The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 114 His name is Li Chengnian, Chengnian who carries the thoughts

Chapter 114 His name is Li Chengnian, the Chengnian who carries the thoughts. (6K words, three chapters in one!)
In the center of Demon Imperial City, everything has quieted down, leaving only a large cocoon standing quietly in a huge pit.

Qi Ming watched his senior brother bend down a lot, and stared blankly at the trace of blood on the corner of his mouth:

"Brother, are you alright?"

Standing in the pit, Qi Yun raised his hand tremblingly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then shook his head slightly:

"It's just a minor injury, it's been years, but I can survive it."

Qi Ming could clearly feel that his senior brother's Dao injury had worsened. What was even more difficult to deal with was that his soul was entangled with a lot of imperial energy that belonged to the Qing Emperor. This could be said to be no weaker than the Dao injury. of crisis.

"Brother, I."

"Okay, Xiao Ming, how old are you, and you still act like a mother-in-law? Do you think it's annoying?"

Seeing Qi Ming who was in tears, Qi Yun scolded him angrily. Then he turned to look at Yan Ruyu not far away and said:

"Xiao Yanna, I don't know when His Royal Highness will wake up. It may be one day, one year, two years, or even 100 years, 200 years, or maybe."

Yan Ruyu understood what Senior Brother Yun meant, but she still nodded without hesitation:

"Since the day I decided to come to Nanling, I made all the preparations and asked my two senior brothers to make it happen."

Seeing this, Qi Yun pondered for a moment, nodded and said:
"How about setting it in three days?"

Yan Ruyu saluted respectfully and said:

"It's all up to Senior Brother Yun to make the decision."

At this moment, Xiao Tingting, who had been staying quietly aside, took a step forward, bowed and said:
"Tingting bids farewell to the two senior brothers."

Qi Yun smiled and said:

"Xiao Tingting, aren't you going to attend the wedding of your sister Yan and brother Nian?"

Xiao Tingting replied calmly:
"I won't bother you with some mundane matters. Tingting promised Brother Nian to become stronger as soon as possible, and Tingting can't break her promise."

"Now that Brother Nian is asleep, Tingting will take his place to prove the Tao. Go and become an immortal!"

After saying that, he turned his sword into a rainbow and left without leaving a trace.

The three people present looked at the little girl leaving, and they all felt like they were seeing another Li Chengnian.

Three days passed really quickly, but for Yan Ruyu, these three days seemed to be longer than the entire first half of her life.

The entire Demon Imperial City was filled with celebrations. When the news came, Qi Tianling and other high-level officials of the Demon Imperial Palace were all grinning from ear to ear with joy. The entire Demon Imperial City seemed to be celebrating a festival, with all kinds of joy and laughter emitting.

The wedding of His Highness the Prince has been one of the most important events in the entire Demon Emperor's Palace for countless years.

Although due to some reasons, it is not suitable to tell the world, the entire Demon Imperial City is still filled with laughter. Many old antiques who have been in seclusion for many years have come out, and the disciples who have been out are rushing back to the Demon Imperial Palace one after another.

Yan Ruyu, for this period of time, she has always been calm and gentle, giving people the feeling of being out of this world, soft and peaceful, like a fairy who has been relegated to another family, perfect and impeccable.

But today, her fair and beautiful cheeks were slightly red, her complexion changed, and she could no longer remain calm.

Although I had been mentally prepared for it, when this day came, I still couldn't help but feel endless ripples in my heart.

She felt panicked. Even though she asked for it, she still felt anxious.

In any case, Taoist companions have extraordinary significance to a person, especially a woman. Her heart could not even calm down, and she seemed to have an urge to escape, but in the end she did not take the step That step.

She was looking back, and her interactions with the boy were really pitiful, and they could not even be called ordinary friends. But after today, they will become Taoist couples who have told the world that the fate of this world is really I can't figure it out.

She didn't know if she liked the boy, but the boy was really the first person to walk into her heart. Maybe it started from the moment when the Demon Emperor's Mausoleum opened and the boy made all his plans fail, or he learned that From the moment the boy was personally designated by his ancestor Cannian, she couldn't explain it clearly.

The wedding banquet was not a lively one. Apart from the high-level officials and many core disciples of the Demon Emperor Palace, there were only two ancient ancestors of the Demon Emperor Palace as witnesses.

In the center of the huge pit in the center of Demon Emperor City.

"One bows to heaven and earth, two bows to the high hall, and couples bow to each other."

In the midst of laughter and laughter, Yan Ruyu, wearing a phoenix crown and a white cocoon, finished her worship.

Although they are all monks, they are no different from the weddings held by mortals, because everyone once came step by step from mortals and retained the simplest wedding customs in their hearts.

Yan Ruyu's heart trembled slightly, and she raised her eyes to look at the big cocoon, still standing so quietly.

"I don't know if you wake up, will I be old and wrinkled by then? Or will I be dead by then?"

"I just hope that you can go burn incense on my grave, just one stick of incense."

"Good, good, good!"

The old man Qi Ming couldn't help but nodded with a smile. He was in particularly good spirits today. If he could really see the prince have a son in the future, he felt as if he could live another 1 years.

Finally, all the laughter disappeared and the familiar silence returned.

"Don't worry, you must know that your identity was decided by that guy Wan Qing and me together. Although the prince has a cold and arrogant temper, it is aimed at outsiders. Xiaoyan, you are the prince's Taoist companion who is being married by the matchmaker of our Demon Emperor's Palace."

Qi Yun's voice rang in his ears, bringing Yan Ruyu back to her senses.

"Senior Brother Yun, are you injured?"

Even a rookie like Yan Ruyu, who had just broken through to transform into a dragon, could feel the unstable aura of the old man beside him. One can imagine the severity of Qi Yun's Dao injury this time.

Qi Yun shook his head indifferently, and Yun Danfeng said sadly:
"It doesn't matter, I've gotten used to it over the years."

"By the way, I have set up a formation restriction here. In the next few days, I will ask you, Xiaoyan, to look after His Highness the Prince. I am really worried about Xiao Ming, that frivolous guy."

"Then, you should keep the remaining half of the Demon Emperor's Heart. I have refined the power of the Emperor's Law contained in it. You can absorb it without worry."

After saying that, Qi Yun's figure disappeared from the place.

"Follow your orders, Senior Brother Yun."

Yan Ruyu said solemnly in the direction of the Demon Emperor's Palace.

Finally, she was the only one left.

Her face was like jade, her complexion was like jade, and her eyes were aura. She just looked at the big cocoon over there quietly, holding the half of the crystal clear Demon Emperor's Heart lightly in her jade hands, her face was indescribably calm.

At this moment, the previous feeling of anxiety no longer knew where it had gone.

Her whole heart calmed down, and she seemed to have many, many words to say to Daxu. She just opened her red lips, but found that there seemed to be nothing to say.

She just looked at the big cocoon quietly for a long time.

She didn't know how much time had passed, but she walked slowly to the cocoon wearing a phoenix crown. After finding a seat, she sat cross-legged and began to practice silently.

The time came half a year ago.

That day, when the figure who stepped on the Thunder Silver Dragon and gave Li Chengnian a sense of familiarity swung that sword, he felt that he was on the road to destruction.

At the last moment, Li Chengnian closed his eyes, and many things came to his mind.

The scene after scene seemed like it was just yesterday. There were so many touching, sad, helpless and joyful scenes that made him a little reluctant to let go and unwilling to accept his own death.

Millions of years ago, he traveled to this world and became a white rabbit. Perhaps because he came from another world, he was always able to attract all kinds of large animals. He was chased by the big bad wolf and was A big tiger chased me and even had his leg bitten off.
That day, he was scratched by the claws of a goshawk and fled into a peach orchard and into a bamboo house, where he met a woman.

The first thing a woman says when she sees him is, little rabbit, you smell so good.

Then she picked him up and sniffed him vigorously for a long time. After that, the woman bandaged his wounds, gave him food, washed his face, and slept with him in his arms.

A saying that women often talk about is that a dead rabbit has left home for a long time and has not come back.

The woman said that on a whim that day, she was about to go out to see the hill where the dead rabbit left. Unexpectedly, she met another rabbit as soon as she went out. She felt that she was particularly destined.

From then on, Rabbit had a mother named Aunt Li, and also had a name, Li Chengnian, who carried the thought of Chengnian.

The woman said that the reason why she gave her last name was to let the dead rabbit know who has the final say in this family and dare to leave for so long without coming back, without even any news. When the dead rabbit comes back, He must look good.

Soon after, the woman taught Li Chengnian how to practice.

Later, by chance, Li Chengnian learned that his blood had a strange energy, which could extend the life of monsters or monsters. This was the reason why he was often hunted by large beasts for no reason after he traveled through time and became a white rabbit. .

Thanks to his good luck, the first demon clan he met was Aunt Li, otherwise he might have been made into a pill long ago.

But now after practicing, he can use his divine power to block that force.

He also knew the identity of Aunt Li, knew which world he had traveled to, and knew that the dead rabbit in Aunt Li's mouth was the peerless demon emperor Xue Yueqing in his memory.

For the sake of the dead rabbit that Aunt Li waited for in her mouth, he made up his mind to study the art of alchemy, and often secretly cut his flesh and bled it to make elixirs, just because his blood could extend Aunt Li's life.

But later, Aunt Li still couldn't wait for the dead rabbit in her mouth.

In the peach garden, he was left alone to support himself. On the day he was about to die, he finally waited for the dead rabbit.

The dead rabbit at that time was already the peerless Demon Emperor Xue Yueqing.

Li Chengnian's eyebrows cracked, and the bones exploded one after another, threatening to fall off and fly in all directions.

He was in a trance, looking at the world with nostalgia and reluctance, and whispered:

"My name is Li Chengnian, the Chengnian who carries my thoughts, I don't want to die like this."

However, he knew that he would not carry the thoughts of Aunt Li and Old Man Xue after all, and in the end, he would disappear from this world forever.

Time seemed to have frozen. Li Chengnian was waiting, feeling himself heading towards death and falling into eternal darkness. There were tears in his eyes. Two figures seemed to be reflected in the tears. It was Aunt Li and Old Man Xue who came to him. Yet?
He wanted to reach out and grab the two figures, but they seemed to be far away and untouchable.
"Why aren't you dead yet?"

Li Chengnian whispered as he watched the sword strike at his true dragon origin, watched himself fall into eternal darkness, and watched himself die.

I just don't know why, but time really seems to have stopped, and it's extremely long. His eyebrows are cracked, but his soul has not broken and scattered around, and his mind is still very clear.

"That word is this?" He saw an ancient word that seemed not to belong to this world. It was after he saw the old madman on Zhuo Peak that he felt something in his heart and forcibly carved those mysterious Dao patterns. The Dao pattern collection An ancient word for success - immortal!

The next moment, dots of white light rippled up, spreading to his head like ripples, preventing the soul from shattering, blocking the sword that seemed to be suppressed by heaven and earth, and making time seem to freeze.

The dense white light flowed and enveloped his head.

At the same time, from all directions, the blown-out bones, flesh and blood, and broken lower limbs were all pulled in by this mysterious force.

Endless light spots flowed from the word "immortal", and the light spots spread all over his body. It was these light spots that reunited all the flesh, flesh and bones, with a tendency to reorganize.

"The power of flying immortals."

As someone who had taken Hua Yunfei as a piano boy for a period of time, he could naturally recognize this power.

One after another, the light spots with strange power penetrated into Li Chengnian's fragmented body, merging the broken flesh together.

At this moment, he was like a piece of porcelain that fell on the solid ground. After it was broken, it was spliced ​​together and returned to its original position, but the whole body was covered with dense cracks.

Then, the word "immortal" instantly shattered and turned into countless lines, forming a big cocoon and wrapping him up.


Suddenly, some of the bones in his assembled body cracked again. If those light spots didn't seem to turn into strands of silk threads, connecting his body, he would probably be scattered on the ground.

Li Chengnian looked inside and saw the endless laws of heaven and earth permeating the bones and flesh, clashing with the aura of light spots. This was a law of rejection by heaven and earth, destroying his body.

The most terrifying thing is that these ten thousand laws seem to be endless, more domineering and bloody than the power of the light point. His body is no longer stable and shows signs of being broken soon.

"Is this a curse from heaven and earth?"

Li Chengnian had long been mentally prepared to defy nature and transform into a dragon in this world, but he didn't expect that the rejection of heaven and earth would be so strong. Why did he suddenly admire Old Man Xue?

At this moment, ten black-yellow marks flowing with the black-yellow mother energy of all things flew out of his body, walking on his limbs, the center of his abdomen, and the dragon position on his back. These black-yellow marks were like thumbtacks, pulling him The body that was about to collapse was fixed.

Moreover, the ten black and yellow brands and the big cocoon are interdependent, and at the same time, there is a mysterious power flowing between them, and they are unconsciously absorbing and refining the endless laws of ten thousand ways, thereby stabilizing his body and reshaping him. origin.

It's just that the speed is too slow. It may take at least a hundred years to achieve results, and he doesn't have 100 years to slowly grind it out.

"In that case, let's continue Xuanhuang body training."

With a sudden change in his heart, Li Chengnian once again aroused the Xuanhuang Qi, using the forbidden fire of heaven and earth, to continue his own path of cultivation of the eternal immortal body.

In an instant, the black and yellow energy surged and began to slowly melt into the "portal" of the flesh that opened in his body and the ancestral pattern in the body of the purple-gold monster fish that had long since transformed into a dragon and merged into one with his own big dragon on his back.

However, as a result, his body was even more on the verge of being broken than before. It seemed that as long as the breeze blew gently, it would turn into broken bones and flesh and blood.

Fortunately, the large cocoon and the black and yellow brand were powerful enough to barely stabilize his body.

Time passed slowly.

On this day, at the last moment when Li Chengnian was so angry that his body was about to collapse under the heavy pressure of the Xuanhuang Qi, he finally refined two Xuanhuang brands again. One of the two Xuanhuang brands was located between the eyebrows and the other on the back. The purple and gold dragon.

The settling of the two black and yellow marks instantly pulled him back from the line between life and death.

At the same time, he could feel that the speed at which the mysterious power absorbed the Law of Sacrifice and Refined Ten Thousand Daos increased by [-]% in an instant. At the same time, because of the two more black and yellow marks, he felt that the degree of gluing of his physical body had also increased. It has obviously increased by a few points.

This also means that the subsequent use of Xuanhuang Qi to sacrifice the body will no longer be as dangerous as before.

But it is also not easy. You must know that even in his heyday, he did not dare to relax at all when refining his body with Xuanhuang Qi. If he is not careful, it may cause a chain reaction, causing the physical body to be in danger of collapse, not to mention that now his entire body is in danger. They are all barely stitched together.

"It really works, then let's continue."

Perhaps because of his excitement, Li Chengnian's pale face suddenly turned a little red.

In the early morning, the sun rises, and the golden morning glow falls, shining on the sky and the earth, and also on the big cocoon.

In the big cocoon, Li Chengnian, who was blocked by the endless laws of heaven and earth, felt a rare warmth in his heart.

In the past few days, he has once again refined two black and yellow brands, one for his physical body and one for the purple and gold dragon on his back. Totaling the previous twelve, there are now fourteen black and yellow brands that have been settled.

The speed at which that mysterious power absorbs and refines the Ten Thousand Dao Principles has increased by nearly [-]%, and the connection between the fragments of his body has become much closer.

But he has reached his limit at this moment. If he uses the Xuanhuang Qi to refine his body again, he may not be able to survive and his body will collapse.

"At this speed, I'm afraid it will still take a hundred years."

Feeling the rare warmth of the sun, Li Chengnian's face was a little rosy and he said softly.

He was a little unwilling, but there was nothing he could do. His body was on the verge of being broken. It had reached its limit. If he introduced the black and yellow energy into his body again, there would be only death.

In other words, at this moment, he could do nothing but wait quietly.

This is a cruel fact, especially for him.

At this moment, the luster in his eyes seemed to dim instantly.

However, his name is Li Chengnian, and the Chengnian who carries the thoughts is the thoughts of two people!

He has not carried the thoughts of Aunt Li and Old Man Xue to the end!

The next day, the morning glow was still brilliant, but it could not make Li Chengnian feel warm again. He was silent, as if he had sunk into endless darkness.

Time flies, and three months have passed.

On this day, a familiar figure was reflected in Li Chengnian's extremely dim eyes. It was a majestic young man who looked like a god coming to the world at first glance.

"Brother Yun"

The moment he saw that figure, Li Chengnian recognized who it was.

"Prince, Qi Yun is here."

The figure did not speak, but an extremely loud and warm voice sounded in Li Chengnian's heart.

Afterwards, strange grasses grew up here one after another. They had tenacious vitality and thick roots. Every once in a while, a grass would appear and take root on the big cocoon. It was also rooted in the fertile soil of the Law of Ten Thousand Daos. .

There is also a strange mysterious power flowing on the roots of these strange grasses. Li Chengnian recognized this power. It was the strange power of the Xuanhuang Brand.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed. Li Chengnian felt that his physical body was slowly recovering, and the origin of the beheaded true dragon was also being reshaped.

"Then continue."

The light of hope was like a big sun, shining on Li Chengnian's gloomy world, so he ignited his energy again and began to induce the black and yellow energy into his body without hesitation.

Slowly, those strange grasses grew more and more vigorously. Their rhizomes were glowing, shaped like dragon whiskers, and seemed to be moving. The rhizomes were much thicker than before, and they looked even more extraordinary, emitting a dense green light.

On the rhizomes and leaf veins, there are countless light spots shining, and the supreme imperial aura is flowing in them, and there is even a supreme aura that can overwhelm ten thousand paths.

"Hey, no, this doesn't seem to be grass, it seems to be lotus, or green lotus."

Li Chengnian recognized that those strange grasses were not grass, but green lotuses.

In a daze, he seemed to see a green lotus swaying in the wind and rain, showing the miracle and persistence of life.

The sun rises, everything begins, the purple air comes from the east, and Qinglian never gives up.

Until one day, Qinglian's figure disappeared and was replaced by a figure in green clothes. He went up against the sky and became emperor in the most impossible era.

In the blink of an eye, another year has passed. In the early morning of this day, Yan Ruyu was preparing to sit cross-legged and silently opposite the big cocoon to enlightenment and practice, but she discovered a living thing on top of the big cocoon for the first time.

"That's a lizard. No, it seems to be a little dragon."

It was a little dragon with a small horn on its head and four claws on its belly. The dragon's body was filled with threads of the black and yellow aura of all things. Yan Ruyu was not afraid of being discovered, so she lay quietly on the big cocoon, as if sleep.

"Senior Brother Ming, you"

As soon as Yan Ruyu recovered from the shock, she found an old figure beside her. She wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Qi Ming with a wave of his hand.

The two of them stood quietly, staring at the big cocoon motionlessly for several days. Finally, they discovered that the essence of heaven and earth in the Demon Imperial City was slowly gathering towards the big cocoon. Above the big cocoon, there was only The halo that only appears on the night of the [-]th full moon of every month is also slowly rippling out.

"This is. This is haha"

Qi Ming was so excited that he couldn't even speak clearly. This was the first time in two years that he felt a resurgence of life in the cocoon.

After a long while, Qi Ming finally calmed down his excited heart. After hesitating for a long time, divine light burst out in his eyes, staring at the big cocoon, and then looked into the depths of the big cocoon.

Soon, he was completely shocked.

He felt a strange and mysterious power, and suddenly a pair of eyes appeared from behind the bronze mask. With just one glance, his whole body seemed to have entered deathly silence, and even his own path was affected. This was him. If it were another person, Being someone else is likely to cause problems.

"Xiaoyan, don't act rashly."

Qi Ming warned, then called the Demon Emperor Ruler in the sky to protect himself, and then looked at the cocoon again.

"That is."

Under the protection of Demon King Chi, he saw countless green lotuses swaying deep in the cocoon. The roots of the green lotus exuded strange and mysterious power, taking root in the fertile soil of the law of ten thousand ways. Deeper down, he also felt a familiar power, the power of flying immortals.

"Wan Qing and that ruthless man?"

Qi Ming couldn't help but murmured, but Yan Ruyu's chest rose and fell violently, her eyes widened with an unimaginable expression.

Although she didn't know who the ruthless man mentioned by Brother Ming was, she seemed to have a vague guess since he could stand alongside a supreme emperor like her ancestor.

PS: Today’s update should have another chapter tonight.

Finally, the protagonist's transformation into a dragon begins to officially come to an end. The recent plot has indeed been too bland, but how can transforming into a dragon be that simple? The transformation into a dragon has been laid out for so long, and it is impossible to finish it in just one or two thousand words, then. That’s not normal! !

(End of this chapter)

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