Chapter 988
The military minister sneered, "Has he forgotten how Bei Nu made his fortune? If he hadn't relied on smuggling by merchants from the Great Zhou Dynasty, how could Bei Nu have accumulated so many weapons and riding equipment?"

"King Zuo Xian, having said that, the news has already reached Chanyu's ears. If he doesn't restrain himself, I'm afraid..."

"There is a saying in Daqian that only the state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps. Father, does he dare to say that no merchants from Daqian have entered his Longting?"

The military minister said: "The tribe I led only had about 20 people. He directly gave Yi Zhixie an army of more than [-] people to conquer the Western Regions.

There are many small countries in the Western Region, and each one is richer than the last.

I am the Xian King of Zuo, but I am left to suffer here, fighting wits and courage with Da Gan people every day.

If the Dagan people hadn't secretly opened a border market, I don't know how many people would have starved to death last winter! "

When talking about this incident, Jun Chen was particularly angry, "He was always on guard against me and felt that I was not as good as the second child, so he wanted to consume me and make Da Gan and I consume him."

Astek Kuntu said: "King Zuoxian, now King Youxian has conquered the countries in the Western Region, and his voice is huge. We need a victory to eliminate those voices!"

"That's right!" Ashina Tumen said: "Chanyu asked us to support Gaoli and explore the depths of Daqian. Why not take the opportunity to conquer the peninsula?"


The military minister said angrily: "I can suppress Daqian, but if we send troops, the outcome cannot be determined overnight.

Don’t you know how fierce Daqian’s cavalry has been in the past two years?

If we run to support Gao Li and Huang Luo asks for help, our territory will be attacked from both sides.

Your clan brother, Ashina Summi, is Yi Zhixie's confidant. Didn't he go to Nanfan just to attract the main force of Daqian?
He is preparing for Yizhi Xie to ascend to the throne. How can I fulfill his wishes? "

Ashina Domen frowned, "Where did this news come from?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a man in black robe opened the king's tent and walked in.

This man in black robe is not very old, only in his 20s, "King Zuo Xian, someone from Qin wants to see you!"

"Mr. Qin is here?" The military officials were delighted when they saw the person coming and quickly stood up to greet him. "I have been waiting for you for a long time and made the tea that Mr. Qin likes to drink!"

This man's name is Qin Hei, from Daqian, a distinguished guest in the military minister's tent!

Qin Hei smiled and said in fluent Beinu dialect: "King Zuo Xian is so polite!"

The military minister took his hand and made him feel equal to him.

Ashina Domon was stunned by this scene, and Ashide Kuntu showed no expression at all, just sitting there drinking milk tea.

"Mr. Qin, the weapons you showed me a few days ago really made my heart itch. I wonder if I can get more this time!"

Qin Hei smiled and said, "Fortunately, we have exchanged what we have in the past two years, and we have made a lot of profits. Of course, we have what King Zuo Xian wants!"


The military officer was overjoyed, "Where is it?"

"It's just outside the royal court. It's really laborious to transport this way!" Qin Hei said.

"Okay, okay!" The military minister laughed, took Qin Hei's hand and said: "Sir, help me, and my military minister will never forget it. From now on, you, sir, will be my most distinguished guest from Beinu!
Come on, sir, go see the weapons! "

"Wait a minute!" Qin Hei said: "We can give you weapons, but I don't know what we discussed with King Zuo Xian before. How can we do it?"

"Of course it counts!" said the military official.

"Okay, King Zuo Xian is so happy!" Qin Hei smiled and took out three things from his arms, one was a golden crown with an eagle crown, the other was a gold and jade seal symbolizing royal power, and the last one was a covenant book!
"These three items were made by His Majesty the Emperor Daqian himself. The words under the golden seal are written by His Majesty himself." Hearing this, Ashina Tumen was dumbfounded.

Is this going to completely turn over to Da Gan and become Da Gan’s lackey?

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" The military minister smiled and was about to accept the three items.

Ashina Tumen said anxiously: "King Zuoxian, no!"

This sentence interrupted the military minister, and Qin Hei also took a step back, shook his head and said: "King Zuo Xian, these three things are not something that can be taken lightly."

"Shut up!" After scolding Ashina Tumen, the military officer looked at Qin Hei, "Mr. Qin, why is this?"

"Daqian admits that you are the Chanyu of Beinu. Since it is a canonization, there will naturally be a ceremony to slaughter cattle and sheep, sacrifice to heaven and earth, and inform the world.

Otherwise, how can we convince everyone? Qin Hei said with a smile: "It is better to make this process more formal." "

Ash Dekun Tu said: "When you go to the countryside, do as the Romans do. We Northern slaves don't have such customs!"

"Really? Then when your Shanyu ascended the throne, your subordinates didn't kneel down and bow down?" Qin Hei's face calmed down, "Or do you think you are treating me as a fool and want to defraud me of weapons?"

Since I have the courage to enter the royal court today, I have a way to escape unscathed.

Even if we give you weapons, you won't be able to make them. Daqian can make a steady stream of terrible weapons. "

"Mr. Qin, I don't mean this!" the military minister quickly explained.

"Then what does King Zuo Xian mean?"

Qin Hei raised his eyebrows, "If you want to be a subject of Da Gan, you must follow Da Gan's rules. I have already said that your plot has been seen through by me, Da Gan.

Longyou's main force will never leave, and your Shanyu's plan will not succeed.

As for Gao Li, I can kill him easily, but he is nothing more than a turtle in a urn!

You can't make any achievements here. The position of Chanyu must belong to your brother, Yizhixie.

Why am I telling you this? Is it because we are stupid?
No, it’s just that I don’t want you to be a fool and be wasted for no reason, and you still count and sell money here. "

"You, you, don't try to confuse the public with your monstrous words!" Ashina Tumen's eyes were splitting, and he pointed at Qin Hei and said: "It is absolutely impossible for us to accept the canonization of Da Gan!"

"Chief Ashina, if I guess correctly, your Shanyu asked you to tell King Zuo Xian to send troops to assist Gao Li, right?"

Qin Hei's words immediately stunned Ashina Domen.

"How do you know? I understand, you actually stretched your hands into the Dragon Court!" At this moment, Ashina Domen could not help but tremble!

Qin Hei neither admitted nor denied, but just said: "Daqian doesn't like war, but it doesn't mean that Daqian is incapable of war. I come here with sincerity, and I hope King Zuo Xian can be more sincere.

If you are not willing to accept the canonization of Daqian and become the Conglong tribe of Daqian, then it will stop here. From today on, the border market will be closed.

Within a few days, the main force of Daqian will definitely come here. Even if you win, it will be a miserable victory.

What is left?
Can you attack the city?

Just wait for Yizhi to pick the peaches! "

After saying that, Qin Hei put away his things and walked outside the king's tent!
(End of this chapter)

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