big dry son-in-law

Chapter 987 Although the Wolf King is old, his majesty is still there!

Chapter 987 Although the Wolf King is old, his majesty is still there!

"Chanyu, King Zuo Xian has never secretly opened border markets with Ganren!" Ashina Tumen quickly knelt on the ground.

King Zuoxian is what Beinu calls the prince.

"In the past two years, there have been white disasters every year. The tribe's cattle, sheep and horses have been killed and injured countless times. I don't know how many tribes have disappeared from the grassland.

This Chanyu had no choice but to let Ertugu (son) Yizhixie go to attack the Western Regions. If he hadn't conquered all the countries in the Western Regions and supported Longting.

I'm afraid that Shanyu Longting will be covered by heavy snow! "

Mao Dun is sitting on the golden throne. What a proud man he is. It took him more than 20 years to restore the glory of Beinu, which had been silent for thousands of years.

Comparing Beinu to Daqian made Daqian almost move his capital.

He was so powerful that his tribe called him "Plough Guy Tu Chanyu".

Supporting the plow is the meaning of heaven, Gutu is the son, and Chan is the vastness!

Its prestige surpasses that of the Huns' ancestors.

However, he is now over 50 and is getting old.

The military ministers wanted to be in power so much that they couldn't wait for him to die!
Ashina Tumen quickly explained: "Chanyu, King Zuo Xian's heart is towards you. I don't know who is maliciously slandering King Zuo Xian behind his back, but this approach is undoubtedly dividing Beinu.

Destroy the father-son relationship between King Zuo Xian and Shan Yu!
In the past two years, the country's fortunes have been prosperous, with successive battles and great victories.

They took back the land of Jiuqu and annexed Tuyuhun, where hundreds of thousands of troops were stationed.

Troops were also sent out to harass us from time to time, which made us extremely annoyed.

A large number of tribes were plundered by them. Near Shuozhou, they had built a city as far as Zihe River.

The Dagan people had cement and built the city extremely quickly. It was tall and large. Once the city was closed, it could not be conquered in three or two days.

Coupled with the white plague and locust plague, the tribe also suffered heavy losses! "

Ashina Tumen said half-truthfully: "If we start a full-scale war with Daqian at this time and hundreds of thousands of troops enter the grassland, King Zuoxian will be unable to support him alone!

There are two dogs, Shidan and Jihe, in the east, and they have to pay attention to Gao Li's movements at all times.

One move can affect the whole body. Unless King Zuo Xian is unwilling to send troops, it is really helpless!
If King Zuo Xian is defeated, the Dagan people will push the battle line to Qixin and threaten Shanyu Longting at any time.

I dare to ask Shanyu, Beinu, are you ready to show off with Da Gan?

King Youxian brought more than [-] troops to the Western Region. At this time, the central part is empty. Once Daqian seizes the opportunity, I am afraid..."

He didn't say anything else, and there was more expression on Modu's face.

"You are such a loyal dog!" Mao Dun said.

"Thank you Shanyu for the compliment!" Ashina Tumen said again: "The Gan people are ready to make a move and have been spreading rumors in the grassland. There are still remnants of the annexed Xianbei and other tribes.

These people became Daqian's lackeys and revealed everything about Beinu.

I dare to ask Shanyu, what are the chances of winning in this situation? "

This pricked Mao Dun's worries, which was why he didn't dare to touch the military officials even though he knew they had different intentions and would listen to orders rather than announcements.

If something happens to the military ministers, Daqian's hundreds of thousands of troops deployed in Longyou will never miss the opportunity!
"Get up!" Mao Dun said.

"Thank you Shanyu!" Ashina Tumen stood up and breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to himself, he finally got through it this time, right?

"Go back and tell the military officials not to let me hear those rumors again. Since now is not the time to start a war with Da Gan, then send troops to support Gaoli and test Da Gan's attitude!" Ashina Summi has already said Nanfan made a mess, and although he had not yet attracted the main force of Daqian, it would be good for Gao Li to make a mess.

It can also further consume the power of military officials.

Why did he let Yi Zhixie take more than [-] people to attack the Western Region? It was not only to shift the target, but also to relieve the pressure within Beinu.

Next is Nan Fan. He has arranged a particularly interesting game, and Da Qian will definitely take the bait.

Once Da Gan takes the bait, he will attack the capital again.

Let Da Gan be busy and accomplish strategic goals!
"Yes, Shan Yu!"

"Oh, and also, send the tax as soon as possible. What you sent this time is too little!" Modun Shanyu said coldly: "Don't let me personally send people to collect it, so as not to let others think that... Our father and son are at odds!”

Those falcon-like eyes stared at Ashina Domon for a moment, making him tremble with fear.

"Yes, I obey the order!" After Ashina Tumen left the tent, his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

Although the Wolf King is old, his majesty is still there.

It's a pity that the wolf king is stupid and plans to give up his eldest son and support his second son. Then you can't blame the son for being unfilial!
Thinking of this, he quickly led people to leave Longting.

A few days later, Ashina Tumen returned to the royal court of Zuoxian in Monan.

The military officials were in the king's tent, and the banner symbolizing King Zuoxian was hung on the top of the king's tent, rustling in the wind.

The throne under the military minister is the latest custom-made one from the border market. It is much more comfortable than sitting on your knees. The soft base is made of high-quality leather. It is extremely comfortable.

When you feel sleepy, you can lie down on it and take a nap.

In the middle of the royal tent was an iron furnace burning expensive wood.

It burned continuously for twelve hours, making the king's tent extremely warm.

However, in summer, it is usually used to make tea.

Dagan's tea bricks are particularly fragrant, mixed with cow and goat milk products, and added with a little Dagan white sugar. It is suitable for all ages!

Even the sword hanging next to the throne has the words "Made by Qin Mansion" engraved on the handle.

Stepping on the soft and expensive Dagan carpet, Ashina Domon stepped forward and knelt on the ground, "King, your loyal dog is back!"

"Thank you for going to Longting this time!" The military minister was making tea at the moment. He was wearing a silk royal robe made by Daqian. It was very comfortable to wear.

"Relieving the king's worries is what I should do." Ashina Tumen glanced at the leader of the Ashide tribe next to him, Ashide Kuntu.

This person also won the trust of military officials.

The military minister made a gesture, and someone brought the soft pier, which was made of extremely precious wood.

After sitting down, the military officer rewarded him with a jar of burning knives and wine jars. They were all extremely exquisite, and the stories on them were all about the Beinu people!
"Drink, drink quickly!" A parrot stood in a bird cage nearby and urged in Beinu dialect.

This is the favorite pet of military officials, and it is also from Daqian.

"Thank you, King Zuoxian!" Ashina Tumen drank a bowl directly, feeling indescribably comfortable all over!

"What did my father say? Is he very angry? He asked me to go to Longting to bear thorns to plead guilty for him?" The military minister whistled, and the parrot flew to his arm, and kept saying: "Bearing on thorns. Please forgive me and kneel down!"

Ashina Tumen smiled bitterly and said: "Chanyu said that he doesn't want to hear any more rumors about the mutual trade between King Zuoxian and Daqian!"

(End of this chapter)

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