The taboo that covers the sky

Chapter 120: Is the "bald donkey" in the Western Desert thinking about it?

Chapter 120: Is the "bald donkey" in the Western Desert thinking about it? (Three chapters in one, 6K chapters)

Above the sky, it became quiet for an instant.

The next moment, the giant shadow of the sky demon behind Nan Yao turned into little black lights and returned to his body.

Looking silently at Jiang Yifei, who was standing proudly on top of the colorful divine phoenix, the southern demon Qi Lin calmed down his fluctuating demon power and said softly:
"You are very strong, I am not sure I can beat you."

Jiang Yifei calmed down the surging divine power in his body and sighed:

"me too."

Then Nan Yao Qi Lin bowed his hands to the young man in green who was standing quietly on top of the divine dragon in the distance, then transformed into a divine rainbow and disappeared into the sky.

It wasn't until he watched Nan Yao leave from a distance that Jiang Yifei trembled and his expression changed inexplicably.

"Southern Demon Qi Lin, Nanling No. 1 who has defeated all the invincible opponents in Nanling, is really terrifying~~!"

He lowered his head and looked at the blood flowing from his wrist. Only he knew that he was almost unable to withstand the last blow just now.


At this moment, a dragon's roar sounded in Jiang Yifei's ears, and Jiang Yifei almost fell to the ground accidentally.

Jiang Yifei, who had stabilized his body, looked up and saw——

Not far away, a figure in green clothes stepped on a divine dragon, standing on the sky out of thin air. It was really cool and unrestrained. Compared with this, the looming colorful phoenix under his feet was a little hard to grasp.

"Brother Li, you are really domineering. Once you point it out, the gods and demons will be shocked."

After a burst of envy, jealousy and hatred in his heart, Jiang Yifei praised without hesitation that it was a god and demon body. It can only be said that people are completely different from each other.

Looking at the calm and clear Ji Zi next to him and the fragments of the golden chariot scattered on the ground, it means that among the three of them, he is the only one who has not defeated his opponent.

"Come on, I just heard you saying in your heart that I was showing off."

"Brother Li, I don't have this, so don't talk nonsense."

Jiang Yifei hurriedly denied it.

"Brother Li, fortunately you have lived up to your fate."

At this time, the elusive Jizi appeared directly beside the two of them, cupping their hands.

"Brother Ji's Great Void Technique can really be said to kill people invisible."

Li Chengnian recalled the scene where Ji Zi and Wang Teng fought just now, and sighed in his heart. Wang Teng can be honored as the Northern Emperor, and he is definitely not weak. However, such a being, during the entire battle just now, was forced by Ji Zi. He played until he lost his temper and even broke his own golden chariot.

Jiang Yifei also said with lingering fear:

"If Brother Ji becomes a killer, I'm afraid he won't have anything to do with the killer dynasty, after all."

As he spoke, Jiang Yifei seemed to feel a strong chill rising in his heart, so he raised his head, looked timidly at the expressionless Ji Zi opposite him, and said in a low voice:

"Brother Ji, if I say that I was not the one who said that just now, would you believe it?"

Ji Zi gave him an extremely indifferent look and didn't say a word, but it made Jiang Yifei feel that his life was in danger.

In this regard, Li Chengnian said that Jiang Yifei once again refreshed his impression of him. He dared to let the descendants of the dignified Void Emperor be the killer. This guy was the only one. Fortunately, Ji Zi had a good temper. If it had been another Ji family member today. Anyone present here would definitely have rolled up his sleeves and fought with Jiang Yifei to death.

"Okay, Tingting, it's time for us to go."

Just like that, under everyone's gaze, Li Chengnian disappeared into the sky with Xiao Tingting, who was holding the Tianwen Sword tightly in both hands, stepping on the divine dragon.

"Ah, I'm so envious!"

"Ride a dragon, every monk's dream!"

This scene directly made everyone present feel infinite envy. Even Ji Zi, who had always been extremely indifferent to everything, couldn't help but have her eyes watering.

The hazy night enveloped the entire divine city. Li Chengnian, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed practicing, heard the movement outside the door and opened his eyes leisurely, with a smile on his lips.

"I thought you would wait until midnight to come to me, but I didn't expect you to come so soon."

After hearing Li Chengnian's words, the person outside the door no longer hid, Zila pushed open the door, and Jiang Yifei's handsome face, second only to Li Chengnian's, was revealed.

"Brother Li, the God King of our clan is in danger, can you please help me?"

Li Chengnian said calmly:

"You, the Jiang family, can't handle it. How can I, a little dragon-turning monk, help?"

"Brother Li, you don't want it"

Jiang Yifei was about to speak again, but was interrupted by Li Chengnian with a wave of his hand:
"Okay, now that you're like this, I won't joke with you anymore. I'm going to fight with you."

Hearing this, Jiang Yifei replied without hesitation:

"Are you so decisive without even thinking about it?"

"As long as Brother Li comes to help, I, Jiang Yifei, swear in the name of the Jiang family that I will definitely give Douzi Mi my hands."

"it is good."

"Then Brother Li, let's meet again in three days."

Three days later, as the news of the birth of Emperor Wushi became more and more intense, disciples from the Holy Land Dynasties of all the major families in Beidou came.

The Holy Son of Nanling Xingyue Holy Land, the Saint of Eastern Wilderness Purple Mansion Holy Land, the new generation of Source Masters from the Four Origin Arts Families, the Holy Son and Saint of Four Symbols Holy Land, the Saint of Dao Yi Holy Land, all of them are saint-level figures. No less than a hundred.

In addition, the heads of the dynasties of the major Holy Land families also gathered in the Jiang family, but their level was generally not on par with the young prodigies.

Divine City, Jiang Family Immortal Palace.

In the palace, there was a bright light. Teams of white-clothed spiritual maidens danced gracefully, with rising mist lingering in the air. There were also maids with fairy-like faces waiting with jade plates in their hands. On the jade plates were various kinds of fairy-brewed spiritual fruits.

Although it is the human world, it is better than the fairy world.

It is like the Nine Heavens Pavilion and the Immortal Palace, placed above the Heavenly Palace and beside the Queen Mother Yaochi Lake.

Jiang Yifei stood in front of a white jade table and said to the little bald man:
"Buddha, please wait a moment. As the host, Yifei still needs to entertain other people."

"Donor Jiang, you're welcome. The young monk can just wander around by himself."

The little bald man clasped his hands together, and the smile on his face never diminished, giving people the feeling that Maitreya Buddha was alive.

In response, Jiang Yifei nodded slightly to apologize, then turned and left.

"In the Holy Land of Star and Moon, the star of the starlight divine body has arrived~!"

As soon as he sang and shouted, a young man in blue walked out of the fairy palace with a halo of stars in his behavior. Even if he was in the fairy palace where the geniuses gathered, he could still feel the exclusive coolness under the moonlit night. .

"Brother Taoist who has seen Xingyue Holy Land, please come in."

Jiang Yifei went up to him and made a gesture of invitation, and soon a maid came to guide Xing Yiming, the star god body, to the fairy palace.

"Emperor Jiang is so polite. I'm flattered by Yiming."

Starlight Divine Body Xing Yiming bowed his hands to Jiang Yifei and said, their Xingyue Holy Land is just an ordinary Nanling Holy Land. If it weren't for the Nanling Overlord Demon Emperor Palace taking the lead this time, Xingyue Holy Land would not interfere with it. After all, Although the inheritance of Emperor Wushi is good, Beidou is too big and their Xingyue is too weak.


Jiang Yifei hurriedly shook his head, indicating that he didn't have to do this.

He could feel the strong starlight power in the body of the Holy Son of Nanling Xingyue Holy Land, and knew that he was another young prodigy who was not weaker than the Ji family's divine king. However, his attitude towards life was different from that of the former Ji. Haoyue is completely different.

"The most frequent visitor from the Dongfang family of the Yuanshu family, the Holy Body Ye Fan has arrived."

"The Ji Shenwang of the Ji family of the ancient family has arrived!"

Astral God Body Xing Yiming had just sat down, and there was another singing and shouting outside the door, and then a man with black hair like a waterfall and blood like a dragon appeared. Next to him, there was another man with waist-length hair, skin as good as snow, and a face full of It was an elf girl with a smile, big eyes that were almost crescent-shaped, and dimples emerging. Behind the two of them was the expressionless Ji Haoyue, the god king of the Ji family.

"Brother Ye, Brother Haoyue, please come quickly."

Jiang Yifei greeted him again.

"Hey, Jiang, haven't you seen the future Purple Moon Immortal?"

Ji Ziyue, who was ignored, said dissatisfiedly.

Jiang Yifei, who had already experienced Ji Ziyue's mischief, was not upset and directly invited with a smile:

"Purple Moon Immortal, please."

Ji Ziyue nodded with satisfaction, then looked proudly at Ye Fan and Ji Haoyue beside her and said:
"That's pretty much it. Boy Ye, boy Haoyue, let's go. I, Immortal Ziyue, will take you in."

But obviously, Ye Fan and Ji Haoyue were too lazy to talk to her and walked directly into the fairy palace.

"The Demon Celestial Demon Body has arrived~!"

Outside the Yaoguang Palace, a man in black walked from a distance, filled with demonic aura, as if a demon from heaven had descended into the world.

The status of the Celestial Demon Body among the demon clan is vaguely comparable to that of the human saint body. When the Celestial Demon Body is completed, it is a supreme demon.

It is said that after cultivating to the extreme, his body is like gold and stone, and his movements are like thunder. Even the Holy Body of the human race, which is respected for its physical strength, can compete with it.

And more importantly, in this post-ancient era, the human race's holy body is cursed by heaven and earth, and the path of cultivation is almost cut off, but the heavenly demon body has always been the supreme physique of the demon race.

Therefore, the arrival of the Heavenly Demon Body also announced that the level of this banquet has reached a higher level.

After the Heavenly Demon Body entered the Immortal Palace, he looked at the geniuses of the human race who could be seen everywhere in the Immortal Palace, and then he snorted coldly. The relationship between the Donghuang Demon Clan and the human race could not be said to be good, nor could it be said to be bad.

"Young Master Blood Crow is here!"

There was a chorus outside the door, and another guy with surging demonic power and frightening blood entered the fairy palace.

As soon as he came in, he felt the fierce gazes, and there was a lot of malice in these gazes directed at him.

If we were to talk about which clan among the Eastern Wasteland monster clan has the most tense relationship with the human race, then the Blood Crow clan would definitely be ranked in the top three, not even the third.

All this starts with the cultivation method of the Blood Crow clan. Blood Crow, as the name suggests, the most indispensable thing is blood. When it comes to blood, except for uncivilized beasts, there is no other race in the world that can compete with the human race.

What's more, the human race has innate spiritual wisdom, which is one of the blood spirits most suitable for the blood crows to cultivate. It is comparable to those powerful demon clans with extraordinary talents, and even surpasses them in some places. In addition, the human race is generally weak. Therefore, the Blood Crow clan has had a blood feud with the human race for so many years.

Of course, it is not that there are no human forces who want to destroy the Blood Crow clan in recent years, but because the Blood Crow clan uses blood energy to practice, the clan's forces are extremely powerful, and they are closely related to the Golden Crow clan, which is rumored to be the Demon Clan Imperial Clan, and the Blood Crow clan The traces are strange and difficult to find, so after so many years, the Blood Crow Clan still stands at the top of the Eastern Wasteland Monster Clan.

"Human Saint Body, Ji Family God King Body, Jie Jie~~" The words coming from the blood made Jiang Yifei frown, but as the head of the family, he still endured it.


"But that's it~!"

As Young Master Blood Crow spoke these words, boom, a streak of colorful divine fire rose up from the clouds and passed directly in front of him, followed by another round of moonlight that flashed away.

Jiang Yifei extinguished the divine fire in his hand, subconsciously looked back at Ji Haoyue, and then said:

"Please, this is the Jiang family, don't be too presumptuous, otherwise even if the leader of the Golden Crow clan comes, he won't be able to save you~!"

The Blood Crow Clan looked at Jiang Yifei's back with cold eyes. If it had been in another place or another time, he would have probably killed him with a sneak attack. By using his Jiang Clan Emperor's blood to practice, he might have been promoted directly by then. The realm of Immortal Two Great Powers.

But as mentioned before, this is the Jiang family, and I'm afraid he was shot to death by the hidden masters of the Jiang family before he could take action.

Feeling the malicious looks from all directions, the Blood Crow Young Master snorted and directly found a seat to sit down, but the demonic power and rich blood spread wantonly from the center of his own position.


God King Ti Ji Haoyue hummed softly, and the water-like moonlight flowed out of his body, directly forcing back the mighty demonic power.


At the beginning, the little bald man recited the Buddha's name, and then he saw the cassock on his body emitting a faint golden light, which dispersed the rich blood energy of the Blood Crow Young Master, and the old god was sitting there on the ground.

"Jiejie, I feel that after devouring your flesh and blood, my blood demon method will be perfected very quickly~!!"

There is a crazy look in the eyes of the Blood Crow Young Master, which makes the demon body over there think that he is crazy. How can a mere crow be crazier than him!
However, he was too lazy to care about the other party. The relationship between the Blood Crow clan and the human race was not good, but the relationship with the other demon clan was not that good either. It was a bit too much to say that they were just passers-by.

"Amitabha, this benefactor, you are surrounded by injustices and sins. Please don't commit any more sins of killing!"

The little bald man clasped his hands together and spoke calmly.

"Master, I feel that you also want to kill this crow? When you do it, remember to notify me in advance, otherwise I will get there first. Master, don't blame me."

Ji Haoyue picked up the wine glass and cupped her hands towards the little bald head, seemingly apologizing, but the murderous intent in her eyes became stronger, as if she was going to take action directly in the next moment.

"Amitabha, what the donor Ji said is serious. Monks are compassionate. The young monk just wants to use his own Buddha nature to awaken the kindness of the blood crow donor. From then on, he puts down the butcher's knife and devotes himself to doing good."

When the little bald man said this, the golden light on his face shone like a reincarnation of the Buddha, making it impossible for anyone to question his words.

"Bald Donkey, sooner or later, this young master will have to taste whether your flesh and blood is delicious."

The Young Master of Blood Crow said with a smile in his eyes, and occasionally stuck out his tongue to lick his long black nails, and then looked at Ji Haoyue with extremely provocative eyes:
"And you, Ji Family Divine King Body, after today, this young master will not treat you badly."

"I am waiting."

Ji Haoyue looked relaxed and said boldly:

"It's just an uneducated crow. It can be suppressed by raising your hand. When the time comes, this God King will also want to see whether the heart of your Blood Crow clan is black or red."

"The Holy Maiden of the Purple Mansion Holy Land has arrived~!"

A girl dressed in purple and with a cold expression walked in slowly. She had no intention of saying hello to anyone else. She noticed the direction of the female monk and walked directly to the banquet room where the female monk was.

The arrival of the Holy Maiden from the Purple Mansion Holy Land was just the beginning, and people started to take their seats one after another.

The saints and saints of the Four Symbols Holy Land, the princes and princesses of the Zhongzhou Immortal Dynasty, the descendants of the Huanggu family, etc. That is to say, the Jiang family’s Immortal Palace is big enough. Otherwise, according to the proud temperament of these proud people, they would all be next to each other. Sooner or later, we have to fight together.

After all, Beidou is a big place, and there are many forces that are good friends with each other, but there are even more forces that have had gaps with each other. There are even some secrets between the forces that few people know. There are some two people who are apparently incompatible with each other. Or there is a lot of hatred between several forces.

Li Chengnian, Xiao Tingting, and Ji Zi were almost the last to arrive. From a distance, they saw Jiang Yifei alone and messy in the wind. When he saw that it was almost afternoon, Jiang Yifei became even more heartbroken.

He really wanted to shut out these three people, but he didn't dare!
Daring to shut out these three people, especially Li Chengnian and Ji Zi, is equivalent to slapping the faces of extreme forces such as the Nanling Overlord Demon Emperor Palace and the Ji family of the ancient family at the same time. A slap.

Such a thing, let alone a small member of the Jiang family, could not do this even if he assumed that Jiang Yifei was really the true emperor of the Jiang family.

"I said you two brothers really made me wait~!"

Although Jiang Yifei had a thick smile on his face, anyone with a discerning eye could see the gritted teeth on his face when he said this.

"It doesn't matter if you wait, tempering your temperament will be beneficial to your future monastic career."

Li Chengnian dodged, then walked past Jiang Yifei with Xiao Tingting, who was holding a sword in both hands, and walked straight in.

"Sorry, I found a place to discuss with Brother Li, and I hope Haihan~!"

"It turns out that you two haven't been seen anywhere in the city for the past three days because you were secretly fighting."

Ji Zi's words instantly made Jiang Yifei's irritability disappear, replaced by a strong desire for knowledge.

Of course, Jiang Yifei was not surprised by the choice of the two. He knew that neither Li Chengnian nor Ji Zi was interested in being viewed as monkeys, so they secretly had a fight in private. He understood it very well. The only thing that he can't feel relieved about now is that he still doesn't know who of these two guys has won.

"Hey, can you tell me the details?"

It was completely impossible to expect a taciturn guy like Ji Zi to retell the whole battle between Li Chengnian and him, so Jiang Yifei was a little curious about the outcome.

"I'm not so sure either."

However, Ji Zi's words made him confused. Jiang Yifei couldn't wait to ask:
"What does not know mean? Why don't you know? You must know that you are the protagonist of the battle! Protagonist, do you know what the protagonist is?"

Ji Zi pondered for a moment, and then once again threw out a result that made Jiang Yifei crazy.

"It should be Brother Li who won, but that's not right, or it might be me who won, but that's still wrong, it should be that I didn't lose."

Turning around with a dark face, Jiang Yifei quickly disappeared in front of Ji Zi. He felt that he should ask someone else, otherwise he would be driven crazy by Ji Zi sooner or later.

"Brother Li, I have a doubt. Can you tell me?"

Facing Jiang Yifei's smiling face, Li Chengnian guessed what he wanted to ask and said calmly:
"I didn't win."

"So Brother Ji won?"

"I do not know."

Li Chengnian thought about it seriously and then said.

In his opinion, Ji Zi's cultivation level in the sixth level of Xianyi and his current cultivation level of dragon transformation, if he does not suppress his realm, he will definitely not be able to win. After all, the bloodline of the Void Emperor that Ji Zi inherited is really difficult to deal with. , even if he used the writing secret, he could barely keep up.

But it would be unrealistic to say that he lost, because he did defeat Ji Zi who had suppressed the realm to the first and second levels of immortality.

Okay, this is another extremely disturbing result, but seeing the serious expressions on Li Chengnian and Ji Zi's face, Jiang Yifei didn't know what to say.

As Li Chengnian and his party were almost late all morning, the arrival of Li Chengnian and Ji Zi attracted everyone's attention.

Some are curious, some are confused, and they all want to see who is putting on such a grand display.

But when those two faces appeared in everyone's eyes, everyone didn't know what to say. As prince-level figures, the identities of these two people were indeed far above everyone present.

"I've met Xiao Zu, I've met the Demon Prince."

Ji Haoyue bowed and saluted simply, followed by Ji Ziyue.

Then, Ye Fan and others also greeted each other one by one. Only a few people were indifferent, including our Xia Jiuyou, who has higher aspirations than the sky, the Young Master of Blood Crow, the Heavenly Demon Body, etc.

However, one person's reaction surprised Li Chengnian.

"Xing Yiming from Nanling Xingyue Holy Land has met His Royal Highness. Prince, please sit down."

Li Chengnian glanced at the smiling man in blue in front of him, and then said:
"you are?"

The man in blue hurriedly raised his hands and said:
"His Royal Highness, my name is Xing Yiming, and I am the Holy Son of the generation of Nanling Xingyue Holy Land."

Now Li Chengnian understood what was going on. Among the five regions of Beidou, Zhongzhou and Donghuang were the most prosperous. Donghuang had many holy places and ancient families. Zhongzhou had four immortal dynasties and hundreds of schools of thought. However, Donghuang and Zhongzhou Being prosperous also means that there are the most factions.

As for the remaining Beiyuan, Nanling and West Desert, except for the slightly chaotic Beiyuan, Nanling and West Desert are relatively unified.
Except for the Hundred Thousand Mountains known as the Life Forbidden Zone, almost half of the territory in Nanling is within the sphere of influence of the Demon Emperor Palace. As for some other areas, except for a few forces, most of them also follow the Demon Emperor Palace.

Among them, the Western Desert is more unified than the Nanling. Buddhism founded by Emperor Amitabha almost occupies the entire Western Desert. Buddhism has also become an outlier among the many forces in Beidou. One religion occupies one state, and no one knows the origin of Buddhism. How deep is the power base?

And the Xingyue Holy Land to which Xing Yiming belongs is the only Holy Land among the three Holy Lands in Nanling except the Demon Emperor's Palace that bows its head to the Demon Emperor's Palace. Of course, although the other two Holy Lands do not bow their heads, they do not do so openly. Shang also never dared to target the Demon Emperor Palace.

In this way, perhaps because of the colored glasses, Li Chengnian suddenly felt that the man in blue in front of him suddenly became very pleasing to the eye.

Dressed in blue, he is as rich as jade, and his movements are graceful and dignified. He is a talent that can be created.

Li Chengnian stretched out his hand and pointed to the silent little Tingting, who was holding a sword with both hands beside him, and took the initiative to introduce:

"This is my roommate, Jiang Tingting."

"I've seen Miss."

Xing Yiming simply bowed and saluted again.

"Hello, just call me Tingting."

Xiao Tingting also nodded proactively. After all, if Li Chengnian recognized the other party, she would also recognize the person in front of her.

"Don't dare, how dare Yiming to overstep his bounds."

Xing Yiming hurriedly handed over his hands and confessed.

At this time, Li Chengnian suddenly caught a glimpse of the little bald head in the distance and said in surprise:

"What? The bald man in the Western Desert is also interested in the inheritance of Emperor Wu Shi?"

You must know that this group of monks even dared to call a quasi-emperor like Sakyamuni a heretic. Shouldn't they cling to the little things of Amitabha until death?Or have these monks just thought of it over the years?
"Your Highness, the holy monk called Wu Xin. I heard that he was the Buddha from another starry sky."

"Don't those bald people in Buddhism emphasize compassion? If they don't even have a heart, how can they talk about compassion~! This Wu Xin is just a fake name."

The mention of Buddhism reminds Li Chengnian of the professional monks he once had before time travel. You cannot become a monk without a bachelor's degree. As for hosting, you need a graduate degree.

Before he traveled through time, he heard that the Shaolin Temple somewhere was spending hundreds of millions to enter the real estate industry. How should I put it, the monks in that era were really rich!

Moreover, as a monk during the day, who knows where he wanders around at night?
Maybe he is busy rescuing the poor female benefactor every night?

This made Li Chengnian, who was still a novice at that time, envious!

PS: You can guess the true identity of this "Wuxin".

(End of this chapter)

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