The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 102: 3 Great Emperor's Weapons

Chapter 102 The three great emperors of the supreme realm (sixth update, please subscribe!)
But the moment he appeared, the terrifying atmosphere in many fairy palaces in the entire sky stagnated, everyone stayed calm, and all the signs of thoughts disappeared.

"I have seen the ancient ancestor."

Under the leadership of Holy Lord Qi Tianling, the elders and disciples of Demon Emperor Palace bowed to the figure above the sky and shouted in unison.

The two ancient ancestors of the Demon Emperor's Palace were the absolute confidence that the Demon Emperor's Palace had in confronting many extreme forces before the Demon Emperor's ruler returned. They were also the reason why the Demon Emperor's Palace was able to occupy more than half of the territory of Nanling and become the sole overlord of Nanling. .

Especially the Great Ancient Ancestor, who amazed an era back then and was considered to be a supreme existence that could defy heaven and prove the Tao even more than Qing Emperor.

At that time, the Demon Emperor's Palace overwhelmed the five regions of Beidou, but later, for some reason, the Demon Emperor's City fell silent overnight. It had never left Nanling for so many years, until a Demon Prince appeared. This terrifying The forces now seem to be reproducing the trend of overpowering the five Beidou regions.

At this moment, above the sky, the Haotian Mirror hangs down endless fairy light, trying to evolve a world and directly isolate the murderous intentions of heaven and earth.

The sword of Tianwen Sword bloomed, the terrifying murderous intention surged, the earth sank, and the sword seemed to split the heaven, earth and sky.

The power of the two divine soldiers was irresistible, and they directly blocked the murderous intent of the world, preventing them from advancing even an inch, leaving a peaceful world for the young man in green.

As for the demon prince Li Chengnian, a big dragon on the back has completely transformed into a dragon, and the purple gold dragon has also merged into the big dragon on the back. The whole figure is like a true dragon emperor, standing at the beginning of the sky, eternal and immortal.

Under his feet, the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon was also solidifying rapidly, its purple-gold scales shining with endless fairy light, surrounded by the mysterious and yellow energy of all things, evolving the principles of the birth and death of all things.

Everything has come to the most critical moment, the world is boiling, and everyone knows that the demon prince is about to transform into a dragon.

Some were unwilling to see such a demon prince who defied the heavens, but all thoughts were meaningless in front of the hunchbacked old man and the quasi-emperor magic weapon above the void.

In such a scene, even if the ancient saint personally takes action, there is only one possibility of instant bloodshed.

In other words, the demon prince is destined to transform into a dragon, and from then on he will go up against the odds, and he will be the best in the imperial battle!
Suddenly, the stars in the sky shook, the formations of the Demon Imperial City trembled, and an extremely powerful emperor emerged, shattering the heaven and earth. The rivers and mountains for millions of miles were shaking, shaking the heaven and earth, and even the stars were exploding.

Extreme Soldier!

"Oh my God, the Jidao Imperial Soldier is actually an Imperial Soldier!"

"In order to prevent the demon prince from transforming into a dragon, have the imperial soldiers even been dispatched?"

"But this is Demon Imperial City!"

Countless people screamed, as if a disaster was approaching, and they couldn't believe that someone actually dispatched the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers.

The sky and the earth roared, and the terrifying power swept across millions of miles of rivers and mountains. The stars in the sky were exploding. Someone was millions of miles away and wanted to strike a shocking blow. No one could ignore it, maybe not even the Demon Imperial City. was penetrated directly.

But despite this, no one set up the Shenhong and left the Demon Imperial City, just because this is the safest place at this moment. If you leave rashly, if you are accidentally touched by the power of the Jidao Emperor, your soul may be destroyed immediately. .

Not only because this is the Demon Imperial City, but also because there are many supreme holy places or aristocratic families here, many of which have forces with Ji Dao Emperor soldiers. No force in the entire Beidou dares to provoke these big forces at the same time.

At this moment, layer after layer of cyan fairy light was directly broken. Deep in the Demon Imperial City, a supreme supreme immortal power spread and broke through the sky. The supreme imperial power above the void suddenly shattered. .

The void is collapsing, the power is bleeding, the sky is shaking for thousands of miles, the pressure of the extreme realm is terrifying, countless people are kneeling on the ground, facing the emperor's power, they are completely unable to resist at all.

A cyan fairy ruler appeared in the sky above the Demon Emperor City, directly fighting against the nameless imperial soldiers. The heaven and earth roared, and the demon emperor ruler exuded a cyan fairy light, isolating all the extreme imperial power.

The unknown imperial weapon a million miles away no longer revives at this moment, and the two imperial weapons seem to be in a stalemate. Obviously, the person behind the scenes does not dare to start the battle of the extreme. He just wants to use the power of the extreme. Interfering with Li Chengnian's transformation into a dragon.

The void was trembling, the sky and the earth were roaring, the imperial soldiers were confronting each other, and countless people felt their hands and feet were weak and unbearable.

At this moment, above the sky, Li Chengnian was still standing quietly above the head of the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon. "Dong dong dong"

The sound of his heart beating became louder, like thunder, and the endless true dragon energy rushed into every corner of him and the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon at his feet, shining brightly.

The sky seemed to be on fire, breaking through the sky. Its body was covered with purple-gold scales, and every inch seemed to be made of fairy gold.

A dazzling purple-gold light emerged, and drops of purple-gold dragon blood emerged, as if burning. Each drop had the aura of ancient times or even more ancient times. His hair and even hair were radiating light. This was a true rebirth!

"With purple-gold blood, could it be that the demon prince really turned into a real dragon?"

"Is this true? The fairy dragon, which has not appeared for eternity, appears at this moment?"

Everyone was screaming, it was unbelievable. They saw a true dragon emperor breaking the eternal taboo, stepping on the divine dragon, and standing independently on the top of the nine heavens.


At this critical moment, there was a mighty coercion in the void, and it was released. Just a trace of power seemed to make the Demon Imperial City completely collapse.

The storm was rising again, and terrible coercion was permeating the air, crushing all the monks. As if facing the divine realm, the monks were all overwhelmed by this shocking power of the extreme, and their bodies seemed to be torn apart.

"Another Ji Dao Imperial Weapon?"

Everyone was shocked. It was incredible that two pieces of Ji Dao Emperor's weapons were actually dispatched.

"No, this imperial weapon is incomplete and incomplete!"

Suddenly, a big shot made a cry of horror.

Immediately, in everyone's eyes, rays of dark fairy light descended, covering the entire Demon Imperial City, and the terrifying pressure that shook the sky for eternity came down.

"Is it a black can?"

"That's right, it's half of that terrifying imperial weapon - the Sky-Swallowing Devil's Jar."

This half of the Ji Dao Imperial Weapon did not appear as ghostly as before. No one knew which Imperial Weapon of Beidou it was. Instead, it appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"But isn't this half of the imperial weapon in the hands of Jiang Yi, the thirteen most powerful bandit in the Northern Territory?"

"Shh, are you looking for death?"

Someone was about to speak out, but was stopped by his companions. Who didn't know that Jiang Yi, the Thirteenth Kou, had betrayed the Jiang family, but who believed that there was really no connection between the two.

In this world, blood ties are the hardest to cut off, let alone an ancient family like the Jiang family.

But now that this imperial weapon has appeared, maybe someone is framing the Jiang family?Either

Thick black light shot into the sky, like a fairy weapon above the nine heavens vibrating, and the power of the Supreme Emperor burst out, sweeping across the eight wastelands of the universe and tearing the sky apart.However, this extreme imperial power was not aimed at the Demon Imperial City, but was intended to disrupt the young man's breakthrough in the sky.

PS: The sixth update is on the shelves!

(End of this chapter)

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