The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 101 The true dragon manifests and taboos exist

Chapter 101 The true dragon manifests and taboos exist (fifth update, please subscribe!)

At this moment, in the Demon Imperial City, endless fairy lights suddenly appeared. The bright fairy lights turned into the shadows of real dragons, slowly penetrated into the void and merged into Li Chengnian's body. Each one was tens of thousands of feet long. It pierced the sky and penetrated the earth.

The entire Demon Imperial City is filled with thousands of rosy clouds, bright and gorgeous. This world-shaking scene appears in the hearts of every creature within the hundreds of thousands of miles of Demon Imperial City.

Countless people were amazed, with expressions of astonishment on their faces.

With such a grand movement, you can't even call it the King of Breakthrough Killing Dao!
Li Chengnian stepped on the ancestral dragon of heaven and stood on the sky out of thin air. His black hair was flying, his body was covered with purple gold dragon scales, his blood was like a dragon, and the endless true dragon's energy descended from the dark, like a huge wave. Rolling, surging, shaking the sky.

At this moment, he seemed to have transformed into a True Dragon Emperor.

The Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon under his feet is also solidifying, and seems to be transforming into a dragon. Under the endless flow of true dragon energy, it seems that an ancient true dragon has transformed into the world.


There was a huge earthquake in the sky and the earth. At this moment, countless strange runes fell from the sky and turned into streams of peerless murderous aura, shocking the entire Demon Imperial City. It swept over like a rolling Tianhe River, and the terror was boundless, like To destroy everything, crush them down with force.

On the other side, above the void, a series of divine sounds resounded, shattering the clouds and shaking the earth, as if the end of the world was coming and the sky was collapsing.

High in the sky, clouds filled the sky, and the runes circulated, turning into vast oceans, covering the sky and the divine moon. Endless terrifying power poured down, like pouring rain, turning into a peerless murderous intention to strangle the only true dragon. Before it really grows up.

Li Chengnian didn't pay attention, only heard a soft sound, and the Tianwen Sword flew out from his waist. Facing the pouring murderous intent, the sword light shined brightly, shaking the sky, shaking the sky and the earth, as if it was about to split the whole world.

Suddenly, all the killing intent in the void collapsed, and the void exploded.

The long sword flew across the sky, as if a big river was rushing up into the sky, carrying terrifying power. The peerless murderous intent created by the runes were all shattered at this moment and turned into powder.

Everyone looked up into the void, shrouded by endless swords, and a long sword was fighting against the sky and the earth alone.

But this is just the beginning.


The void shook and enveloped the entire Demon Imperial City. Endless coercion emerged, shaking the sky. Divine light suddenly appeared, evolving into ancient figures one after another.

"I'm afraid this long sword is not weaker than the King's Divine Weapon, right?"

"The peerless heavenly sword made of the most mysterious orange gold of destiny among the nine immortal golds. As long as the holy soldiers are not born, it will be difficult to compete with it!"

Countless people are staring at the fairy sword above the sky with fiery eyes. The peerless holy object that can be forged into the ultimate imperial weapon is right in front of them. Who can remain unmoved.

If this place wasn't the Demon Imperial City, and there were supreme quasi-emperor divine soldiers suppressing it above the sky, just this long sword would have been enough to create a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

There was a roar between the heaven and the earth. The supreme power of the true dragon shook the sky. The heaven and the earth were furious. The sound of the roaring avenue resounded through the heaven and the earth, making people's ears and eyes roar. Their minds were filled with chaos. .

Many young prodigies looked at the true dragon emperor-like figure in the sky, and their hearts were shaken.

This is everyone's future enemy. Once successful, it will definitely be an absolutely terrifying enemy. There will never be a shortage of legends about princes and emperors in this world.

"Xiao Zu, this."

In the Ji Family Immortal Palace, the Holy Master of the Ji Family looked at the man with a slightly ordinary face with concern.

"My Void bloodline is never weaker than others!" Ji Zi's faint voice sounded in the fairy palace, like a warm spring breeze, dispelling the haze in the hearts of everyone in the Ji family.


Countless shocking auras appeared above the Demon Imperial City, and endless divine light suddenly appeared. One figure after another, along with the divine light, the sea of ​​thunder walked out. Each of them stood quietly on Jiujiao, and endless killing intent came from They headed toward the figure on the other side of the sky that was stepping on the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon.


A ray of fairy light flew out quickly, and purple-gold light appeared all over the sky. On the sky, a fairy mirror was rising and falling.

"God Mark Purple Gold?"

"Such a great opportunity, another great emperor's sacred object? Could it be that the demon prince really wants to prove himself and become emperor, and become an eternal legend!"

"The entire inheritance of the Peerless Demon Emperor and the Supreme Demon Emperor, the two peerless divine weapons made of immortal gold, plus his own astonishing bloodline, could it be the reincarnation of the ancient emperor!"

There had long been rumors that the prince of the Demon Emperor's Palace was wearing an immortal sword made of nine immortal golds. They thought this was a great opportunity, but they never thought that he also had an immortal mirror made of purple gold with divine marks.

Moreover, that fairy mirror is obviously a peerless magic weapon that is not weaker than the long sword, and has already intertwined "Tao" and "Principle".

Everyone felt that their eyes were about to pop out of shock. For such a magical weapon, ordinary people would be thankful for the smoke coming out of their ancestral graves if they had one of them. Unexpectedly, someone actually owned two of them.

"Your Highness, you will rule Beidou for thousands of years!"

This is the ordinary monks of Demon Imperial City shouting, chanting, and venting the joy in their hearts.

First it was some ordinary monks from the Demon Emperor City, then it spread to some Demon Emperor Palace disciples, and finally some elders from the Demon Emperor Palace were also shouting and couldn't help but be happy.

As the saying goes, when one person attains the Dao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. They have never expected to compete for the throne in their lives, so at this moment they are cheering and shouting, waiting for the day when His Royal Highness, the Prince, will prove the Dao and proclaim himself the Emperor, leading them to the Demon Imperial City on the journey to the universe. Top.

The Purple Gold Immortal Light of the Haotian Mirror shines brightly, and a picture of the world is reflected in the mirror. In an instant, wisps of Tao boil, and the power of fear sweeps out.

Suddenly, all dharmas ceased to exist, all paths receded, the stars, sun and moon were inverted, and there seemed to be a world being reshaped.

The heaven and earth changed dramatically, the sky was covered, and everything was being replaced by the world in the square mirror.

Over the Demon Imperial City, the terrifying laws of the world filled the air. A fairy mirror was suspended above the Demon Imperial City. It was extremely terrifying. It seemed like there was a world covering everyone's heads, crushing endless time and space, making people tremble.

"Such a terrifying fairy mirror seems to be even better than that sword!"

"If the demon prince succeeds in his cultivation in the future, could it be possible that a vast world will really be born in the fairy mirror!"

"Such a monster is definitely a mountain on the imperial road that can never be bypassed. It is even enough to crush the will of ordinary geniuses."

In the Demon Emperor City, many young prodigies had dim eyes, but only a few had a flash of light in their eyes, as if they had taken a fancy to the two peerless weapons.

At this time, the dragon on Li Chengnian's back manifested its divine light. At the same time, the purple-gold monster fish in the sea of ​​suffering had also turned into a purple-gold dragon, which was slowly integrating into the dragon on its back. Once completed, it would break into the secret realm of dragon transformation. At this critical moment, at this stage, there must be no interference, otherwise all efforts will be wasted.

And above the void, a hunchbacked old man appeared. He stood above the void, with no divine power emerging from his body. He was just like an ordinary old man, without any threat.

PS: The fifth update is on the shelves. Please order first and support! !
(End of this chapter)

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