught me. "

Dongzan felt very tired from the discussion, "I understand, and I will cooperate with you. I just hope that Zamp can remember what he said. Let's see again in a year and a half!"

He handed over again and left the palace.

Li Shuangan picked up the dagger on the ground and murmured: "Time will prove that what I did was right!"

The next day, while Qin Mo was still sleeping, he was awakened by the sound of a bell. When he came to his senses, he was covered in cold sweat.

"Master, are you dreaming again?" Gao Yao hurried over.

"What time is it?" Qin Mo glanced outside. "It's already hit the mark!" Gao Yao replied.

Qin Mo held his forehead, damn, I had another nightmare.

I've been having nightmares these past two days.

Maybe it’s because living on the top of a mountain is too high and not down to earth.

The wind here is very noisy at night.

He got dressed and walked outside. The scenery was quite nice.

Just as he was thinking about what he had to arrange today, Chai Rong hurried over and said, "Brother Qin, there is a secret message!"

"Where did they come from?"

"It's from Zhao Wu and the others." Chai Rong handed the letter over.

Qin Mocai read the letter and was happy, "These guys can do it, they can do things quite decently!"

There are almost 800 people in the publicity team of Ruinanfan, and each one of them is an anti-fraud expert, the essence of deep deception and abduction.

At this time, they have also arrived in the Shannan area.

That is the land of Nanpan Longxing, which has the same nature as Daqian Longyou.

Many important nobles like the Gar family came from the Shannan area.

Luo Bu gathered together from Shannan to put the political center in Luoche, which established the status of Luoche's capital.

"Just contact us and let them follow us along the way." Qin Mo's mood suddenly improved a lot, "By the way, let them collect more information."

Chai Rong also smiled and said: "It is said that many tribesmen are planning to come to Luo for pilgrimage to watch the miracles!"

Qin Mo touched his chin and said, "It's simple. Under the Hongshan Palace, let someone use the magnifying Tathagata Mirror to demonstrate how to make fire once a day.

Let the pilgrims bathe in the sacred fire once a day! "

"That's a good idea!" Chai Rong nodded.

"By the way, where's Xiao Dou? He's not up yet?"

"No, Zanpu rewarded him with several maids, and they are still sleeping!" Chai Rong shrank his head and said.

"This bitch, if he continues like this, he won't be able to live for another two years!" Qin Mo was angry, but it was of no use if he came. Fighting was fine, but if he didn't hinder his mental work, it would be good. .

At this moment, another deputy general ran over and said, "General manager, there is a man who claims to be from Subi Palace and wants to see you!"

"He's from Subi Palace?" Qin Mo frowned, "Where is he?"

"Where we are stationed, there is a man, about thirty years old, who has been checked and does not have any weapons!
A letter was found from his arms, but the man said that this letter was written by Queen Subi and she wanted to deliver it to you personally! "

"Interesting, come and take a look!"

Arriving at the camp, Qin Mo saw a thin man with fair skin, "Are you from Supi?"

"Who are you? I want to see your leader!"

"I'm the person you're looking for. Tell me what's going on!" Qin Mo sat with his sword on his back. This man's hands and feet were also chained, and he couldn't make any trouble at all.

"You, are you Qin Mo?" The man's words were not good and he was stumbling.

Qin Mo listened for a long time but didn't understand, so he said: "Just speak Nanhua, I have a translator here!"

Damn it, it takes a long time, just like a colonel entering a village to bring a translator.

The man nodded and quickly told his origin!

(End of this chapter)

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