My barracks is 100 million points strong.

Chapter 212 Hey, Lao Xia, who is this beauty?

Chapter 212 Hey, Lao Xia, who is this beauty?

"Do you really want to learn to be a plane designer?" Yu Wushuang asked Xia Qingkong on the way back to the hotel.

Xia Qingkong: "Why do you ask that?"

Yu Wushuang: "Although plane designers are noble, they require a lot of energy. You are extremely talented. If you waste it on this, I'm afraid the gain will outweigh the loss."

"Don't worry, I'm just interested. I won't focus on it." Xia Qingkong still knows that although the career of plane designer is very tempting, everything still has to give way to strength.

When he reaches the mythical level, why should he care about a plane designer?
The main reason why he wanted to learn was to see if his plug-in could be used in this.In addition to strengthening the original divine light once a day, it can also be used to accelerate the understanding of the law.The understanding of the law involves all aspects, and he can even use this to speed up his understanding of the skills, such as "Eight Movements of Counter-Chaos". Without the original divine light, he would definitely not be able to master a skill in such a short period of time. Practice the mythical skills to a small degree.

So since learning skills can be accelerated, what about learning to draw?

If he could become a B-level or even A-level plane designer, Xia Qingkong's status in the earth and star camp would be extraordinary in the future.Moreover, there will be less resistance when it comes to finding trouble with that B-level designer.

"It's good that you have the numbers."


The two returned to the hotel, and Xia Qingkong found that Xue Wuliang was also here.

This guy is indeed an epic talent. I haven’t seen him for a while and he has actually reached level 7.

"Young did you do that?" Xia Qingkong asked in surprise.

Could it be that he is also involved?
Xue Wuliang said proudly: "Last time I had some opportunities in the ancient battlefield, and then I got some good things elsewhere. Together, I accidentally broke through to level 7."

Xue Wuwen complained: "I have worked hard for so many years, only to be overtaken by this kid. It's really outrageous."

Xue Wuliang walked over and hugged him: "We are blood relatives, brothers. Don't worry about those details. If anyone bullies you in the future, I will help you fight back."

Xue Wuyuan pushed away his mean face: "No need, you can also ask Xiaoxia if you want to find me. Isn't the legend level better than you?"

Xue Wuliang covered his chest: "These words hurt my heart, giegie~"

For a time, the beach was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Xia Qingkong suddenly thought of something and asked Xue Wuliang: "Why haven't you seen Chen Jin? Have you seen him?"

Xue Wuliang also looked puzzled: "This is strange to say. I have searched many newbie barracks over the years, but I haven't found any news about Chen Jin. Which novice plane has that kid been assigned to? He has not even ascended. Come to us.”

Xia Qingkong was a little worried: "Nothing will happen, right?"

"Don't worry. Although Chen Jin looks stupid, that's only when facing us. He is very wary when facing outsiders." Xue Wuliang comforted him.

"I hope so." Xia Qingkong also wondered whether he should find a way to find Chen Jin's whereabouts. …

Time passed quickly, and the martial arts performance finally began.

All Earth Star people were arranged into various caves according to the country and region where they were born. The organizers arranged a variety of fine wines, food, and entertainment facilities, and also placed a huge screen in the sky at the same time.

Everyone was eating hot pot and singing songs, and you could see the latest progress of the martial arts performance when you looked up.In addition, everyone has a small screen that can be watched individually. Sometimes there are several games going on at the same time. If you don’t want to watch the public screen, you can use the small screen to switch.

In addition to the Earth Star people, there are also some races that are friendly with the Earth Star people who come to watch the game.Although many planes are hostile to the Earth Star, those planes will also have enemies. The enemies of enemies are friends. Occasionally, alien races can be seen among the battle lines of billions of lords.

Xia Qingkong and the others were assigned to a cruise ship. Someone was playing elegant piano music in the cabin hall. The star lords were sitting on different sides, enjoying the music and tasting the food.Some people even invite their dancing partners to dance with them when they get excited.

"This is really full of the cultural style of the Earth people," Xia Qingkong sighed to Xue Wuliang beside him, "Actually, I have always had a question. Our Earth planet has occupied so many planes, whether it is technology or metaphysics. We have reached the extreme, why is Earth Star still the same as it was thousands of years ago, with no progress at all?"

Xue Wuliang replied: "I didn't expect you to ask this. In fact, I had doubts before, but then I heard some opinions. First of all, the most popular one is that the more advanced the life form is, the less likely it is to give birth to offspring. Your own life span After it is prolonged, the part of the gene that 'wants to be passed on' will gradually lose its vitality. In order to ensure a steady stream of newborns, we are deliberately suppressing the development level of the Earth Star."

Xia Qingkong shook his head: "This is a bit ridiculous. You can crush the strongest man in the universe, but you can still be stumped by giving birth to a child? You said it might be difficult to give birth to an innate holy body, but like us Ordinary people like this don’t want to have as many children as they want?”

Xue Wuliang nodded: "It makes sense. Another explanation is to protect the environment of the Earth Star. You also know that our Earth Planet people have special physiques and can break through the limitations of their own talents and upgrade infinitely. All this is due to the special environment of the Earth Star. It is precisely because we have lived there since we were young that we have developed such a special physique."

Xia Qingkong thought thoughtfully: "This is barely acceptable, but why? Is there anything special about that environment? Why can you get a special physique there?"

"You ask me who I'm going to ask." Xue Wuliang spread his hands and smashed them.

"What are you discussing?" Suddenly a voice came in, and the two of them looked back at the same time and found two beauties in dresses.

One of them was tall, wearing a lilac strapless dress, with a white gauze covering her chest. Her proud talent made the dress bulge high, ready to come out.Her long golden hair was tied into a towering single ponytail by a crown-shaped hairband, hanging high on the back of her head.

The other one is small and exquisite, with a sweet and cute face. She is wearing a Gothic-style short skirt, her black hair is tied into twin ponytails with two bows, and a small top hat is tilted on her head.

"It's you, what a coincidence." Xia Qingkong recognized the blond beauty at a glance as Lin Huixi, and he had also met the little beauty beside him. She was Bai Shizhen who he had met in the ancient battlefield. Glass.

Unexpectedly, the two of them actually knew each other.

Lin Huixi said hello to the two of them, then found a chair and sat down, assuming an elegant sitting posture: "Can I join your conversation?"

Xue Wuliang quietly poked Xia Qingkong: "Hey, Lao Xia, who is this beauty?"

"Aren't you?" Xia Qingkong said, "You don't even recognize Lin Huixi anymore?"

(End of this chapter)

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