big dry son-in-law

Chapter 969: Protecting the Prince Consort!

Chapter 969: Protecting the Prince Consort!
"Brother-in-law, don't refuse in a hurry!" Li Shuang'an knew that Qin Mo was more afraid of trouble and was a carefree person at heart, so he quickly said: "Nan Fan is going to do such a big thing without your help, I don't know what to do.

Moreover, you are also Nan Fan’s son-in-law. This is an unchangeable fact. Therefore, this internal minister belongs to you! "

"Having said that, it will be very troublesome if I agree." Qin Mo said helplessly: "It's not that I won't help you, but if the news that I am serving as the internal minister in Nanfang spreads back to the capital, what do you want them to think?
My political opponents will say that I am treasonous. Even those who have no hatred against me will not mind stepping on me, do you understand? "

Qin Mo wanted to cause trouble, but he didn't want to deviate on such a principled issue.

Even though Nanfan's return to Qiang was the unanimous wish of the imperial court, Nanfan was still a vassal state.

Being the interior minister in a vassal country is equivalent to being the deputy prime minister.

There is a limit to getting into trouble, and he will use this incident to retire.

After Nan Fan returned to work, he said that he would not work anymore. If the sixth man forced him, he would take his wife and children to travel around.

"It's because I didn't think carefully." Li Shuang'an also understood the various reasons, and suddenly frowned, "How about I make you a great consort to protect the country?"

"This is feasible. If you come to court as a prince-in-law and make suggestions, no one can say anything wrong." Qin Mo nodded. Although this kind of thing will still be criticized, at least it is legally defensible. He liked this kind of little mistake the most.

"Okay, then let's make him the Prince Consort of Protecting the Country!" Li Shuang'an said: "There is a manor outside the city. It's quite big and has hundreds of hectares of pasture. Let it be your mansion in Nanfan!"

"That's interesting!" Qin Mo laughed. He was worried that he had no excuse to lead his troops out of the city. "By the way, I may have to lead my troops to Supi!"

Li Shuangan was shocked, "Brother-in-law wants to attack Su Bi?"

"It's not a crusade against Su Pi. Read this letter first!" Qin Mo took out Su Pi's secret letter and said, "Read it first!"

Li Shuang'an looked at it carefully and then said in surprise: "This, this is Su Bimojie's handwriting!"

"how do you know?"

"You wait!"

Li Shuang'an glanced at San De and said, "Go and get Su Pi's memorial from before!"

Sande hurriedly ran over and got a pile of Su Bi's previous memorials.

After Li Shuangan opened it, he compared it and said, "Brother-in-law, look, are the handwriting the same?"

"Well, it's indeed the same!"

"This Subi Mojie has a Daqian man as my teacher. He knows that I love Daqian culture, so I use Ganwen every time I give memorials.

I have a deep impression on Subi Mojie, and I also value and trust her quite a bit. "

Speaking of this, a sharp light flashed in Li Shuangan's eyes, "But this woman took advantage of my trust and betrayed Nan Fan with Su Bi's old ministers, and betrayed me!"

"This is normal. After all, it has only been about [-] years since Subin was incorporated into the Southern Fan. This small country is already quite wealthy and has a strong military. If you want to completely bring them back, it will be difficult to do so without two generations." Qin Mo analyzed road.

"I understand, but I think this letter is fake. It must be a conspiracy between her and Bei Nu!" Li Shuangan said coldly.

"I don't think so." Qin Mo said: "Supi relied on the power of the Beinu people to become independent again, but if they follow the Beinu people and go dark, there will be no future.

It has been so long since I knew that the Beinu people entered Nanfan. Why did the Beinu people not attack Luoxue and other tribes for so long?
In the final analysis, they were still playing tricks, trying to deceive Daqian's main force.

To the southeast of Supi are the troops of Da Gan. Within the front of Da Gan's troops, we are in the west.

Under attack from three sides, no matter how you look at it, there is no chance of winning. "

Li Shuang'an was not stupid either. With Qin Mo's analysis, he also thought of the key to the matter, "Sure enough, he was so ambitious that he used Beinu as bait to get Daqian to recognize Supi's independence."

"Yes, and this letter was probably sent not only to me, but also to Tuyuhun."

Qin Mo said: "If it were me, I would definitely make two preparations. As long as one party believes it, Su Pi's independence will be stable.

Therefore, this Subi Mojie is an extremely smart woman.You see, she also said in her letter that Bo Lu and Xiong Xiang would jointly send troops, which is highly likely to be true.

She knows that I am logical, and this letter will definitely be on your desk. In this way, it can be regarded as a good sale to you.

Inheriting this love, if you attack Subi in the future, for this reason, you will probably be gentler! "

Li Shuangan was numb.

Logically speaking, he has been a Zamp for two years, but what happened in the past two days made him feel like a fool.

There are more and more people around you.

He is just like the fool who works in the iron industry.

"What now?"

"What can I do? You first announce the reward. I will leave 2000 people in the city to protect you, and I will take the remaining 6000 people to the manor outside the city.

First, maintain your dignity.

Secondly, I also have a reason to leave the city, so as not to be found out by anyone who wants to do something wrong.

After I leave the city, you will find Dalun Dongzan and ask them to secretly deploy troops to ambush where the two countries must pass.

Be sure to do preliminary research.

I went to Supi to buy these Beinu dogs! "

"What should we do with Supi? Do we recognize their independence?"

"We are all our own people in the future, do we need to care about these things?" Qin Mo smiled, "Let Su Bi become attached first, step by step!"

Although Li Shuangan was particularly unhappy with Subi Mojie's betrayal, this letter directly made him lose his temper.

This woman is so amazing.

Later, Qin Mo repeatedly told Li Shuangan some things, such as making fire from the air every day, preferably once or twice a month.

It's so common that everyone doesn't think it's strange.

It is also to prevent cloudy and rainy days with no sun.

Li Shuangan was afraid that he would miss something, so he wrote it down carefully and listed everything he had to do clearly!
Originally, when he was governing Nanfan, he was always pushed away.

Now, for the first time, he clearly understood what he should do in the future and where he should go!
After Qin Mo left, he quickly ordered that Qin Mo be named the Prince Consort of Protecting the Country.

He even named Qin Mo a great mage in the Bon religion.

After seeing the miracle of Feitian, Xin Rao no longer dared to stand up again. The position of the leader naturally became Li Shuangan's.

Li Shuangan, on the other hand, did something that even Luo Buzhudu failed to do.

In the unity of politics and religion, he was both a Zanpu and a leader.

The power and majesty in his hands made him the number one Zanpu among the people of Nanfan, the true Buddha walking in the world.

After the news spread throughout the city, Qin Mo left with a large army. This scene also made many nobles heave a sigh of relief.

Qin Mo's presence here was too much of a deterrent to them.

But even though there were only 2000 people left in the city, they were still so suppressed that they didn't dare to show up!

(End of this chapter)

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