big dry son-in-law

Chapter 968 I'm still too tender!

Chapter 968 I'm still too tender!

"Oh, I didn't realize it, but you are actually the Queen's male favorite!" Qin Mo looked him up and down, "With your small body, how many times can you carry it!"

The man smiled awkwardly, "I, I usually serve the chamber pot in the palace, the Queen never calls us!"

Qin Mo thought Su Pi was quite interesting. The queen and the queen were in power, and the men worked like cows and horses, leading troops to fight.

A proper matriarchal society.

Moreover, this Subi country was considered a relatively powerful small country before the unification of Luobu Zhadui.

He did a lot of homework when he came. The previous Zhou Dynasty book said that this Subi country: The mountain is a city, five or six miles across, with thousands of people and families.

The king's residence is a nine-story building with hundreds of maids.

Listen to politics every five days.There is a little king again, who knows the state affairs together... Everyone wears their hair loose and uses leather as shoes.

This is not the most important thing. What makes Qin Mo's heart move the most is that Supi is rich in gold, brass, and cinnabar!

In another world, Su Pi is the original version of the daughter country in Journey to the West.

Qin Mo was more extensive and directly applied Su Pi, which gave a more immersive feeling.

There are even scenes of Su Bi in many books.

He was thinking about writing a nine-story monster building.

"Forget it, I don't want to be a tomb robber. If I die and are dug up a hundred years later, where will I be able to reason with you!"

Qin Mo secretly cursed and stretched out his hand: "Here's the letter, bring it!"

Only then did the man take out the letter he was holding on his chest.

"It's still written on white paper!" Qin Mo was surprised.

"They were all brought by Daqian's caravan. Wang likes them very much and often draws on white paper!" the man explained.

Chai Rong on the side took the letter and opened it, making sure there was nothing wrong with the letter before handing it to Qin Mo.

When you go out, be careful of the Wannian Ship.

Qin Mo took the letter and read it, "The handwriting is quite delicate and it is written quite neatly!"

"There is a female gentleman in the palace who is from the land of Jiuqu. She has been teaching our king how to write and paint to protect the king's respect!" the man explained again.

In this way, it makes sense that Queen Subi is still an admirer of Daqian culture.

After reading the letter, Qin Mo handed it to Chai Rong.

After Chai Rong read through it, he was surprised and said: "Su Pi wants to have Da Gan included?"

Qin Mo nodded, "Queen Subi plans to use [-] Beinu people as a bargaining chip. At the same time, they will also give us the route map of Xiang Xiang and Bo Lu."

"Could this be a trap?" Chai Rong's expression became serious.

"Half and half!" Qin Mo stood up and had the man locked up. Soon he returned to the main camp, thinking about the truth and falsehood.

It would be a good thing if Su Pi was attached, but doing so would be tantamount to recognizing Su Pi's independence and legitimacy.

"I understand. Su Pi knows that all three sides of it are enemies. They have no way to go but the north. This is because they don't want to be cannon fodder, but they also want to sell well and let Daqian recognize Su Pi's independence.

After all, Daqian is the suzerain country. If Daqian opens his mouth, Nanfan will not dare to touch Subi easily. This queen is quite smart. "

"Brother Qin, if it's true, then do we want to cooperate with Su Pi?" Chai Rong asked.

"Su Pi is thousands of miles away from Luose. The letter was sent nine days ago. At this time, they may have also launched a feint attack."

Qin Mo touched his chin, "If what she said is true, we can ambush her on the only road we must pass. If not, there is a high probability that we will divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Let's do this, leave 4000 people in Luoxue, and I'll take 4000 people away, not the Nanfan soldiers! "

"Isn't it too risky?" Chai Rong said, "I'll go with my eldest brother. It's better for you to stay in Luoche and sit in the rear!"

Qin Mo had his own concerns. Dou Yiai was a fierce general, and Chai Rong was also a capable general, but Ashina Summi was not an easy person.In the past two years, the secret reports he received often mentioned this person.

Not only is this person cunning and cunning, he is also extremely ruthless. Chai Rong is probably no match for him.

"You and Xiao Dou stay together. I will lead the troops out of the city. It can be as fast as half a month or as slow as more than a month." Qin Mo is also a straightforward person and never messes around. After finalizing the decision, he hurriedly found Li Shuang'an.

"Brother-in-law, you came just in time. I have something to tell you!" Seeing Qin Mo, Li Shuang'an quickly put down what he was doing.

"what's up?"

"Last night, the Prime Minister came to see me. As you said, he even brought weapons with him, but he didn't take action. Instead, he asked me to resign!" Li Shuang'an pulled Qin Mo and sat on his throne. Very melancholy, "Although I deliberately provoked him to make a bet and let him stay in the position of Prime Minister, I am afraid."

He couldn't say what happened next.

"Are you afraid that he will cause trouble on purpose?"


"Then you underestimate Dalun Dongzan. You Ankou, with a tenacious will, is a real talent.

Do you think he really came to see you at night to ask for resignation?
Let me tell you, he doesn't want to give up the power in his hands. If he really wants to resign, what can you do if he joins your army in the court meeting? Qin Mo curled his lips and said.


"He is the prime minister of Nanfang, his status is second only to Zampu, and the power of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is unlimited.

Even if your father is reorganized according to the three provinces and six ministries of Daqian, he will still be in control of internal affairs.

Without the Gar family, the Niang family, and the Zhi family, what can he do if he leaves the center of power?
To be a rebel? Qin Mo asked rhetorically.

"Did he come to test me on purpose?" Li Shuangan was stunned.

"Nonsense!" Qin Mo said: "He resigned because he wanted to see if you would keep him, and he brought weapons because he wanted to test your bottom line.

You inspire him and let him understand that he is still in that indispensable position.

After you flew into the sky, the masses have blindly followed you, and the nobles are more or less afraid of you. With me here, they don't dare to act recklessly even if I give them ten courages.

If you don't believe me, ask your confidants to see if he is handling political affairs seriously.

At this point, Nanfan has become a battlefield, and people have to take sides.

If he doesn't support you, why should he support Bei Nu?

You are a member of the Gar clan and have given birth to a prince of the Gar clan. Even if Nanfan returns to Qian in the future, the prince of the Gar clan will continue to rule Nanfan.

Did he lose?
He didn't lose anything! "

Li Shuangan stopped talking.

Last night, he even stayed up all night because of this matter.

I am also worried that the big talk is praising the positive and negative, and causing trouble secretly.

Now listening to Qin Mo's analysis, he suddenly felt that he was too stupid.

Yes, that was the prime minister of Nanfan, the great talent who helped Abba unify Nanfan. How could he be so stupid as to let go of his authority.

"I understand!" Li Shuang'an smiled bitterly, "Compared to you, I'm still too young!"

Thinking of what Dongzan said to Da Lun last night, I suddenly felt ashamed and terribly embarrassed.

Qin Mo patted his shoulder, "There is always a process from immaturity to maturity. You have done a good job."

Qin Mo's encouragement made Li Shuangan feel much better, and the big stone in his heart fell to the ground, so he said: "By the way, brother-in-law, there is one more thing, I want you to be the internal minister!"

Qin Mo said in surprise: "Me? Become the internal minister? What do you think!"

(End of this chapter)

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