The taboo that covers the sky

第119章 2大杀神共存于世,这是鲜血的时代 (3章合1,6K大章)

Chapter 119 Two murderous gods coexist in the world, this is the era of blood (three chapters in one, 6K chapters)

Li Chengnian couldn't help but feel a little regretful that Gu Yi, the god and demon body, had forcibly suppressed his own realm and used his cultivation level to transform into the ninth level of dragon.

Because after one move, the god-demonic body will be injured and will no longer be a perfect god-demonic body.

Even if the god-demonic body returns to its original cultivation of the first and fifth levels of immortality, this battle will not be perfect.

Forget it, when you encounter a god-demonic body that has only tapped out half of its potential, this battle is not perfect to begin with, so be it.


With a soft drink, he saw the unparalleled sharp sword soaring into the sky, bursting out with unparalleled divine power, and the killing aura, unparalleled coldness, swept across the world.


There was a loud noise, and the huge magic hand flashed with mysterious runes, rumbling across the sky, like an ancient sacred mountain coming across the sky, and in an instant it came to the top of Li Chengnian's head and suppressed it.


Li Chengnian used his fingers as a sword. The sound of the sword shook the sky. Cold murderous aura surged. The terrifying sword-gang storm swept across all directions. With a bang, the demonic hand was penetrated directly. The silver sword-gang shone, revealing endless light. The power surged forward, instantly slashing away the shadow of the gods and demons on the horizon with a sword.

The aftermath of the sword's force swept past, and the pavilions turned into debris. Each tall building was swept up by the violent sword's force for nine days.


The demonic energy that filled the sky was chopped into pieces by a sword. The hair of Gu Yi, the god and demon body, was messy and scattered, his face was extremely defeated, blood spurted from his mouth, and he was completely blown away by the huge force carried by the sword.

It hit the ground not far from Miaoyu Temple with a bang, creating an extremely terrifying deep pit. The smoke and dust filled the air, and the boulders rumbled and shook, making people tremble with fear.


Seeing the figure that fell into the big pit in the distance, the monks who were watching in the distance were instantly in an uproar and exclaimed. Who would have thought that the legendary taboo body, the god and demon body, would be knocked away by the Demon Prince with one finger? , it looked like he was injured.

You must know that Gu Yi, a god and demon body, is known as the most talented person in the ancient Hua Dynasty for thousands of years. He is invincible in Zhongzhou and is known as the No. 1 person of his generation in Zhongzhou.

And before this, no one could force out his divine and demonic body. In other words, this young uncle of the ancient Hua Dynasty may have never used his full strength before today.

But now, he was actually injured by someone's move.

As for the previous action of the divine and demonic body to suppress the realm, everyone did not take it seriously. You must know that no matter how you suppress the realm, a high realm is a high realm. His understanding of secret techniques is still there, the body of the high realm is still there, and the laws of the high realm are still there. These They cannot be suppressed.

Likewise, the battle on the other side of the sky is also tilting to one side.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Wang Teng, the Northern Emperor, the peerless genius known as the reincarnation of the ancient emperor, was unable to withstand Ji Zi's terrifying Void Secret Technique.

"Okay, okay, Tingting, don't worry, Brother Li can win without a sword!"

At this moment, in Miaoyu Temple, Jiang Yifei casually comforted Li Chengnian, who was holding a sword and frantically gesturing towards the sky. He then saw him drink up the wine in his hand, and then looked towards From one direction of the divine city, he said sternly:
"Haha, since Brother Li and Brother Ji have already set an example, how can I, Jiang Yifei, continue to sit back and relax?"

"Southern Demon Qi Lin, since he has arrived, why not show up and fight!"

Jiang Yifei's words were like a bomb, directly bringing the atmosphere in the divine city to its climax again.

As Jiang Yifei's words fell, the next moment——

"Then let's fight!"

The overwhelming demonic power was almost boiling. A young man with black hair and a cold face appeared on the sky out of thin air. His eyes were like cold lightning, and his eyes were like torches, shining with blazing divine light, penetrating the endless void and seeing the wonderful things. Jiang Yifei, a young man in white clothes in Yuan.

"What? Is it really Nan Yao?"

For a moment, everyone was confused.

This Miao Yuan with a bigger butt didn't have much to do at first, just the wine was okay, and then the girl... it was okay!

But what happened today? Almost the top geniuses from the five regions of Beidou gathered together. Not only were there three unparalleled geniuses in the world, there were even two or three princes and emperors.

That's all, but the taboo body that existed in ancient books, the divine and demonic body, actually broke out. Moreover, these people started fighting outside Miao Yuan before even saying a few words.

Could it be that Miaoyu Temple has become evil?

But no, the wine is still the same wine, fragrant; the girl is still the same girl, in a word, fragrant.

Afterwards, some people looked around in the crowd, surreptitiously looking at the people around them, especially the unfamiliar faces, as if they wanted to look again to see if there would be any rare physiques.

If this is true, I am afraid that today will turn into a real melee between geniuses and evildoers.


The closed eyes of Gu Yi, the god and demon body in the pit, suddenly opened, and two black bolts of lightning shot out from his eyes. At this moment, he looked up to the sky and roared, and at the same time, the original pale golden The divine light slowly disappeared from his Heavenly Spirit Cap, and his body began to be slowly and completely shrouded in darkness.

"You seem to be very repelled by your own physique?"

Above the sky, Li Chengnian stepped on the dragon and spoke slowly.

"So what? Without this physique, I can become a human emperor like my father!"

The cold voice of Gu Yi, the god and demon body, sounded, and the demonic energy permeating his body became stronger and stronger.

Li Chengnian just watched the billowing demonic energy venting out of Gu Yi, the god and demon body, with blazing eyes. He seemed to see a little boy. His father died before the little boy was born.

One day the little boy awakened to the legendary forbidden body, the body of gods and demons.

This is a good thing that can make everyone in the world happy, but the little boy is very sad. He was born in the Immortal Dynasty and knows many secrets. This body of gods and demons is extremely powerful and is even called a taboo body, but it is It conflicts with the path of human emperor that he has always longed for.

He hates his own physique, why is it not the body of a human king?In that case, he can fulfill his father's last wish and embark on the path of becoming a human emperor.

However, the more the boy rejected, the stronger the demonic will in his body became, and the demonic power became more out of control. It seemed that it was about to completely overwhelm the power of God. Then the boy continued to reject, which seemed to be trapped in a vicious cycle.

At this, Li Chengnian chuckled in his heart. As expected, as recorded in psychology before time travel, posthumous children are likely to be extremely paranoid and more likely to go to extremes.

Unfortunately, the young uncle of the Guhua Dynasty in front of him, the God-Demon Body Gu Yi, was such a posthumous son who was extremely paranoid.

"You are really bad, so what if you have a divine and demon body? Who stipulates that a person's path is determined by his physique?"

"The taboo name of the god-demonic body was created by endless killings, so why can't we use endless killings to create the name of a human emperor?"

"To create a world-shattering world, to create a peerless human emperor whose reputation will be heard throughout the ages!"

Li Chengnian's loud voice shook the divine city and created endless chills in the hearts of many people.

The murderous intention of this demon prince is probably not weaker than that of the god-demonic body known as the taboo body, and it even seems to be even stronger!
With two murderous gods coexisting in the world, this era is probably destined to be an era of blood!

Many people seem to have seen the future world dyed red with endless blood!
"Kill! Kill! Kill him and bring peace to the world. Kill him and turn the world upside down!"

As if being touched by Li Chengnian's words, the last lucidity in Gu Yi's eyes completely disappeared, turning into a complete troll.


There was a loud noise, and thousands of huge waves surged out. The black sea of ​​suffering was breathtaking, and there were wisps of strange and evil aura flowing out, full of demonic power, like a forbidden sea of ​​demons boiling.

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, as dark as ink. As expected, he has become a demon completely. However, the will of this god-demonic body is still strong. Even to this extent, it still needs the guidance of the secret words of the soul recorded in the remnant soul spell to completely become a demon."

Li Chengnian stepped on the dragon, stood on the nine heavens, and said with a slightly regretful tone:

"It's a pity. As a result, this battle is really not perfect."

The body of gods and demons, which can control the power of gods and demons at the same time, is called the forbidden body. However, the current body of gods and demons, Gu Yi, can obviously only control the power of demons. In other words, the ancient one at this moment is half a god. Demonic body.

If Li Chengnian, who had not transformed into a dragon before, met the current god and demon body, it might really be a hearty battle. What a pity!

The divine-demonic body is a forbidden physique in the legend. If I want to be a devil, I will be a devil. If I want to be a god, I will be a god. But now it is obvious that Gu Yi can only be a devil.

Forget it, in order to have a good opponent in the future, let’s do this this time, and isn’t there a Ji Zi over there?The secret technique of the void was something he had been looking forward to for a long time before he traveled through time.

Thinking about it, Li Chengnian glanced at Ji Zi who was ravaging the so-called Beidi over there.

At the same moment, in a direction of the divine city.

When Ye Fan saw the vision in the distance like the demon coming into the world, his own sacred energy and blood surged uncontrollably.

The reason why the Holy Body is called the Holy Body is because its blood is black and yellow, it is holy and evil, and it has a natural defense against evil. At the moment when the vision of the devil appeared, the instinct of the Holy Body almost drove Ye Fan to take action directly .

"Little brat, you want to have a fight too?"

Opposite Ye Fan, the quirky Little Moon of the Ji family's big eyes were shining at the moment, as if she was eager for Ye Fan to come up and join in the fun.

Too lazy to pay attention to this naughty and naughty girl, Ye Fan looked at the Ji family's divine king body standing proudly opposite, which is also the Ji family's big moon. As expected, it lived up to its name, like a bright moon, with a vague bright light overflowing from the skin.

"I don't want to do anything at this time."

Ye Fan said calmly.

In the past two years, he has been polishing and suppressing his own state, hoping to reach the most perfect state, so his state has always been in the state of Tao Palace perfection.

Today, he is no longer the little idiot who first entered the world of cultivation. He knows that in this post-ancient era, it is difficult for the Holy Body to break through the four poles, which has to compete with heaven and earth.

Of course, he has been preparing for so long, not just to break through the four poles, but to reach the sky in one step. He wants to break the four poles, and he also wants to transform into a dragon.

And he is not far away from achieving this result. He has now polished his own realm to the current extreme and can break through the four poles at any time, but wanting to reach the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm in one fell swoop is still not that interesting.

If a battle breaks out with someone, he may no longer be able to suppress his realm. And if he breaks through the four poles in such a hurry, this will be a big taboo for him, a holy body that has been cursed by heaven and earth since ancient times.

"He is indeed stronger."

Ji Haoyue looked at the figure in green above the sky in the distance with burning eyes. Her black hair was flying, her fighting spirit was high, and there was vast divine power surging around her body.

Although he is still no match for that person at this moment, he is still radiant and full of fighting spirit. With his body of Ji Family Divine King, Ji Haoyue will follow in that person's footsteps for the rest of his life until he finally defeats the opponent and truly becomes Ji Divine King. of prestige.

Ye Fan looked at Ji Haoyue opposite, and he had to say that Ji Haoyue at this moment became stronger again compared to the last time they met.

that's nice!

Everyone is making progress, and this era is not boring. "Brother Haoyue thinks who among the six will win, how about we put a bet on it?"

Looking at Ji Haoyue who was full of fighting spirit, Ye Fan suggested with a smile in his eyes.

"Brother Ye, why do you need to ask questions knowingly? How can you bet on an outcome that is obvious at a glance?"

Ji Haoyue asked rhetorically. She did not directly accept the bet, but she bluntly explained the results of the three battles in the distance.

"Haha, it's true that heroes think alike. Brother Haoyue thinks the same as I do~!"

"Although Wang Teng is powerful, he will definitely lose when he meets Ji Zi. It's hard to tell who is better between Nan Yao Qi Lin and Jiang Yifei. In the end, it can only be a draw. As for Young Master Li."

"If the god-demonic body can completely master the power of gods and demons, he may be able to fight Master Li, but in the end he will inevitably be defeated, not to mention that at this moment he only controls the power of demons."

Ye Fan spoke sonorously and forcefully, with an unquestionable tone.

In response, Ji Haoyue glanced at Ye Fan nonchalantly and said:

"Best regards, Brother Ye."

At this moment, it was above the sky outside Miaoyu Temple.


With a sharp shout, the current champion Hou Gu looked extremely strange. Black runes gradually covered his body, like a black boat, exuding an extremely evil aura.

The black sea of ​​bitterness in his body shook the sky, thunder and lightning roared, tearing the sky apart. His hair, which was half black and half white, completely turned black, and his eyes were shrouded in black. He who usually looked like a human king completely turned into an immortal statue. Like a troll.

Seeing that the champion Hou Guyi was obviously controlled by the demonic part of his body, Li Chengnian nodded. This was the result he wanted.

If you don't become a demon first, how can you fully master the power of demons?

"Devil Pagoda!"

The next moment, the right hand of Gu Yi, the god and demon body in the pit, turned into a claw and grabbed it straight towards Li Chengnian. Wherever the claw passed, only five black cracks in the void were left.

When he reappeared, there was only half a foot away from Li Chengnian's eyebrows, and the sky was full of black lights, wisps of them, intertwined together, as if a sea of ​​taboos poured out from the claws of the devil, surging to the sky. The power of the devil.

The god-demonic body's cold eyes were like lightning, its long hair was flying, and the dark ripples turned into ripples, spreading rapidly with his claws as the center.

"Chichi!" The ripples spread, one after another like water waves, flowing in all directions, silently. The hundreds of meters of space where the claws were located were completely cracked, with cracks as thick as buckets, like spider webs. If it spreads like this, it will cover Li Chengnian's entire body.

The sudden blow prevented the people watching from a distance from reacting at all. Some of the female monks who couldn't bear to see the bloody scene that followed had already closed their eyes.


A shout that seemed to come from the nine heavens came from Li Chengnian's mouth. The words were just like the words, and it was wrapped with infinite power to directly tear the dark ripples into pieces, and also prevented the huge devil's claws from entering.

At this time, the devil's claw seemed to be blocked in space, and it floated quietly in front of Li Chengnian's eyes.

The next moment, the slender fingers stretched out, as if they had turned into a divine sword, and directly touched the palm of the entire devil's claw. The sword's blade exploded, and only a muffled groan was heard.


Like the sound of magma burning the earth, Jian Gang directly penetrated the claws of darkness.

Then in the eyes of Ancient One, the god and demon body, the sword suddenly turned into a giant finger holding up the sky, like a god who controls the punishment of heaven and earth, judging an ancient giant on behalf of heaven and earth.

The fingers carried a huge force, directly piercing the dark body of the god and demon body Gu Yi, and directly shattered the phantom of the demon behind him.

"What a scary finger. What kind of trick is this?"

"Demon Emperor Finger! This is the legendary Demon Emperor Finger!"

"It is rumored that the peerless Demon Emperor Xue Yueqing once killed the Divine Blood Supreme with one finger. He used the supreme forbidden secret technique in the Demon Emperor Sutra, the Demon Emperor's Finger."

The crowd watching from a distance were all shocked and felt as if their hearts would stop beating for half a minute.

From the beginning of the battle to the end of the battle, this demon prince has reinterpreted for the world what it means to be a peerless genius.

In the same realm, Gu Yi, known as the No. 1 in Zhongzhou, was knocked away with one sword, and seriously injured with one finger and even almost killed his opponent.

With these two moves, Gu Yi, who possesses the forbidden body and the body of gods and demons, is left unable to fight again. Even if the ancient emperor is reborn, he will be helpless when the emperor returns.

What is a peerless monster? This is a peerless monster.

Being invincible in the same realm is only a measure of the basic level of a genius. Being able to tell the difference between life and death within a few moves and beating the opponent until they have no temper and no strength to even speak. This is the true genius of the world.

Undoubtedly, this young man in Tsing Yi who had been silent for two years and was thought to have been left behind by the world's most talented people, Demon Prince, did it.

He did it, but he almost shocked everyone's eyes.

"Old Li, you are now a powerful monk on the second level of Immortal Platform. When you were in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, were you able to withstand that finger just now?"

The monk who was called Lao Wang rolled his eyes and said:
"Old Wang, if I could withstand that finger just now in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, I wouldn't have to talk nonsense with you. I would have attracted Old Wang to me with your beauty like a flower, Saibi Xihuang, and all kinds of charm. The Taoist monk who kept looking back was snatched away."

Lao Wang muttered in a low voice.

"Old Wang, what did you just say?"

"I said we will always be good buddies~~!"

Suddenly, an old figure appeared in the void, picking up the ancient one who was seriously injured and unconscious.

"Thank you, His Highness the Demon Prince, for your great kindness. The Guhua Dynasty will definitely remember the prince's great kindness."

The visitor knew that the demon prince just now took the initiative to lead Gu Yi to completely fall into the demonic side of the god-demonic body, and then shattered the demonic will with one finger to prevent Gu Yi from becoming a demon who only knows how to kill.

The demon prince worked so hard just to give Gu Yi, the god and demon body, a chance to completely master the power of demons and fully tap into the full potential of the forbidden body, the god and demon body.

What, you said that if it is so simple, why didn't the Guhua Dynasty do this?

Do you think you are the one who can make Zhongzhou No. 1, the little emperor uncle of the Guhua Dynasty, Gu Yi, who has the body of a god and a demon, be overwhelmed by the anger in your heart and destroy your psychological defenses?
For this alone, let alone the Guhua Dynasty, it would be difficult to find such a person even in the entire Zhongzhou and even the five regions of Beidou, not even the Southern Demon Qi Lin and the Northern Emperor Wang Teng, who are both the three most outstanding geniuses in the world.

Li Chengnian could feel that the aura of the old man in front of him definitely surpassed that of the King of Zhandao. He was at least a semi-saint, and should be one of the dusty heritage of the Guhua Dynasty. Therefore, the status of Ancient One, the god and demon body, was vaguely higher in the Guhua Dynasty. A bloodline like Yu Jiang Yifei's status in the Jiang family has returned to his ancestors.

"It's all right."

Li Chengnian did this just to have a few decent opponents, otherwise it would be too boring, and he also wanted to see how powerful the god-demon body that even Old Man Xue was full of praise for was?
Let his true dragon body and the legendary forbidden body of gods and demons collide to see who is stronger!
Hearing this, the old man bowed again and said:

"His Royal Highness is so kind to you. The Guhua Dynasty is willing to advance and retreat together with the Demon Emperor Palace in the future."

"Okay, you talk a lot of nonsense. If you don't leave quickly, your god and demon body will die soon."

"Goodbye old man."

The old man gave a wry smile, then bowed respectfully, and left with Ancient One, the god and demon body, with a bloody hole in his chest.

Just like the battle between Li Chengnian and Ji Zi, there was no doubt that they would win, so Jiang Yifei and Nan Yao Qilin were going back and forth, using various secret techniques at their fingertips, which made everyone watching from a distance enjoy themselves.

"The demon comes to the world!"

The overwhelming surge of demonic power seemed to be able to shake the entire divine city. Nan Yao Qi Lin's face was solemn. He moved his hands repeatedly, and black lines appeared on his body surface, condensing in the void, and actually turned into a peerless demon. It emits an extremely intimidating momentum.

"Sure enough, I only gave him the wrong name, not the wrong nickname!"

"Yes, he is indeed a Southern Demon. He is actually able to transform into such a peerless heavenly demon. This emperor of the Jiang Clan may be in danger."

Feeling the breathtaking pressure of the heavenly demon above the sky, some people sighed in their hearts, fearing that the winner of this battle would be decided.

At the same time, the blood in Jiang Yifei's body boiled, and the immortal five-colored divine fire condensed on his head, and gradually a five-colored divine phoenix formed above his head.

He, as the person with the highest bloodline return in the history of the Jiang family, the forbidden secret technique pioneered by Emperor Hengyu will never be weaker than the real emperor's son in his hands.

The divine phoenix screamed, the flames surged into the sky, and the colorful divine fires in the sky reflected him like an emperor born from the flames.

Although this kind of fire is only a real fire condensed by acquired practice, it is definitely not weaker than the legendary divine fire of the Golden Crow clan, and is even better than it by a few points, because it is a taboo created by the legendary emperor, Emperor Hengyu. occult.

Jiang Yifei's true body was covered by the five-color divine fire, and the divine phoenix condensed by the five-color divine fire was stepped on under his feet.

Standing on the divine phoenix, Jiang Yifei stood proudly in the sky, looking calmly at the Southern Demon Qi Lin opposite.

One is Nan Yao Qi Lin, one of the three most unparalleled geniuses in the world, and the other is the emperor of the Jiang family who has returned to his ancestors.

The two just looked at each other, and the next moment——

The two of them moved at the same moment without any warning.

Colorful divine fire shot out, and the sky was filled with darkness.

The world between heaven and earth is filled with colorful divine fire and black demonic power. Centered on the two, behind Jiang Yifei is the boundless world of colorful divine flames, and behind the southern demon Qi Lin is a world enveloped and suppressed by black demonic power.

The collision of divine fire and demonic power.

The confrontation between Emperor Wei and the Sky Demon.

The showdown between heroes and genius~!


A loud bang exploded in everyone's ears, and the next moment the void collapsed, buildings flew into the air, and the aftermath of the confrontation between the two crushed everything in its path.

Deng deng pedal!
Both of them were rushed back and forth, and they took more than ten steps in the air before barely holding on to their swaying bodies.

With a cry, the shadow of the colorful divine phoenix became extremely dim, as if it would disappear in the next moment.

On the other side, Nan Yao Qi Lin also looked a little embarrassed, his black hair was directly washed away, and the giant shadow of the sky demon was also looming.

(End of this chapter)

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