The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 113 Plant a Seed

Chapter 113 Plant a seed.

There was a sound of spitting out blood, along with a stream of blood foam. Qi Yun's internal organs seemed to have cracked, and some fragments were spit out mixed with blood, which was very tragic.

Feeling the threat, the demon emperor's heart spontaneously aroused, and a terrifying imperial power came down on Qi Yun. Although most of it was blocked by the demon emperor's ruler, he was still seriously injured, his body was in tatters, and his cloth was in tatters. It was full of dense cracks, and many bones were exposed.

It can be said that Qi Yun was really lucky this time and saved his life.

You must know that this is the heart of Qing Emperor, the only emperor in the ancient times. Not to mention that Qi Yun is suffering from injuries at the moment. Even in his heyday, I am afraid he would not feel comfortable.

"Come again!"

His body was bleeding and cracking, but Qi Yun didn't care, his spirit was highly tense, and with a "boom", a blazing divine light spurted through the void of the cave.

This time he tried his best, the green divine dragon tore at him crazily, and the Demon Emperor Ruler above his head also shed endless green fairy light to protect him.


Qi Yun roared, as if he was desperate for his life, still tearing the heart of the demon emperor crazily, extremely crazily, again and again, endlessly!


This time, with a crisp "click" sound, the Demon Emperor's Heart split into two halves, one large and one small. Qi Yun continued to tense up and pulled the smaller half into the Chaos Life Fountain Furnace. The supreme power of the Qing Emperor helps Da Coco absorb and refine the Ten Thousand Principles of Sacrifice.

one day two days three days
Another month has passed, and the furnace of the chaotic life spring is vibrating, spitting out the chaotic glow, which is extremely terrifying.

This terrifying spring of life that Qi Yun was able to smelt with the help of the energy of chaos has now become even more terrifying under the tempering of Qingdi Daoze.

But at the same time, Qi Yun could clearly feel that his injuries were getting worse.

Originally, the forced exit this time caused the results of more than half a year of seclusion to be destroyed. Now he has been invaded by the supreme power of the Qing Emperor's imperial law. Signs of regression.

"Forget it, I originally wanted to get out on my own, but I didn't expect that I would have to rely on you after all."

As he said that, most of the Immortal Phoenix Medicine appeared in Qi Yun's hand. This medicine was originally given to him by Li Chengnian to treat his injuries, but he never thought that he had never taken it.

After swallowing the immortal phoenix medicine, the next moment you will see in the Demon Imperial City, the heaven and earth are intertwined, the wind and clouds are changing, the mountains and rivers are trembling, and all kinds of strange phenomena are generated. There are real dragons soaring in the sky, immortal phoenixes circling, and Xuanwu expanding the sea.
Stripes of auspicious colors, stripes of divine brilliance, descended from the sky to a golden avenue, and the clouds were majestic, like the reappearance of a great emperor standing on the avenue of heaven and earth.

The black hair is shawl, the face is majestic, the pupils have the wonders of creating heaven and earth, lifting the rosy clouds and flying immortals, etc., which is truly astonishing.

"It feels good to be young again, but it's a pity that the injury is still not healed."

Feeling his own state, Qi Yun sighed, and then said:
"But it's okay. You've been pestering me for most of my life. If you were to die just like that, it would be no fun."

If Qi Yun's words were heard by others, they would probably be frightened to death.

Is it a good thing if the Tao injury has not healed?
I'm afraid there won't be any bad things in this world.

You must know that from ancient times to the present, the word Tao Shang has been taboo for all practitioners. I am afraid that few people even mention it. However, he feels that if Tao Shang is good and easy, there will be no challenge.

Should I say he is conceited?Or is it confidence?
"Then next, Eternal Heart, let's continue."

Around Qi Yun's body, waves of mysterious energy filled the air, and the surrounding space became even more distorted, and all Taoist laws were changing.

"The true form of Qinglong appears!"

Qi Yun's whole body was glowing, with a surging green light. His whole body was enveloped in a green fairy light, and his roar shook the world. "Groan!"

A dragon roar resounded throughout hundreds of thousands of miles of the Demon Imperial City, causing all creatures to crawl to the ground.

Above the void where Qi Yun was, a giant blue dragon rose into the sky, its body filled with green light, and every dragon scale seemed to be made of blue divine iron.

The body is so huge that it cannot be described, and the four dragon claws are shining with pure green light, which looks heart-stopping.

The green dragon flew across the sky, and the terrifying dragon's pressure enveloped the world with astonishing power.

What's even more terrifying is that around the giant blue dragon, there are still wisps of chaotic energy flowing, as if the world is evolving in the beginning, and its power is becoming more and more terrifying.


The green dragon roared, and the giant dragon soared into the sky, crashing straight into the furnace of heaven and earth formed by the chaotic life spring. The huge dragon body began to suppress the restless half of the demon emperor's heart.


The endless laws of heaven and earth are surging, and the cocoon is surging, like a gluttonous child, tirelessly absorbing and beginning to refine the laws of heaven and earth.


As if feeling the great disrespect of the cocoon, thunder actually fell from the sky. In an instant, the ground cracked, and the center of the Demon Imperial City began to collapse. A huge pit appeared, filled with countless thunder, and the aura of destruction Earth-shattering.

The thunder contained unimaginable power of heaven and earth, and was not directed at any living being. However, within a radius of ten thousand miles of Demon Imperial City, many living beings turned their eyes white, fell to the ground, and foamed at the mouth.

Everyone in the Demon Emperor's Palace might have fainted on the ground if it weren't for Qi Ming's divine power.

From this we can see how terrifying this destructive thunder is.

However, in the center of the thunder, the big cocoon showed no signs of being damaged. Mysterious Dao patterns appeared on it, and the rich power of flying immortals filled the air, silently dissipating all the destructive thunder.


The heaven and earth were ruthless, and more terrifying thunderbolts fell from the sky. The entire space was destroyed, and the huge pit on the ground became wider, darker, and bottomless.

Thunder fell from the sky, like rain, in an instant, one after another. If it weren't for the quasi-emperor's formation in Demon Imperial City to isolate them, the entire Nanling would have been alarmed.

I don’t know how long it took to chop, but the mysterious Dao patterns on the big cocoon flickered, and a hazy figure with a bronze mask on his face appeared. The figure was so huge that it directly shrouded the big cocoon under him, and then the destructive thunder suddenly stopped, Everything calmed down instantly, as if it had just been a dream.

Half a month has passed.

On the big cocoon, those mysterious Dao patterns have been completely solidified, as if they were carved with a knife.

There is also a mysterious and yellow energy surrounding the big cocoon, gathering into a vast ocean.

Suddenly, there was a soft sound, and something seemed to break open between heaven and earth. In the center where the mysterious and yellow energy of all things gathered, the big cocoon seemed to have turned into a seed, gestating in the soil formed by the laws of ten thousand ways, and a mysterious aura emerged from it. Coming from nowhere, wrapped in a big cocoon.

PS: Today’s eight thousand update is completed, the author has to continue to work hard! !

(End of this chapter)

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