The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 103: Heaven’s Punishment to Destroy the World

Chapter 103: Heaven’s Punishment to Destroy the World (Seventh update, please support!)
The chapter name is wrong, but it doesn’t affect reading. I hope Haihan will do it! !

At this most critical moment, a terrifying power erupted from the Demon Emperor's feet, and the supreme power of the Dao crushed the sky. Almost no one could remain standing and calm, and they knelt on the ground involuntarily. Those immortal palaces hanging above the void were also directly suppressed and fell down. One by one, the important figures of the Holy Land families bowed their heads under the supreme power that overwhelmed the heaven and earth.

"this is"

"Is it possible that Demon Emperor Chi has revived on his own?"

"Such a terrifying power, it seems to be much better than ordinary imperial soldiers!"

In an instant, some people were frightened by the idea in their hearts. The ancient emperors were all nine-day gods, and they were all invincible in the sky and on earth. However, the two never met, so few people have listed the two emperors together throughout the ages. Compare.

As for the imperial army, as the continuation of the life of the ancient emperor, there has never been such a saying that one is stronger and the other is weaker.

But now the Demon Emperor's Ruler seems to be obviously much stronger than the Nameless Emperor's Soldier. Is this an illusion?
The Demon Emperor Chi Emperor is so powerful that he is resurrected and suppressed in the void at this moment. The fairy light is dazzling and crystal clear. It seems to have turned into a blue dragon. With one claw, it destroys the sky and the universe and tears apart the eternal time and space.

The power of the Demon Emperor Chi is unparalleled in ancient and modern times. On the simple and unpretentious body of the ruler, endless cyan fairy light flows, like a beam of supreme fairy light being restrained in the emperor ruler, quenching a supreme imperial weapon at all times.

It falls in vast chaos, each strand is like a waterfall of ten thousand feet, enough to collapse the giant pillars supporting the sky.

"Such a terrifying power, seems to surpass the Void Mirror?"

Everyone in the Ji family, listening to the low murmur of their little ancestor Ji Zi, their expressions changed instantly. In their hearts, the Void Mirror is an unparalleled immortal weapon in the world. If it weren't for the person who said this, he was the blood heir left by the Void Emperor. If so, even the contemporary Holy Master of the Ji family will be directly questioned by countless old antiques.

An old man from the Ji family hesitated for a moment, and finally stepped forward and asked softly.

"Why did Xiaozu say this?"

Ji Zi ignored him, looked up at the Demon Emperor's Ruler exuding supreme power in the sky, and sighed:

"The Peerless Demon King's Ginseng Ginseng Creation is really fascinating!"


The ultimate immortal light burst out, and the imperial power spread across the sky and the earth. Everywhere was trembling, as if it was about to collapse.


wisps of extreme imperial power came out from the Demon Emperor's Ruler, directly suppressing the nameless emperor's soldiers and half of the sky-swallowing magic jar that were millions of miles away.

"It's scary!"

"Under such shocking divine power, even the Dao-killing King is like an ant."

The master who secretly commanded the unknown emperor's weapon couldn't help but feel his scalp numb. The same Ji Dao emperor's weapon in his hand seemed unable to compete with the Demon Emperor's Ruler. He tried to break free from his control several times and completely recovered.

That terrifying energy was so terrifying, it was like the peerless demon king from eons ago had resurrected in this era. Just a wisp of energy shocked it so much that it wanted to fully revive and break away.

Everyone in the Demon Emperor City was shocked. Looking up at the Demon Emperor Ruler in the sky, they felt as if they were facing a living emperor.


At this moment, lightning flashed and thundered in the starry sky, and there were sounds of gods crying and ghosts weeping, as if the heaven and earth were wrathful, and there were various visions.

The sea of ​​thunder was so black that it almost covered the sky and the sun. The red electric light shone and the void cracked. It was extremely terrifying.

All the powerful men in the Demon Emperor City could not help but tremble when they noticed the oppressive aura that shrouded the sky, as if it was destroying the world.

Everyone knew that this terrible thunder disaster was not aimed at them, but they still couldn't help but tremble.

Li Chengnian was as quiet as a rock, with purple-gold scales all over his body. There was an ancient true dragon energy coming out of his body, shaking the world. Ancient characters jumped out one after another in the three secret areas that had been opened, and they were spinning around him.

Every word that emerged from the three secret realms was made of divine gold, dazzling and dazzling. It was imprinted in the void and imprinted on the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon under his feet. There was a shout, and the sky was really rumbling.

Zen singing, sacrificial sounds, demonic drinks, divine roars and other ancient sounds are mingled together, intertwined in the past, present and future, spanning the universe and condensing together.Li Chengnian stepped on the ancestral dragon of heaven and stood on the top of the nine heavens. The ancient characters floated in the sky and the aura of the true dragon filled the air, like the true dragon emperor who came from the ancient times across the long river of time.


Clear sounds came one after another, and the "portal" of the 99 body in his body opened fifteen more times. At the same time, the purple and gold dragon in his body that was integrated into the dragon on the back also suddenly sprouted fifteen ancestral patterns. At this moment, it had There are a total of thirty physical "portals" and thirty ancestral patterns, which just correspond to the sixty strands of black and yellow energy in his hand.


The world is undergoing drastic changes, and the Demon Imperial City is trembling.

Behind Li Chengnian's body, the terrifying and boundless true dragon energy emerged, and his spine emitted light one after another. Even his bones were exploding, like the sound of divine gold, as if an ancient dragon was roaring, Shock everyone present!

Then, the spine vibrated and transformed into an ancient true dragon, soaring in the nine heavens, exuding the energy of thousands of ancient true dragons.

Transform into a dragon!

At the same moment, the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon under his feet roared, tearing apart endless thunder clouds, and carried him across the top of the thunder sea.

Above the void, the power of the extreme that was millions of miles away disappeared in an instant.

The demon prince has turned into a dragon. In any case, their plan has completely failed. Even if they throw a desperate blow, they can't kill the demon prince.

The top of the endless thunder sea.


The two peerless weapons that fought in heaven and earth instantly returned to the hands of their owners.

"This time, let us fight side by side."

Holding the Tianwen Sword in his hand and the Haotian Mirror hanging on his head, Li Chengnian was like a real dragon and the Heavenly Emperor, stepping directly on the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Dragon and rushed directly into the thunder tribulation.

"Thousands of ways are roaring, and laws are appearing. This is not a natural disaster, but a divine punishment!"

Some old antiques exclaimed in surprise.

"This world does not allow true dragons to appear, so the gods sent down punishment to kill them."

Before he finished speaking, a terrifying divine light fell on Old Antique. In an instant, Old Antique was completely destroyed, with no possibility of resurrection.

"If you dare to talk nonsense about our prince again, this will be your fate!"

Everyone looked at the hunchbacked old man above the sky in horror. They all shut their mouths tightly and did not even dare to breathe loudly, for fear that if something went wrong, they would die inexplicably.

The world sensed it, and the divine power turned into a black heavenly sword, slashing directly at Li Chengnian.

The speed of the Heavenly Sword was immeasurable. As soon as it was struck, it came to Li Chengnian and struck at the true dragon's blood in Li Chengnian's body.

Li Cheng thought with his head on the Haotian Immortal Mirror and it glowed. On top of the natural chaos seal in the mirror, a little purple gold figure jumped out!

His brows and legs glowed, he jumped up and jumped onto the heavenly sword!

The Heavenly Sword is actually being wiped out. The infinite Tao Yun on the Zijin villain blocks the Heavenly Saber, and the Heavenly Saber is being wiped out inch by inch, while the Zijin Villain's figure is gradually becoming blurry.

The Heavenly Sword shattered, and the scattered fragments were swallowed by the Zijin villain. Then the Zijin villain returned to the Haotian Mirror and returned to peace.

Li Chengnian coughed up a mouthful of purple gold blood, and at the same time, a crack appeared on the Haotian Mirror.

PS: The seventh update is on the shelves, please support! !
(End of this chapter)

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