My barracks is 100 million points strong.

Chapter 213 Eternal Talent: Sun Rising and Moon Eternal

Chapter 213 Eternal Talent: Sun Rising and Moon Eternal
"Oh... ah?" Xue Wuliang was nodding, but suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Huixi, his neck almost breaking, "You, you, you, are you Lin Huixi?"

Lin Huixi smoothed her golden hair and said with a smile: "What? Don't you recognize me? An old classmate."

"Damn! It's really you!" Xue Wuliang stared at her in disbelief and observed her repeatedly before he found a trace of the past. "Why did you dye your hair? I almost didn't recognize it."

"You're not close, you're almost a universe away," Xia Qingkong said, "but actually I didn't recognize it at first."

Lin Huixi grabbed the end of her ponytail and twisted it around her fingers: "It's all a function of talent, and I can't control it."

Xue Wuliang took the opportunity to quietly send a message to Xia Qingkong: "Damn! I just said that you two have a problem, but you still deny it, and now people are coming to you! You still say that you didn't have an affair with her?"

"Be normal! Don't let things get into your head all day long," Xia Qingkong rolled his eyes, "She's not here to see me, she's here to see the two of us. Chatting with old classmates is so normal."

Lin Huixi didn't know what they were communicating with each other, so she just asked the question again: "What were you talking about just now?"

"Oh, we were just discussing why Earth Star's technological level is still so backward." Xia Qingkong was too lazy to argue with Xue Wuliang and ended the sound transmission directly.

"So that's it," Lin Huixi said with a smile, "What a coincidence, when I was brought to the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield, I met several mythical ancestors who happened to ask this question."

"How did they answer?" Xia Qingkong asked curiously.Xue Wuliang on the side also came over.

Lin Huixi said: "Before me, there was only one lord with mythical talent in the history of Earth Star. It was 'that' who led the Earth Star people to destroy the world of reincarnation and established the Earth Star's top ten status in all the worlds. So, then Do you know what the mythical talent of 'that person' is?"

"What is it?" Although he didn't understand why she digressed into this question, Xia Qingkong was really curious about the answer to this question.

"As the sun rises and the moon waxes," Lin Huixi slowly uttered four words, "all our compatriots on earth and stars will always be like the rising sun and the waxing moon, walking on an endless path of ascent with no upper limit. This is The power of that mythical talent is also the 'blessing' to all Earthlings."

"What!?" Xue Wuliang was shocked by the answer.

"You actually have such a talent?" Xia Qingkong couldn't help but compare his two mythical talents with them. It felt like the two of them combined were not as powerful as anyone else.

Lin Huixi continued: "I heard that this talent was finally pushed to the eternal level, so it has such a heaven-defying effect. It can be said that 80% of our current status as Earth Star people is due to that gift. "

"But what does this have to do with the issue we just discussed?" Xia Qingkong asked.

"Since it is the rising sun, then the sun should always be below the horizon at the beginning, right?" Lin Huixi said, "The only side effect of this talent is that the starting point of each Earth star is fixed, that is the 'that' person who once lived The era and the earth and star he passed started from the same starting point as Him, and if one day they reach the same height as Him, they can become the new sun."

"That's it." Xia Qingkong suddenly realized that this was really an incredible secret.The stagnant development of the Earth Star is actually due to the influence of eternal-level talents. At the cost of this, all the Earth Star people have the best physique in the world.

"Speaking of the Eternal Class, how many Eternal Classes have there been in the history of our planet? I can't seem to find any relevant records in the database." Since Lin Huixi was here, he wanted to ask more questions that he couldn't usually look up. to things.

However, Lin Huixi shook her head: "I don't know much about this. The eternal level is a very special existence. The mythical level has already been conceptualized. As for the eternity above the myth, I don't even know their properties now. It’s impossible to understand, let alone calculate the quantity, as if you can count how many pieces of air are in front of us?”

"How can I measure the air?" Xue Wuliang said casually.

"That's it," Lin Huixi said, "The same goes for eternal-level powerhouses. We can't even use any measurement unit to measure it." Promotion to eternity, I don’t know what it will be like then.

Lin Huixi suddenly said: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce you to you after chatting for so long. This lovely little sister is called Shiraishi Shinri. She is my...subordinate lord."

"What!?" Xue Wuliang looked at Shiraishi Zhenli in surprise, "Is this little sister actually your subordinate lord? Why do you both have subordinate lords? I've been looking for it for a long time and no one is willing to agree."

Xia Qingkong said: "This mainly depends on appearance. Why don't you go for a facelift?"

"Fuck you," Xue Wuliang kicked him, "You don't know how many people say I'm handsome."

Xia Qingkong moved the chair back and looked at Shiraishi Zhenli: "So the reason why you agreed to become someone else's subordinate lord in the ancient battlefield so simply was because you were already Lin Huixi's subordinate lord, so with Wouldn’t it be effective if someone else signed the contract?”

Shiraishi Jinri looked innocent: "Huh? Is that so? Jinri doesn't know."

Lin Huixi touched her chin and explained: "Zhenli is not pretending, she is really a very innocent little guy. I accepted her as a subordinate lord mainly because I was worried that she would be deceived by others."

Xia Qingkong complained: "Then you still let her participate in such a dangerous ancient battlefield alone?"

Lin Huixi was helpless: "I happened to be fighting for the legendary level at that time, and she sneaked there by herself, saying that she wanted to find me a few pages of the book of legends. Later, I taught her a lesson."

Shiraishi Jinri said with a bitter face: "My sister didn't touch my face for three days in a row. That was really terrifying. I promise I will never dare to do it again."

Xia Qingkong: "..."

Xue Wuliang said: "Are you being a little overprotective? This will turn her into a little loser."

Lin Huixi didn't care and continued to tickle Shiraishi Mari's chin with two fingers, who also looked enjoying it.

"It's not bad to be a little waste. Anyway, I will support her for the rest of my life."

Xue Wuliang sent a message to Xia Qingkong: "Fuck you, lesbian, you have no chance, Lao Xia."

Xia Qingkong quietly gave him a middle finger gesture.

Suddenly, his private message lit up. When he opened it, he found that it was from Ruan Xinyun.

"I'm stuck." Just five simple words.

Xia Qingkong immediately stood up and based on the connection between himself and the subordinate lord, he instantly moved to Ruan Xinyun's side.

(End of this chapter)

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